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更多 “单选题_____A firmB businessC companyD affair” 相关考题
考题 It is a(an) () of setting your goals and following them. A、thingB、eventC、matterD、affair

考题 Even people of great wisdom find it hard to settle a family quarrel. You’d better not get _ in the affairs of the couple. A.readyB.businessC.involvedD.busy

考题 I’m _________ that he is innocent in the whole affair. A. convincingB. believedC. believingD. convinced

考题 () describes the way in which government purchases goods and services through electronic media such as Internet. A、autionerB、government to businessC、broadcasterD、banner ads

考题 Last month he went to New York( )and had little time to visit friends. A. on displayB. on businessC. on footD. on duty

考题 狭义的电子商务的英文表达是:()A.Electronic GovernmentB.Electronic BusinessC. Electronic BankingD.Electronic Commerce

考题 Customer service is the performance of activities to ( )A. control costs of productionB.expand company' s businessC. ensure customer satisfaction

考题 Each ship shall carry on board a ship security plan approved byA.the chief engineer officerB.the master of the shipC.the manager of the companyD.the Administration

考题 Each ship shall carry on board a ship security plan approved by______.A.the chief engineer officerB.the master of the shipC.the manager of the companyD.the Administration

考题 3.A.directorB.personC.companyD.computer

考题 ______ means the Government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly.A.AssemblyB.OrganizationC.CompanyD.Administration

考题 Loss or damage caused by cutting away wreck or parts of the ship which have been previously carried away or are effectively lost by accident shall not be made ______ as general average.A.firmB.sureC.goodD.fair

考题 Shipowner is a person who ______.A.has the ownership of a vesselB.has the ship owned by a shipping companyC.owns no ship of a shipping companyD.owns the ship named by a register of shipping

考题 Procedures for the implementation of corrective action should be established by ______.A.The AdministrationB.The GovernmentC.The CompanyD.The Organization

考题 ______ is responsible for ensuring that adequate resources and shore based support are provided to enable the designated person or persons to carry out their functions.A.The AdministrationB.The GovernmentC.The CompanyD.The Organization

考题 The flight attendants’ most important function is assisting passengers in the_______ of emergency. A.happening B.event C.opening D.affair

考题 “There is no other choice,”she said in a harsh voice.A: firmB: softC: deepD: unkind

考题 选出下列选项中读音不同的选项( )A.actress B.business C.excess D.endless

考题 She is always diplomatic when she deals with naughty students.A: firm B: tactful C: outspoken D:rude

考题 Silva issued a statement denying all knowledge of the affair.A:copied B:printed C:announced D:resembled

考题 As the journey was a long one,he took a friend with him for________.A.pleasure B.entertainment C.company D.defence

考题 中文“社区”一词是从英文()翻译而来的。A、CommunityB、CommuneC、CompanyD、Corporation

考题 ()means to provide facility for customer’s need or inquiry and arrange it.A、serviceB、businessC、customer serviceD、making money

考题 Reverse distribution is the part of ()A、From sellers to buyersB、From buyers to sellersC、From outside to inside of any companyD、From wholesalers to retailers

考题 Returned logistics is the goods flow()A、From sellers to buyersB、From buyers to sellersC、From outside to inside of any companyD、From wholesalers to retailers

考题 电子政务的简称为()。A、E-CommerceB、E-BusinessC、E-GovernmentD、E-Shopping

考题 单选题What kind of book is “The Burton Affair”?A Science fictionB An autobiographyC Journalistic non-fictionD A suspense and thriller novel

考题 单选题The novel Sister Carrie describes()A the death of HurstwoodB the degeneration of Carrie MeeberC how Carrie climbed up the social ladderD Carrie.s love affair with Drouet