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更多 “单选题临床上最危重的急症是()A 感染性休克B 心力衰竭C 呼吸衰竭D 肾衰竭E 心跳呼吸骤停” 相关考题
考题 多选题You are attempting to troubleshoot some problems within your local network.Which of the following are router IOS commands that can be used to troubleshoot LAN connectivity problems?()ApingBtracertCipconfigDshow ip routeEwinipcfgFshow interfacesGAll of the above

考题 单选题在一个GLBP网络,谁负责的ARP请求?()A  AVFB  AVGC  Active Router(活动路由器)D  Standby Router(备份路由器)

考题 单选题水合氯醛中毒可以引起(  )。A 呼吸带有大蒜味B 喉头水肿C 瞳孔缩小D 皮肤潮红E 惊厥

考题 单选题What will an Ethernet switch do if it receives a unicast frame with a destination MAC that is listed in the switch table?()A The switch will not forward unicast frames.B The switch will forward the frame to a specific port.C The switch will return a copy of the frame out the source port.D The switch will remove the destination MAC from the switch table.E The switch will forward the frame to all ports except the port on which it was received.

考题 单选题UDP使用()提供可靠性。A 网际协议B 应用层协议C 网络层协议D 传输控制

考题 单选题麻疹的最常见并发症是()A 肺炎B 喉炎C 心肌炎D 脑炎E 结核

考题 单选题A Cisco router has been configured, and the copy running-config startup-config command has been issued. When the router is power cycled, the router prompts with: "Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]" Why has this occurred?()A There is an error in the router DRAM.B Te IOS image is corrupt.C The configuration register is set to 0x2142.D The TFTP server that contains the router configuration file is unreachable.E A boot system configuration command has placed the router into setup mode.

考题 多选题QuidwayR2501路由器的哪些接口可以配置DCC()?A以太网口BS0口CS1口DAux口

考题 单选题细菌性肺炎抗生素应用一般用至()A 体温正常后3~5天,肺部体征基本消失B 体温正常后5~7天,肺部体征基本消失C 体温正常后7~10天,肺部体征基本消失D 体温正常后10~14天,肺部体征基本消失E 体温正常后14~16天,肺部体征基本消失

考题 单选题关于21-三体综合征下列哪项不正确()A 本病不属于常染色体畸变B 小儿染色体病中最常见的一种C 母亲年龄越大本病的发病率越高D 60%的患儿在胎儿早期即夭折流产E 活婴中发生率约1/(600~800)

考题 单选题Which is the correct fallback sequence for loading the Cisco IOS?()A ROM, Flash, NVRAMB ROM, TFTP server, FlashC Flash, TFTP server, ROMD Flash, NVRAM, RAM

考题 单选题先天性甲状腺功能减低症的治疗原则(  )。A 甲状腺片终身治疗B 症状轻者不用服药C 散发性甲状腺功能减低症可不用药D 地方性甲状腺功能减低症可不用药E 症状好转即可停药

考题 单选题对于肺炎患儿,病室适宜的温度和相对湿度是()A 16~18℃,40%B 18~22℃,55%~60%C 20~22℃,70%D 22~24℃,80%E 24~26℃,90%

考题 单选题于无分流型先心病的是()A 房间隔缺损B 室间隔缺损C 动脉导管未闭D 肺动脉狭窄E 法洛四联症

考题 多选题Host 1 has just started up and requests a web page from web server 2. Which two statements describe steps in the process Host 1 uses to send the request to web server 2 (choose two)()。AHost 1 addresses the frames to the MAC address of router R1BHost 1 looks in its ARP cache for the MAC address of router R1CHost 1 addresses the frames to the MAC address of web server 2DHost 1 sends the packets to router R1 to be forwarded to web server 2EHost 1 sends a broadcast ARP request to obtain the MAC address of webserver2

考题 单选题该婴儿若系人工喂养,每天营养需要正确的是(  )。A 每天总能量2761.4KJ(660 kcal)B 每天给5%糖牛奶660mlC 每天给总液量660mlD 每天加1个鸡蛋E 每天加肉少许,饼干3块,豆浆100ml

考题 单选题地中海贫血的外周血红细胞特点为()A 全血细胞减少B 红细胞形态为小细胞低色素C 红细胞形态为正细胞正色素D 红细胞形态为小细胞高色素E 红细胞形态为大细胞

考题 单选题目前危及生命的紧急情况为(  )。A 低血钾B 低血糖C 低血钙D 低血钠E 酸中毒

考题 单选题Which command enables IPv6 forwarding on a cisco router?()A ipv6 hostB ipv6 unicast-routingC ipv6 localD ipv6 neighbor

考题 单选题What is the default administrative distance of OSPF?()A 120B 100C 90D 110

考题 单选题足月儿生理性黄疸消退的时间为()A 生后24小时内B 生后2~3天C 生后5~7天D 生后10~14天E 生后3~4周

考题 单选题婴儿期(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题Which command displays CPU utilization?()A show protocolsB show processC show systemD show version

考题 多选题A national retail chain needs to design an IP addressing scheme to support a nationwide network. The company needs a minimum of 300 sub-networks and a maximum of 50 host addresses per subnet. Working with only one Class B address, which of the following subnet masks will support an appropriate addressing scheme?()A255.255.255.0B255.255.255.128C255.255.252.0D255.255.255.224E255.255.255.192F255.255.248.0

考题 单选题You and a co-worker have established wireless communication directly between your wireless laptops. What type of wireless topology has been created?()A BSSB ESSC IBSSD SSID

考题 多选题下列哪些接口可作逻辑通道?()AX.25B帧中继CdialerD同/异步串口

考题 单选题颅内压增高的表现不包括()A 意识障碍B 呕吐C 血压下降D 四肢肌张力升高E 呼吸不规则

考题 多选题What two things will a router do when running a distance vector routing protocol? ()ASend periodic updates regardless of topology changes.BSend entire routing table to all routers in the routing domain.CUse the shortest-path algorithm to the determine best path.DUpdate the routing table based on updates from their neighbors.EMaintain the topology of the entire network in its database.