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---Stand by engine! ---Stand by engine!()

Engine stand by!


Finished with engine!


Engine by stand!




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更多 “单选题---Stand by engine! ---Stand by engine!()A Engine stand by!B Finished with engine!C Engine by stand!D OK.” 相关考题
考题 单选题内层漆()A top coatB undercoatC primerD topside paint

考题 单选题If they find out any serious deficiency,our ship will be detained. ()A 如果他们查出任何严重的缺陷,我轮将被扣留。B 如果他们出去查出任何严重的问题,我轮将被扣留。C 如果他们查出严重的不足,我轮将被罚款。D 一旦他们查出任何严重的缺陷,我轮将被扣留。

考题 单选题“吃水”这个词用英语怎么说?()A What does “chi shui” mean in English?B What does “chi shui” stand for?C What’s “chi shui” in English?

考题 单选题()(调整)ropes when necessary.A TryB AdjustC NoticeD Operate

考题 单选题The() type of cargo ship is the tanker.A largeB modernC largerD largest

考题 单选题()is in charge of the common tools of the deck department.A The chief officerB The duty sailorC The bosunD Captain

考题 单选题集装箱是由龙门吊装卸。()A Containers are loaded and discharged by gantry cranes.B Cases are loaded and discharged by gantry cranes.C Cases are loaded and discharged by heavy derricks.D Containers are loaded and discharged by heavy derricks.

考题 单选题后退一!()A Full ahead!B Slow astern!C Half astern!D Dead astern!

考题 单选题液化天然气船()A LCG carrierB LPG carrierC ULCCD LNG carrier

考题 单选题每一个舱盖由两个或更多的盖板组成。()A Each hatch consists of two panels.B Each hatch cover consists of two panels.C Each hatch consists of two or more panels.D Each hatch cover consists of two or more panels.

考题 单选题双层底常用做()A 装载燃油B 压载水舱C 污水舱D 以上都对

考题 单选题表示船舶适合运输货物合旅客的有效容积称为()A 载重量B 净吨位C 排水量D 重量吨

考题 单选题左满舵()A Hard-a-starboardB Hard-a- portC Port hardD Full starboard

考题 单选题Ships often become ()(脏). So cleaning is a frequent job on board.A cleanB clawC dirtyD deck

考题 单选题I’m cleaning the ().A deckB derrickC nutD screwdriver

考题 单选题I would put on my life-jacket and go to muster station as soon as possible.()A 我要尽快把救生衣放到上面去。B 我要把救生艇放下去并到集合点去。C 我会穿上救生衣并尽快到集合点去。D 我尽快把救生筏放下去并到集合点去。

考题 判断题广州港是属于全日潮港。A 对B 错

考题 单选题Post two lookouts with ().A sextantB compassC radarD binoculars

考题 单选题海图上水面部份空白处,表示:()A 水深足够,不必标示水深B 没有航行危险C 未经准确测量,应视为不可靠航区D 水深一致,所以空白

考题 单选题艏尖舱常用做:()A 压载水舱B 仓库水舱C 装货D 装载燃油

考题 单选题灭火机的主要特点是()。A 人人可以操作使用,应用范围广B 手提使用,灭火及时,效率搞C 使用轻便喷射距离较远,对小范围火灾有效D 防火必备

考题 单选题Stern thrust half to port!()A 尾推半速向左B 尾推全速向右C 尾推全速向左D 尾推半速向右

考题 单选题The()takes a pilot to an oceangoing ship.A container shipB oil shipC pilot boatD barge

考题 单选题At the fore end of a ship is the fore ()(尖舱).A peak tankB poop tankC bow tankD tank

考题 单选题羊角()A cleatB stayC guyD link

考题 单选题压载水()A sea waterB bilge waterC fresh waterD ballast water

考题 单选题Would you please ()the mooring lines ?A adjustedB adjustingC adjustD adjusts

考题 单选题They will ()out a more detailed inspection.A carriedB carryingC to carryD carry