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更多 “单选题_____A hurtingB damagingC wreckingD destroying” 相关考题
考题 单选题_____ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.A LosingB Having lostC LostD To lose

考题 单选题In that country, the rich _____ richer, the poor poorer.A becomeB has becomeC becomesD is becoming

考题 单选题_____A beB be taken placeC changeD happen

考题 单选题_____A travelB rushC moveD get

考题 单选题The president, accompanied by his assistants, _____.A have arrivedB are arrivingC had arrivedD has arrived

考题 单选题It _____ his father _____ made him a lawyer.A is; thatB was; thatC was; whichD is; which

考题 问答题练习14  Research has also been done into the way people’s behavior changes in a number of small, apparently unimportant ways when they lie. It has been found that if they are sitting down at the same time, they tend to move about in their chairs more than usual.

考题 单选题How dirty the tables are! They need _____.A to cleanB cleanC cleaningD cleaned

考题 单选题_____A ideaB factC caseD truth

考题 单选题I’m _____ that he didn’t come.A astonishedB astonishingC astonishD to astonish

考题 单选题The money spent on advertisements is _____.A wastedB not muchC worthwhileD useless

考题 单选题The main idea of the first paragraph is that _____.A traditional universities do a good job serving the societyB universities must meet the needs of the societyC research and teaching are of great importance in universitiesD universities play an important role in our society

考题 单选题I cannot read your writing. It is_____.A legibleB illegibleC eligibleD intelligent

考题 单选题In Paragraph 2, cities like London, Copenhagen and Amsterdam are mentioned _____.A to show that they are not good cities in terms of geography and climateB to tell us how wealthy their residents areC to suggest that these cities lack places of historic interest and scenic beautyD to prove that they have got more tourism than they handle

考题 单选题We had every reason to believe that _____ 2010 World Expo in Shanghai would be _____ success.A /; aB the; /C the; aD a; a

考题 单选题_____A honorB forceC rightD authority

考题 单选题_____A beB be taken placeC changeD happen

考题 单选题_____A precautionsB protectionsC provisionsD preventions

考题 单选题What a smell, _____?A is itB isn’t itC does itD doesn’t

考题 单选题Anything that is _____ must be attended to immediately.A criticalB essentialC urgentD immense

考题 单选题The game was fixed for today but it has been _____ for a week.A transferredB delayedC translatedD postponed

考题 单选题The dam was built along the river _____ floods.A in any caseB in case ofC in no caseD in case

考题 单选题All that you said _____ true. All _____ reading their textbooks when the teacher entered.A was; wereB were; wasC was; wasD were; were

考题 单选题_____A madeB doneC explainedD talked

考题 单选题If you do your best it doesn’t matter _____ people think of you.A thatB whatC whichD if

考题 问答题Practice 2  (1) In order to communicate thoughts and feelings, there must be a conventional system of signs or symbols which mean the same to the sender and the receiver. The means of sending communications are too numerous and varied for systematic classification. Therefore, the analysis must begin with the means of receiving communication. (2) Reception of communication is achieved by our senses.

考题 单选题He doesn’t spend much time _____ his homework.A inB doC onD to do

考题 单选题_____A ideaB factC caseD truth