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附睾含10 余条睾丸输出小管和一条附睾管。



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考题 单选题梅克尔憩室患儿术后最常见的并发症()A 消化道出血B 急性憩室炎C 肠梗阻D 憩室穿孔

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考题 单选题设X,Y是两个随机变量,其相关系数存在,则下列命题正确的是(  )。A X,Y不相关⇒X,Y不相互独立B X,Y相互独立⇒X,Y不相关C X,Y不相关⇒X,Y相互独立D X,Y相关⇒X,Y相互独立

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考题 单选题对切除胰腺或重度糖尿病患者无效的降糖药为()。A 阿卡波糖B 格列齐特C 甲福明D 苯乙福明E 珠蛋白锌胰岛素

考题 单选题有“东方医药巨典”之称的著作为()A 《千金方》B 《黄帝内经》C 《本草纲目》D 《伤寒杂病论》E 《难经》

考题 单选题石膏绷带包扎后护理,下列哪一项是错误的:()A 应进行固定范围以外的关节伸屈活动B 如有肢体疼痛,切勿随意使用止痛剂C 患肢抬高能减轻肿胀程度D 在石膏尚未干前,如搬动病人要用双手指

考题 单选题麻醉药血中浓度与脑组织浓度达平衡需要( )A 一个时间常数B 5~6分钟C 三个时间常数D 约10个臂-脑循环时间E 以上都不是

考题 问答题Practice 4  The United States perceives itself to be a middle-class nation. However, middle class is not a real designation, nor does it carry privileges(特权). It is more of a perception, which probably was as true as it ever could be right after World War II. The economy was growing, more and more people owned their own homes, workers had solid contracts with the companies that employed them, and nearly everyone who wanted a higher education could have one. Successful people enjoyed upward social mobility. They may have started out poor, but they could become rich. Successful people also found that they had greater geographic mobility, In other words, they found themselves moving to and living in a variety of places.  The middle class collectively holds several values and principles. One strong value is the need to earn enough money to feel that determine one’s own economic fate. In addition, middle-class morality(道德观) embraces principles of individual responsibility, importance of family, obligations to others, and believing in something outside oneself.  But in the 1990s those in the middle class found that there was a price for success. A U. S. New World Report survey in 1994 indicated that 75 percent of Americans believed that class families could no longer make ends meet. Both spouses now worked, as did of the children; long commutes became routine; the need for child care put strains on the families; and public schools were not as good as they once were. Members of the middle class were no longer financing their lifestyles through earnings but were using credit to stay afloat. The understanding of just what middle class meant was changing.

考题 单选题胸中烦热,频欲呕吐,腹痛喜暖,大便稀薄属于()。A 表热里寒B 真热假寒C 上热下寒D 真寒假热

考题 单选题CT图像显示技术中,应用多而且最主要的技术是()A 窗口B 放大C 三维图像重建D 黑白反转