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You add the following commands into a routed topology: router eigrp 1 variance 3 traffic-share min across-interfaces. Users now complain about voice quality in your VoIP system. What should be done? ()

 Add the command: router eigrp 1 traffic-share voice interface fast 0/0


 Reconfigure EIGRP to recognize voice packets


 Remove the variance from the configuration


 Reconfigure the VoIP system to use RTP sequence number headers


 Use an H '323 gatekeeper for your VoIP system to negotiate an H'245 uneven packet buffer


 Reconfigure EIGRP to version 2


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题You add the following commands into a routed topology: router eigrp 1 variance 3 traffic-share min across-interfaces. Users now complain about voice quality in your VoIP system. What should be done? ()A  Add the command: router eigrp 1 traffic-share voice interface fast 0/0B  Reconfigure EIGRP to recognize voice packetsC  Remove the variance from the configurationD  Reconfigure the VoIP system to use RTP sequence number headersE  Use an H '323 gatekeeper for your VoIP system to negotiate an H'245 uneven packet bufferF  Reconfigure EIGRP to version 2” 相关考题
考题 单选题下列哪项是肾挫裂伤早期最佳治疗?(  )A 肾修补术B 卧床休息和支持疗法C 半肾切除D 肾周血肿早期引流E 肾造瘘

考题 单选题多根多处肋骨骨折()A 反常呼吸B 胸膜损伤后,空气进入胸膜腔,异常通道自动闭合C 肺裂伤破裂处形成活瓣,气体只能进胸膜腔而不能排出D 胸壁伤口与胸膜腔相通E 肺组织损伤,血液积聚于胸膜腔

考题 问答题What is the three main step of using the QoS feature with MQC command line interface?

考题 问答题when you use LSA type 4 in OSPF environment?

考题 多选题When provisioning for Interactive-Video(e,g,video conferencing traffic)which three statementsdepicts the correct requirements?()ALoss should be no more than 1 percent.BOne-way latency should be no more than 150 msCJitter should be no more than 30 msDLoss should be no more than 3 percentEOne-way latency should be no more than 150/2=75 msFJitter should be no more than 300 ms

考题 单选题Which QoS mechanism can help classify different kinds of Citrix traffic (print job versus real-time terminal control)?()A qos-groupB DSCPC LFID NBAR

考题 单选题急性胰腺炎,首先升高的是()A 血糖B 血钙C 血脂肪酶D 血淀粉酶E 尿淀粉酶

考题 单选题The following configuration line was added to router R1 Access-list 101 permit ip any What is the effect of this access list configuration?()A ermit all packet smatching the first three octets of the source address to all destinationsB permit all packet matching the last octet of the destination address and accept all source addressesC permit all packet matching the host bits in the source address to all destinationsD permit all packet from the third subnet of the network address to all destinations

考题 单选题人体维生素D的主要来源是(  )。A 乳类中的维生素DB 蛋黄中的维生素DC 猪肝中的维生素DD 植物中的维生素E 皮肤中的7-脱氢胆固醇

考题 多选题Which two statements about OSPF IPv6 routing are true?()AIt requires OSPF version 3.Bautomatically detects neighbors over NHMA interfacesCIt supports encryption usingDIt uses LSA type 9EIt uses LSA type 8

考题 单选题膀胱进入疝囊,并形成疝囊的一部分()A 难复性疝B 可复性疝C 嵌顿疝D 滑疝E 绞窄性疝

考题 单选题对于因疾病需要长期俯卧位的患者,压疮最易发生在()A 髋部B 髂前上棘C 髂嵴D 大转子处E 额部

考题 单选题用5IU结素作结核菌素试验的主要是为了(  )。A 增强机体对结核菌的免疫力B 测定人体是否受过结核菌感染C 判断结核有无活动性D 诊断是否患有肺结核E 明确肺结核患者是否需隔离治疗

考题 单选题心电图运动试验阳性是指心肌负荷增加后出现()A ST段水平或下斜型压低≥0.05mVB ST段水平或下斜型压低≥0.1mVC ST段水平或下斜型压低≥0.05mV,持续0.08秒D ST段水平或下斜型压低≥0.1mV,持续1分钟以上E ST段水平或下斜型压低≥0.05mV,持续0.16秒

考题 单选题迁延性腹泻是指病程在(  )。A 1~2周B 2周~2个月C 1~3个月D 3~4个月E 3~6个月

考题 单选题与有机磷农药中毒病人抢救成功与否关系较小的是(  )。A 抢救开始时间B 毒物进入体内的方式C 清除毒物是否彻底D 解毒剂应用是否足量E 防止并发症的措施是否有效

考题 单选题急性假丝酵母菌性阴道炎的典型表现是(  )。A 白带增多,呈泡沫状B 白带增多,呈脓性C 白带增多,呈白色豆渣样D 白带增多,呈黄色水样E 白带增多,呈乳白色黏液状

考题 单选题引起Graves病发病的应激因素不包括()A 创伤B 感染C 精神刺激D 过度劳累E 汞中毒

考题 单选题After applying a new ACL on a device, its CPU utilization rose significantly and many messages startingwith "%SEC-6-IPACCESSLOG" appeared on the Syslog server.What can be done to resolve this situation?()A Increase memory allocation for ACLs.B Remove all entries from the ACL and use a single permit ip any any statement.C Remove the log keyword from each ACL entry.D Reboot the device after the ACL has been applied.

考题 单选题肝造血达高峰的时间是(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题妊娠16周(  )。A B C D E

考题 多选题Which two of these are used in the selection of a root bridge in a network utilizing Spanning Tree ProtocolIEEE 802.1 D?()ADesignated Root CostBbridge ID priorityCmax ageDbridge ID MAC addressEDesignated Root PriorityFforward delay

考题 单选题下列关于外阴鳞状细胞癌的叙述中,错误的是(  )。A 是最常见的一种外阴癌B 外阴上皮不典型增生是外阴鳞状细胞癌的一种癌前病变C 外阴上皮不典型增生不能逆转将发展为原位癌,浸润癌D 以直接浸润和淋巴转移较为常见E 手术是主要的治疗手段

考题 单选题吉兰-巴雷综合征典型的脑脊液改变是()A 细胞数增高,蛋白质增高B 细胞数降低,蛋白质降低C 糖、氯化物降低D 淋巴细胞明显增多E 细胞数正常,蛋白质增高

考题 单选题What is the use of an "all configuration" backup in Cisco UCS?()A  Can be used to migrate from a 6120 to a 6140 and retain the same service profilesB  Can only be used on the fabric interconnect on which it was createdC  Can be used to migrate from a 6120 to 6140 and retain system IP addresses and cluster informationD  Can be used to match firmware versions between 6120 and 6140 during a migration

考题 单选题属于脑血管疾病最重要的危险因素是()A 吸烟B 高血压C 肥胖D 高脂血症E 酗酒

考题 问答题what type of route can be advertised to OSPF totally stubby area?

考题 单选题患者,女性,39岁,近半年来,每于感染或劳累后出现劳力性呼吸困难,并逐渐加重,休息后也不易缓解,一周前受凉后出现呼吸困难,伴咳嗽,咳大量泡沫样痰,夜间不能平卧,以"慢性心功能不全,二尖瓣狭窄"收入院。患者既往曾有反复链球菌性咽炎史。该患者心脏瓣膜病最可能的病因是()A 风湿热B 退行性改变C 黏液样变性D 先天性畸形E 缺血性坏死