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解析: 该题为专业知识记忆题。主要考查猩红热的病原体是A组B型溶血性链球菌,也称化脓性链球菌,直径为0.5~2.0μm,革兰染色阳性。
更多 “单选题猩红热的病原体为()A 草绿色链球菌B 金黄色葡萄球菌C 表皮葡萄球菌D 乙型A组溶血性链球菌E 白色念珠菌” 相关考题
考题 单选题以太网中,是根据()地址来区分不同的设备的。A IP地址B MAC地址C IPX地址D LLC地址

考题 多选题What are some of the advantages of using a router to segment the network? (Choose two.)()AFiltering can occur based on Layer 3 information.BBroadcasts are eliminated.CRouters generally cost less than switches.DBroadcasts are not forwarded across the router.EAdding a router to the network decreases latency.

考题 单选题Which statement describes the process of dynamically assigning IP addresses by the DHCP server?()A Addresses are allocated after a negotiation between the server and the host to determine the length of the agreement.B Addresses are permanently assigned so that the hosts uses the same address at all times.C Addresses are assigned for a fixed period of time, at the end of the period, a new request for an address must be made.D Addresses are leased to hosts, which periodically contact the DHCP server to renew the lease.

考题 单选题患儿,女,1岁,生后3个月起青紫渐加重,活动后气急,查体:生长发育明显落后,口唇、鼻尖、耳垂、指(趾)青紫明显,伴杵状指(趾),胸骨左缘闻及Ⅲ级收缩期杂音,肺动脉瓣第二音减弱。诊断为法洛四联症收住入院。患儿第二天晨起吃奶时出现阵发性呼吸困难、烦躁和青紫加重,出现昏厥,其原因是()A 脑膜炎B 脑栓塞C 脑脓肿D 心力衰竭E 肺动脉漏斗部肌肉痉挛

考题 单选题多数传染病的病程发展具有阶段性,从病原体侵入人体至开始出现临床表现的时期称为()A 恢复期B 前驱期C 症状明显期D 潜伏期E 迁延期

考题 单选题麻疹的治疗主要是()A 抗生素治疗B 抗病毒治疗C 输液治疗D 对症治疗E 肾上腺皮质激素

考题 单选题A router has learned three possible routes that could be used to reach a destination network. One route is from EIGRP and has a composite metric of 20514560. Another route is from OSPF with a metric of 782.The last is from RIPv2 and has a metric of 4. Which route or routes will the router install in the routing table?()A Router R2 will not form a neighbor relationship with R1.B Router R2 will obtain a full routing table, including a default route, from R1.C R2 will obtain OSPF updates from R1, but will not obtain a default route from R1.D R2 will not have a route for the directly connected serial network, but all other directly connected

考题 单选题对结核性脑膜炎患儿,在应用足量抗结核药物的同时,可加用()A 环磷酰胺B 泼尼松C 甲氨蝶呤D 环孢素AE 丙种球蛋白

考题 单选题首选的处理方法为(  )。A 静脉输入10%葡萄糖溶液B 立即用10%葡萄糖酸钙5~10ml加10%葡萄糖稀释后缓慢静注C 立即静注地西泮,再用10%葡萄糖酸钙5~10ml加10%葡萄糖稀释后缓慢静注D 立即肌注维生素D320万单位E 给予20%甘露醇降颅压

考题 多选题Which of the following are key characteristics of PPP? ()Acan be used over analog circuitsBmaps Layer 2 to Layer 3 addressCencapsulates several routed protocolsDsupports IP onlyEprovides error correction

考题 单选题诊断房间隔缺损时,最有意义的右心导管检查结果是(  )。A 导管由右心房进入左心房B 右心房血氧含量高于上下腔静脉平均血氧含量C 右心室血氧含量增高D 右心房压力增高E 右心室压力增高

考题 单选题7岁男孩,因眼睑水肿、血尿2天以急性肾小球肾炎收住入院,该患儿治疗早期最主要的措施是()A 利尿B 使用止血药C 低盐饮食D 低蛋白饮食E 卧床休息

考题 单选题Which Cisco Small Business portfolio product is targeted to customers who leverage technology as a strategic advantage in their business?()A  Cisco Small Business SeriesB  Cisco Integrated Services RoutersC  Cisco Partner Development FundsD  Cisco Small Business Pro SeriesE  Cisco Catalyst Switches

考题 单选题目前,我国应用最为广泛的LAN标准是基于()的以太网标准.A IEEE 802.1B IEEE 802.2C IEEE 802.3D IEEE 802.5

考题 单选题什么存储第2层交换机使用,以决定在哪里转发接收到的帧?()A 源MAC地址B 源IP地址C 源交换机端口D 目的地IP地址E 目标端口地址F 目的MAC地址

考题 单选题Which of these represents an IPv6 link-local address?()A FE08::280e:611:a:f14f:3d69B FE81::280f:512b:e14f:3d69C FE80::380e:611a:e14f:3d69D FEFE:0345:5f1b::e14d:3d69

考题 单选题动脉导管未闭患儿当肺动脉压力超过主动脉时出现的差异性青紫,指的是(  )。A 右上肢青紫B 左上肢青紫C 头面部青紫D 下半身青紫E 上半身青紫

考题 单选题患儿男,4个月。腹泻3天,7~8次/d,蛋花汤样便。呕吐2次,精神稍差,皮肤干燥,皮肤弹性较差,眼窝及前囟明显凹陷,哭时有泪,血清钠128mmol/L,应选用(  )。A B C D E

考题 多选题Given a subnet mask of, which of the following addresses can be assigned to network hosts?()A15.234.118.63B92.11.178.93C134.178.18.56D192.168.16.87E201.45.116.159F217.63.12.192

考题 单选题全脂奶粉稀释成鲜牛奶按容量和重量计算分别是(  )。A 1:3和1:7B 1:4和1:8C 1:4和1:7D 1:7和1:4E 3:1和2:1

考题 多选题什么是两个改进,OSPFv3支持在OSPFv2的?()A它需要使用ARP的。B它可以支持单条链路多个IPv6子网。C最高支持到OSPFv3协议的通过一个共同的链接2实例。D它在路线链接,而不是在网络上。

考题 单选题All WAN links inside the ABC University network use PPP with CHAP for authentication security. Which command will display the CHAP authentication process as it occur between two routers in the network?()A show chap authenticationB show interface serial0C debug ppp authenticationD debug chap authenticationE show ppp authentication chap

考题 多选题A small company that is considering a Cisco converged network solution has asked whether you recommend the Cisco 2800 or 3800 Series Integrated Services Routers. Which two resources would you consult to determine the appropriate product? ()ACisco Partner Consultative SupportBNetwork Availability Improvement SupportCCisco.comDCisco Focused Technical Support

考题 单选题学龄前儿童少尿的标准为一昼夜尿量少于()A 200mlB 300mlC 400mlD 500mlE 600ml

考题 单选题What is the effect of the following access list condition access-list 101 permit ip any()。A permit all packets matching the first three octets of the source address to all destinationsB permit all packets matching the last octet of the destination address and accept all source addressesC permit all packets from the third subnet of the network address to all destinationsD permit all packets matching the host bits in the source address to all destinationsE permit all packets to destinations matching the first three octets in the destination address

考题 单选题When a packet is sent from Host 1 to Server 1, in how many different frames will the packet be encapsulated as it is sent across the internetwork()。A 0B 1C 2D 3E 4

考题 单选题Which option is a valid IPv6 address?()A 2001:0000:130F::099a::12aB 2002:7654:A1AD:61:81AF:CCC1C FEC0:ABCD:WXYZ:0067::2A4D 2004:1:25A4:886F::1

考题 单选题预防意外事故的重点是(  )。A 坠床B 玩锐利器C 开水烫伤D 喂奶后窒息E 相互打闹