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Using the WLSE,you are trying to push out a configuration job to an access point,but the job doesnot start. Which of the following would cause this failure?()

invalid parameter in the template


incorrect SNMP communities on the access point


unsupported version of IOS firmware in the access point


pop-up blocker enabled in the browser


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Using the WLSE,you are trying to push out a configuration job to an access point,but the job doesnot start. Which of the following would cause this failure?()A invalid parameter in the templateB incorrect SNMP communities on the access pointC unsupported version of IOS firmware in the access pointD pop-up blocker enabled in the browser” 相关考题
考题 单选题Which of the characteristics below is associated with the (QoS) Integrated Services Model?()A QoS classified at layer 3 using IP precedence or DSCPB Guaranteed rate serviceC Implemented using FIFO queuesD All traffic has an equal chance of being dropped

考题 多选题When a router converts analog signals to digital signals, what three steps are always included in the process?()AinvolutionBencodingCsamplingDquantizationEcompressionFcompanding

考题 单选题患儿男,臀位产。生后5小时出现呕吐,呈喷射性,伴尖声哭叫、唇稍发绀、体温不升。查体:前囟饱满,心肺正常,拥抱反射消失。疑为新生儿颅内出血。为明确诊断,首先应选择的检查方法()A 腰穿B 胸片C 头颅B超D 开颅探查E 血培养

考题 单选题What is the maximum number of network locales that can be configured for any one Cisco Unified CallManager Express when using the cnf-file perphone command?()A 1 B 2 C 4 D 5E a number equal to the number of languages supported by Cisco Unity Express F a number equal to the number of languages supported by Cisco Unity CallManager Express

考题 单选题What is the maximum recommended height at which a Cisco Aironet 1000 Series controller-based accesspoint should be mounted when using integrated antennas?()A 8 feet [2.4 meters]B 16 feet [4.8 meters]C 24 feet [7.3 meters]D 40 feet [12.1 meters]

考题 多选题You want to enhance the security within the LAN and prevent VLAN hopping. What two steps canbe taken to help prevent this?()AEnable BPD guardBDisable CDP on ports where it is not necessaryCPlace unused ports in a common unrouted VLANDPrevent automatic trunk configurationEImplement port security

考题 单选题Which of these statements regarding Cisco’s WebVPN support is correct?()A  Cisco ISR Routers with the Enhanced Security Bundles support WebVPN.B  Cisco security appliances act as a proxy between the end user and the target web server.C  Cisco PIX Security Appliances (running release 7.0) and Adaptive Security Appliances both support WebVPN.D  Cisco’s WebVPN solution supports both TCP and UDP port forwarding for legacy application support.

考题 单选题该患儿应隔离至(  )。A 出疹后7天,连续咽拭子培养2次阴性B 症状消失后1周,连续咽拭子培养3次阴性C 症状完全消失,咽拭子培养阴性D 皮肤开始脱屑,咽拭子培养阴性E 皮疹完全消失,皮肤恢复正常

考题 单选题预防急性上呼吸道感染发生,以下错误的是()A 居住环境阳光充足,避免污染B 加强锻炼C 合理喂养D 上呼吸道感染流行季节做好隔离工作E 预防性的服用抗生素

考题 单选题早产儿,生后1个月,母乳喂养,首先应添加的辅食是()A 米汤B 菜汤C 鱼肝油D 水果汁E 蛋黄

考题 多选题Which two features are added when upgrading from IPCC Express Standard to Enhanced? ()AAgent RoutingBHistorical ReportingCConditional RoutingDPrioritized QueueingEAgent Queueing

考题 单选题You are configuring a wireless LAN controller for QoS. Which 802.11e user priority tag should you apply tovoice applications?()A 1B 3C 4D 6

考题 单选题The following line of output was gathered on Enterprise Router Ent1 using the command show ip route. Which of the following answers is most likely to be true, based on thi s output?() B [20/10] via, 00:02:18A This router has set the Weight of this route to 10.B This router's BGP table lists this route as an iBGP route.C This router's MED has been set to 10.D This router's BGP table lists an AS_Path length of 10 for this route.

考题 多选题When using the partially automated setup process, which three tasks must be completed in order to register phones with Cisco Unified CallManager Express?()AConfigure the keepalive timer.BAssociate each phone type with a firmware file.CEnable the firmware for each phone type being downloaded.DConfigure the dial-plan pattern to associate extensions with fully qualified e.164 numbers.EConfigure the maximum number of ephones that Cisco Unified CallManager Express will support.FConfigure an ephone for each phone being registered with the Cisco Unified CallManager Express server.

考题 单选题Which statement best describes the Cisco 2700 Location Appliance collection of location information for wireless devices?()A all Wi-Fi devices on the WLAN send directly received signal strength indication (RSSI) information to the Cisco Wireless Location Appliance through SNMPB an AP collects RSSI information which is forwarded to wireless controllers through LWAPP. Wireless controllers forward aggregated RSSI to the location appliance through SNMPC the APs collect received signal strength indication (RSSI) information from all Wi-Fi devices and forward the information to the Cisco Wireless Location Appliance through the LWAPPD the Cisco WLAN controllers bypass the received signal strength indication (RSSI) information from all Wi-Fi devices to the Cisco Wireless Location Appliance through the LWAPP

考题 单选题患儿,5岁,以单纯性肾病收入院,发病3天来阴囊水肿明显,局部皮肤紧张、变薄、透亮,尿蛋白定性(++++),治疗使用强的松,针对该表现,护理诊断为()A 自我形象紊乱B 潜在并发症:急性肾衰C 潜在并发症:电解质紊乱D 营养失调:低于机体需要量E 有皮肤完整性受损的危险

考题 单选题防止急性肾功能衰竭患儿发生氮质血症的最有效措施是(  )。A 给予低蛋白饮食B 纠正酸中毒C 给予低盐饮食D 供给足够热量,减少蛋白质分解E 给予高纤维素饮食

考题 单选题下面关于OSPF协议中AREA(区域)的概念,下列说法中错误的是?()A 每个A·REA·中由自己的LSDB·,不同AREA的LSD·B·是不相同的B 在OSPF中,建议每个区域中路由器的数量为50到100个C 每个区域都用一个32位的整数AREA· ID·来标识,且必须保证A·REA· ID·在自治系统内唯一D 区域的标识AREA ID·必须向相关的国际组织申请,不可自行指定

考题 单选题You have been called upon to add location-based services into an existing controller-based wireless designwhich primarily encompasses handheld devices such as barcode scanners and Cisco 7920 wireless IPphones. In which mode should you deploy the additional access points to achieve the density required without excessive co-channel interference?()A sniffer modeB monitor modeC location modeD tracking mode

考题 多选题Which two multicast IP addresses can be represented by the multicast MAC address 0100.5e0A.0A07?()A228.10.10.7B229.11.10.7C229.138.10.7D229.138.10.8E228.10.10.8F228.10.138.7

考题 单选题The following command is issued on a Cisco Router: Router(configuration)#logging console warnings Which alerts will be seen on the console?()A Warnings onlyB debugging, informational, notifications, warningsC warnings, errors, critical, alerts, emergenciesD notifications, warnings, errorsE warnings, errors, critical, alerts

考题 单选题Which statement about the Lightweight Access Point Protocol (LWAPP) is true?()A  LWAPP encrypts control traffic between the AP and the controller.B  LWAPP encrypts user traffic with a x.509 certificate using AES-CCMPC  LWAPP encrypts both control traffic and user data.D  When set to Layer 3, LWAPP uses a proprietary protocol to communicate with the Cisco Aironet APs.

考题 单选题对营养不良患儿护理不当的是()A 根据营养不良的程度、消化功能来调整饮食的量及种类B 改善食欲,促进消化C 与感染性疾病患儿分室居住D 计算补液量宜偏高E 积极治疗原发病

考题 单选题关于铁剂的用药指导错误的是()A 从小剂量开始,逐渐增加至全量B 与牛乳同服可以促进铁剂的吸收C 使用吸管服用铁剂以防牙齿被染黑D 首次注射右旋糖酐铁后应观察1小时E 一般在血红蛋白恢复正常后再继续用药8周

考题 单选题重症肺炎呼吸困难、口吐粉红色泡沫痰时给氧方法宜选(  )。A 加大氧气流量B 持续高流量吸氧C 吸入经30%酒精湿化氧气D 持续低流量吸氧E 皮囊加压给氧

考题 多选题You want to dynamically assign users to an 802.1q vlan as a result of their authentication. In order to accomplish this,which two ietf radius attributes should you configure on the cisco secure acs?()A083 tunnel-preferenceB066 tunnel-client-endpointC064 tunnel-typeD082 tunnel-assignment-idE081 tunnel-private-group-idF067 tunnel-server-endpoint

考题 单选题流行性腮腺炎应隔离至(  )。A 体温恢复正常B 腮肿完全消退C 腮肿完全消退,再观察7天D 腮肿完全消退,再观察9天E 发病后3周

考题 多选题An engineer has typed four different single - line prefix lists in a word processor. The four answers show the four different single -lin e prefix lists. The engineer then does a copy/paste of the configuration into a router. Which of the lists could match a subnet whose prefix length is 27?()Aip prefix - list fred permit ge 16 le 28Bip prefix - list barney permit le 28Cip prefix - list wilma permit ge 25Dip prefix - list betty permit ge 28