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更多 “单选题中国船舶报告系统对超过规定报告时间3H未报的船舶,一般不按下述()办法办理。A 检查中国船舶报告管理中心是否已收到船舶的报告B 采用有效的通信手段,直接与船舶进行联系C 将下列在船舶报告站通报表中进行普通呼叫D 上报中国海上搜救中心” 相关考题
考题 单选题天赤道平面与真地平平面之间的夹角(),可供观测的天体就()。A 越小;越多B 越小;越少C 越大;越少D 为零;最多

考题 单选题任何动力式滑动水密门必须满足()。①能从驾驶室遥控关闭;②从门所在舱壁的每一边就地操纵;③在控制位置具有门开启或关闭的指示罪;④在关闭门时发出声响报警;⑤应有一个独立的手动机械操纵装置。A ①-③对B ①-④对C ②-④对D ①—⑤对

考题 单选题四冲程柴油机的进气阀定时为()。A 上止点前开,下止点后关B 上止点后开,下止点后关C 上止点前开,下止点前关D 上止点后开,下止点前关

考题 单选题两台同步发电机并联运行,为保证电网频率、电压基本不变,无功功率的正确调节方法是()。A 先减小原运行机的励磁电流,再增加新并机励磁电流B 先增加新并机励磁电流,再减小原运行机励磁电流C 减小原运行机油门,增加新并机油门,要同时调节D 减小原运行机励磁电流,增加新并机励磁电流,要同时调节

考题 单选题For GMDSS,which statement concerning a compulsory vessel is FALSE?()A A conditional or partial exemption may be granted,in exceptional circumstances,for a single voyage outside the sea area for which the vessel is equippedB Once a compulsory vessel's GMDSS station has been fitted and inspected,the station must be inspected only once every five yearsC All passenger vessels and all cargo vessels that are 300 Gross Tons or larger must complyD Compulsory vessels must carry at least two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators

考题 单选题Because of(),no separation is needed for the cargoes destined for New York.A their different packingB their same natureC their different destinationsD their different natures

考题 单选题在M58型气动调节器中,在比例带调整轴上装有一块圆形板,其作用是()。A 固定喷嘴B 固定挡板C 调整微分时间D 调整积分时间

考题 单选题强固扣合法适用于壁厚尺寸()的零件裂纹的修复.A 小于8mmB 8~45mmC 大于45mmD 任意尺寸

考题 单选题《船上油污应急计划》中的操作性溢油是指()。A 舱柜溢油B 管道漏油C 船壳漏油D A、B、C都是

考题 单选题Switchboards may be of the dead-front type in which all live parts are installed behind () and only the operation handles and instruments are on the front.A the capstanB the collectorC the panelsD the surface

考题 单选题To establish a communication channel for the telex service in the INMARSAT-Aterminal, you should first().A establish a communication channel from the CES, via the International Telex Network to the final destinationB set up a communication channel from your SES, via a satellite, to a CES within your ocean regionC set up a channel directly to the addressee at the destinationD establish a channel from your terminal , via the International Telex Network to a CES within your ocean region

考题 单选题在主机遥控系统中,应急换向条件与正常换向条件的主要区别是()。A 有应急操纵指令,转速小于应急换向转速B 有应急操纵指令,转速小于正常换向转速C 有应急操纵指令,转速大于应急换向转速D 主起动阀提前打开

考题 单选题超级汽轮发电系统(STG)是废热利用联合装置,其余热利用装置有()。Ⅰ.废气/蒸汽联合驱动的涡轮发电机;Ⅱ.空气冷却器;Ⅲ.废气锅炉A Ⅰ+ⅢB Ⅰ+ⅡC Ⅱ+ⅢD Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

考题 单选题现代新型超长行程柴油机的VII机构使喷油泵的供油提前角达到最大值的负荷范围是()A 100%PbB (78%-85%)PbC (60%-70%)PbD 50%Pb

考题 单选题我国北部海域的盛冰期为()。A 1——3月B 1——2月C 12——翌年1月D 11——翌年2月

考题 单选题How should you try to right a capsized small sailing vessel?()A Position all personnel at the stern and rock the vessel uprightB Position all personnel around the mast and lift the vessel uprightC Lock the centerboard in the down position,stand on the centerboard,and pull on a shroud or a halyardD Put the centerboard in the up position and have all personnel haul in on the line attached to the mast

考题 单选题下述影响喷射延迟阶段的各种因素中错误的是()。A 高压油管长度、内径增大喷射延迟增大B 喷油器启阀压力越大,喷射延迟较短C 柱塞直径增大,喷射延迟角减小D 转速增加喷射延迟角增长

考题 判断题海洋上暖湿空气平流到冷海面(或领陆面)上,底层空气受冷,温度降到露点以下形成的雾叫平流雾。A 对B 错

考题 单选题根据船舶螺旋试验所求出的舵角δ和定常旋回角速度r曲线中,在原点周围常会出现一个不稳定的滞后环,根据经验,该滞后环宽度达到()以上时,操纵时有显著的困难。A 10°B 12°C 15°D 20°

考题 判断题溢油阀用于防止系统过载时,主阀是处于常闭状态。A 对B 错

考题 单选题MTO是以以下哪种身份与发货人订立多式联运合同的?()A 以发货人代理人身份B 以本人身份C 以承运人代理人身份D 以承运人身份

考题 单选题船上有各种类型的照明灯具(或称照明器),按其()可概括的分为保护型、防水型和防爆型三类。A 结构特点B 配光特性C 光源种类D 用途

考题 单选题小型船舶较多采用的舵机种类是:()A 蒸汽舵机B 电动舵机C 液压舵机D 电动蒸汽舵机

考题 单选题与各种手动开关、按钮、自动压力和温度开关等设备相连的PLC模块是()。A 数字量输入模块B 数字量输出模块C 模拟量输入模块D 模拟量输出模块

考题 单选题Freeing ports on a vessel with solid bulwarks().A prevent stress concentration in the bulwarkB permit easy jettison of deck cargo in an emergencyC provide openings through the bulwarks for mooring linD allow water shipped on deck to flow off rapidly

考题 单选题Upon arrival at the discharging port,the inert gas system is().A turned onB turning onC turn onD to turn on

考题 单选题某船Δ=6927t,GM=0.76m,KG=6.67m,现拟在KP=13.9m处加载重大件,现要求GM不小于0.65m,则最多可装载重大件()t。A 118B 128C 107D 88

考题 单选题十字头轴瓦严重龟裂应该()。A 修刮B 焊补C 换新D 继续使用