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新政府在缩减教育预算。(cut back)


cut back on削减,缩减…。
更多 “问答题新政府在缩减教育预算。(cut back)” 相关考题
考题 In order to save time, I () my shopping to once a week. A.cut offB.cut outC.cut upD.cut down

考题 下列关于政府预算调节经济的说法不正确的是()。 A.当社会总需求小于总供给时,政府预算缩减支出规模来抑制需求,以赤字政策调节经济B.在经济稳定发展期间,政府预算采取中性的平衡政策,保持收支规模的均衡C.当社会总需求大于总供给时,政府预算缩减支出规模来抑制需求,以盈余政策调节经济D.当社会总需求小于总供给时,政府预算扩大支出规模来刺激需求,以赤字政策调节经济

考题 以下哪些是以太网交换机的转发方式A.Cut-ThroughB.Back PressureC.时隙交换D.Store-and-Foward

考题 Our water supply was ____ because of the pipe burst. A、cut downB、cut offC、cut awayD、cut up

考题 英国工党新政府1997年上台后把教育培训和终生学习作为首要的工作重点。()

考题 The government decided to ____ its military expenditure. A. cut offB. cut upC. cut awayD. cut down on

考题 When people become less confident about the future, they will cut back on their outlays and save money.()

考题 The relevant authorities have recently ________ some companies and individuals for their illegal emission that is harmful to the environment. A. cut back onB. cracked down onC. followed up onD. held out on

考题 In the e-mail, the word "filed" in paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning to ( ).A.lined up B.sent in C.put away D.cut back

考题 He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was____ from the outside world. A. cut off B. cut out C. cut up D. cut through

考题 He was in hospital for six months.He felt as if he was__________from the outside world.A.cut off B.cut out C.cut up D.cut through

考题 Nuclear power plants in Europe have been forced to____electricity production becauseof warmer-than-usual seawater. A、cutin B、cut off C、cut out D、cut back

考题 Henry’s business is much worse than before, therefore, he has to ______ the expense of his corporation.A.cut into B.cut in C.cut down D.cut off

考题 They will cut back expenditure on unnecessary items.A:stop B:continue C:shorten D:reduce

考题 Thousands of employees chose Enron as their sole investment option mainly because( ) A.the 401(k) made them responsible for their own future. B.Enron offered to add company stock to their investment. C.their employers intended to cut back on pension spending. D.Enron s offer was similar to a defined-benefit plan.

考题 I was talking with my mother on the phone when we were()suddenly.A、cut downB、cut offC、cut acrossD、cut back

考题 一国对另一国新政府表示承认通常遵循的原则是()。A、该国新政府得到联合国大会决议的承认B、该国新政府对该国实行了有效统治C、该国新政府在地域上实际控制了该国领土的一半以上D、该国新政府是通过该国宪法程序依法成立的

考题 引起对新政府承认的原因有()。A、社会革命产生了新政府B、政变产生了新政府C、按宪法程序选举产生新政府D、因分离成立新国家和新政府E、因殖民地独立建立了新国家和新政府

考题 你工作在某个大型社团的内部项目上。你被要求定义新的汇报系统,这将使雇员通过使用移动电话汇报他们在项目上的工作小时数。由于预算被压缩此项目被取消,人们被安排到商务项目上。下列哪个是正确的()A、项目的结束归咎于整合,因为资源被安排到商业项目上B、项目的结束归咎于匮乏,因为资金被缩减C、项目的结束归咎于废止,因为预算被缩减D、项目的结束归咎于整合,因为预算被缩减

考题 下列关于新政府收支分类科目体系与现行预算管理方式衔接的表述不正确的是()。A、在新科目体系下,将继续分别编制政府一般预算、政府性基金预算和预算外收支预算B、各级政府可用新科目继续向人大报送一般预算和基金预算,不可用新科目进行政府全部收支的统计汇总C、为了方便工作,科目在总的编码体系下,又按一般预算、基金预算分别进行了科目拆分D、预算报表和软件也主要是在原体系上对科目作些调整,口径、范围和管理程序暂不因科目改革作大的变动

考题 单选题Thousands of employees chose Enron as their sole investment option mainly because _____.A the 401(k) made them responsible for their own futureB Enron offered to add company stock to their investmentC their employers intended to cut back on pension spendingD Enron’s offer was similar to a defined-benefit plan

考题 单选题When distilling salt water the cooling water discharging from the distiller is fed back to evaporator as feed water ().A to cut down the amount of cooling water neededB to prevent an excess amount of cooling water from being discharged to the bilgesC to supply hot water to the evaporator for more economical operationD None of the above is tree

考题 问答题采用恒电场缩减方案,缩减因子为α时的优点是什么?

考题 单选题一国对另一国新政府表示承认通常遵循的原则是()。A 该国新政府得到联合国大会决议的承认B 该国新政府对该国实行了有效统治C 该国新政府在地域上实际控制了该国领土的一半以上D 该国新政府是通过该国宪法程序依法成立的

考题 多选题引起对新政府承认的原因有()。A社会革命产生了新政府B政变产生了新政府C按宪法程序选举产生新政府D因分离成立新国家和新政府E因殖民地独立建立了新国家和新政府

考题 单选题下列关于新政府收支分类科目体系与现行预算管理方式衔接的表述不正确的是()。A 在新科目体系下,将继续分别编制政府一般预算、政府性基金预算和预算外收支预算B 各级政府可用新科目继续向人大报送一般预算和基金预算,不可用新科目进行政府全部收支的统计汇总C 为了方便工作,科目在总的编码体系下,又按一般预算、基金预算分别进行了科目拆分D 预算报表和软件也主要是在原体系上对科目作些调整,口径、范围和管理程序暂不因科目改革作大的变动

考题 问答题第二性事故成本缩减