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解析: 硬肿发生的顺序是小腿→大腿外侧→下肢→臀部→面颊→上肢→全身。
更多 “单选题新生儿硬肿症最先出现硬肿的部位是()A 面颊部B 上肢C 躯干D 小腿E 臀部” 相关考题
考题 单选题为了查看Quidway路由器搭建的帧中继网络的封装类型,应启用什么命令?()A display fr map-info(显示映射表)B display fr pvc-info(PVC统计信息)C display fr lmi-infoD display interface

考题 多选题Which two are advantages of static routing when compared to dynamic routing?()ASecurity increases because only the network administrator may change the routing tables.BConfiguration complexity decreases as network size increases.CRouting updates are automatically sent to neighbors.DRoute summarization iscompued automatically by the router.ERouting traffic load is reduced when used in stub network linksFAn efficient algorithm is used to build routing tables,using automatic updates.GRouting tables adapt automatically to topology changes.

考题 单选题以下关于急性呼吸衰竭的基本治疗原则叙述不正确的是()A 促进氧气摄取B 减少二氧化碳排出C 纠正酸、碱失衡及电解质紊乱D 维持重要器官的功能E 预防感染

考题 多选题Which two statements describe the advantages to the use of RIP over the use of OSPF?()ARIP requires less time to convergeBRIP uses less bandwidthCRIP is less complex to configureDRIP demands fewer router resourcesERIP has a more accurate metric

考题 单选题男婴,7个月,近两个月来肤色苍白,食欲减退入院。生后一直人工喂养,未加辅食。查体:营养差,皮肤、黏膜苍白,心前区有Ⅱ级收缩期杂音,肝肋下3cm,脾肋下1cm。化验:血红蛋白及红细胞均低于正常,白细胞、血小板及网织红细胞均正常。此患儿发病的主要原因是()A 喂养不当B 丢失过多C 营养物质吸收障碍D 生长发育过快E 慢性感染

考题 单选题患儿男,3岁。突然出现脐周持续性腹痛,伴腹泻,初为黄色水样便,次数不定,后转为红色果酱样血便,伴特殊腥臭味,同时患儿有腹胀、呕吐。查体:T39℃,精神萎靡,腹部不固定性压痛。对该患儿饮食管理采取的措施是()A 禁食,胃肠减压B 喂糖水C 喂稀释的牛奶D 低脂饮食E 少渣饮食

考题 单选题If the bandwidth of an OSPF interface is 64, what would be the calculated cost of the link?()A 1B 10C 1562D 64000E 128000F None of the above

考题 单选题当路由器在经历了OSPF交换协议,它以什么顺序通过每个状态呢?()A  exstart stateexchange stateloading statefull stateB  exstart statefull stateloading stateexchange stateC  Loading stateexchange statefull stateexstart stateD  exstart stateloading stateexchange statefull state

考题 单选题Which item represents the standard IP ACL?()A access-list 50 deny access-list 110 permit ip any anyC access-list 2500 deny tcp any host eq 22D access-list 101 deny tcp any host

考题 多选题When a switch port is used as a VLAN trunk, which of the following trunk modes are valid?()ABlockingBAutoCDesirableDOnETransparentFLearning

考题 单选题In a GLBP network, who is responsible for the arp request?()A AVFB AVG(active virtual gateway)C Active RouterD Standby Router

考题 单选题Which encapsulation type is a Frame Relay encapsulation type that is supported by Cisco routers?()A IETFB HDLCC Q9333-A Annex AD ANSI Annex D

考题 单选题女婴,出生体重2300g,属于()A 极低出生体重儿B 超低出生体重儿C 低出生体重儿D 正常体重儿E 巨大儿

考题 单选题在使用VLSM技术的网络中使用一个C类的IP地址,以下哪个子网掩码在点对点串行链路中是最不浪费地址空间的?()A

考题 单选题Why does RouterA show multiple unequal cost paths to network。A A variance was configured for EIGRP autonomous system 109.B The EIGRP topology table displays all routes to a destination.C The EIGRP topology table shows only backup routes to a destination.D Multiple floating static routes were configured to network via interface Serial0.

考题 单选题在Windows95/98的DOS窗口下,能用以下命令察看主机的路由表()。A display ip routing-tableB arp-aC tracerouteD route print

考题 单选题21-三体综合征常伴有下列畸形,除外(  )。A 脐疝B 隐睾C 小阴茎D 先天性心脏病E 血友病

考题 单选题慢性泌尿道感染的病程多在()A 4周以上B 8周以上C 6~8周以内D 3个月以上E 6个月以上

考题 单选题患儿,男,6岁,因少尿、血尿5天以急性肾小球肾炎收住入院,近一天呕吐5次,伴头痛、烦躁不安、一过性失明,该患儿可能出现了(  )。A 严重的循环充血B 高血压脑病C 消化性溃疡D 脑栓塞E 脑膜炎

考题 单选题Which parameter can be tuned to affect the selection of a static route as a backup. when a dynamic protocol is also being used?()A link bandwidthB hop countC link costD administrative distanceE link delay

考题 单选题2500g的患儿出生2天后应为(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题How does system management differ between Cisco and Cisco Small Business products?()A Cisco Small Business products are supported by intuitive GUIs.B Cisco products are supported by multiple manageability options.C Cisco Small Business products offer multiple manageability interfaces.D Cisco products offer individual device management.

考题 单选题米粉()A 缓冲力大,对胃酸中和作用大B 含酪蛋白多C 叶酸、维生素B12含量少D 以糖为主,蛋白质偏低E 含各种抗体

考题 单选题The following Cisco Catalyst Series switches fit in the access area. Which switches also utilize StackWise technology to address the needs of companies with growing networks by allowing them to connect?()A  Cisco Express Catalyst 500 Series switchesB  Cisco Catalyst 2900 Series switchesC  Cisco Catalyst 3560 switchesD  Cisco Catalyst 3700 Series switchesE  Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series switchesF  Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series switches

考题 单选题小儿肥胖症的正确饮食结构()A 以蛋白质为主B 以碳水化合物为主C 以脂肪为主D 以纤维素为主E 以维生素和矿物质为主

考题 单选题患儿,女,1岁5个月,因青紫1年诊断为法洛四联症,今患儿哭闹后突然出现昏厥、青紫加重,考虑为()A 心律失常B 心力衰竭C 脑血栓D 缺氧发作E 脑膜炎

考题 多选题Which three statements about the features of SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 are true?()ASNMPv3 enhanced SNMPv2 security featuresBSNMPv3 added the Inform protocol message to SNMPCSNMPv2 added the Inform protocol message to SNMPDSNMPv3 added the GetBulk protocol messages to SNMPESNMPv2 added the GetBulk protocol message to SNMPFSNMPv2 added the GetNext protocol message to SNMP

考题 单选题患儿男,7岁。8月份外出旅游时发病。表现高热、惊厥3次急诊入院。体温39.5℃,面色苍白,四肢厥冷,意识模糊。护士考虑该患儿是()A 高热惊厥B 中毒型细菌性痢疾C 乙型脑炎D 麻疹脑炎E 结核性脑膜炎