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When anchoring,it is a common rule of thumb to use a length of chain().

five to seven times the depth of water


seven to ten times the depth of water


twice the depth of water


twice the depth of water plus the range of tide


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更多 “单选题When anchoring,it is a common rule of thumb to use a length of chain().A five to seven times the depth of waterB seven to ten times the depth of waterC twice the depth of waterD twice the depth of water plus the range of tide” 相关考题
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考题 单选题If the circumstances of the case admit,any vessel()in a narrow channel.A shall have the liberty to anchorB shall avoid anchoringC shall moor to a buoy when necessaryD shall keep anchoring

考题 单选题When anchoring,it is a common rule of thumb to use a length of chain().A five to seven times the depth of waterB seven to ten times the depth of waterC twice the depth of waterD twice the depth of water plus the range of tide

考题 单选题A public member vairable called MAX_LENGTH which is int type, the value of the variable remains constant value 100. Use a short statement to define the variable.()A  public int MAX_LENGTH=100;B  final int MAX_LENGTH=100;C  final public int MAX_LENGTH=100;D  public final int MAX_LENGTH=100;

考题 单选题When backing down with sternway,the pivot point of a vessel is().A about one-quarter of the vessel's length from the sternB at the bowC about one-third of the vessel's length from the bowD aft of the propellers

考题 单选题When anchoring,good practice requires 5 to 7 fathoms of chain for each fathom of depth. In deep water you should use().A the same ratioB more chain for each fathom of depthC less chain for each fathom of depthD two anchors with the same ratio of chain

考题 单选题In determining the scope of cable to be used when anchoring,what would NOT be considered?().A Depth of the waterB Character of the holding groundC maintenance cost for the chainD Type of anchor cable

考题 单选题The use of sinking and dispersing agents for the removal of surface oil is ().A the most common method used in the United StatesB too expensive for common useC generally safe to sea lifeD generally harmful to sea life

考题 单选题A “Mediterranean moor” should be used when().A when anchoring in the MediterraneanB when docking stern to a berthC when docking bow to a berthD when anchoring in a strong current

考题 单选题When anchoring a small sailing vessel in rough weather,the best anchor line would be composed of().A chain-wireB chain-manilaC chain-nylonD all chain

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考题 单选题In determining the scope of anchor line to pay out when anchoring a small boat,one must consider the().A charted depth of water onlyB depth of water,including tidal differencesC time and date of anchoringD type of anchor being used

考题 单选题When anchoring a vessel under normal conditions,which scope of chain is recommended? ()A Four times the depth of waterB Two and one-half times the depth of waterC Five to seven times the depth of waterD Fifteen times the depth of water

考题 单选题The use of this rule does not relieve vessels()their obligations to comply with the local laws.A fromB ofC offD over