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考题 The 18th century witnessed a new literary form. -the modern English novel, which, contrary to the medieval romance, gives a realistic presentation of life of the common English people.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 They had better ask the advice of old friends, and they have to _____ to accept a sad ending to a romance. A. pretestB. presentC. prepareD. punish

考题 ()创作的小说被称为“战地浪漫曲”,他的代表作有“白洋淀”系列。

考题 勃拉姆斯创作的钢琴小品体裁包括()。A.叙事曲B.随想曲C.谐谑曲D.圆舞曲E.前奏曲F.狂想曲、间奏曲、浪漫曲

考题 勃拉姆斯创作的钢琴小品体裁包括( )。A.叙事曲 B.随想曲 C.谐谑曲 D.圆舞曲 E.前奏曲 F.狂想曲 G.间奏曲 H.浪漫曲

考题 舒曼的作品有奏鸣曲()首,《幻想曲》以及练习曲、即兴曲、浪漫曲等共()余首,钢琴二重奏()首,波洛奈兹舞曲()首,交响曲()首,《a小调钢琴协奏曲》和《G大调引子与热情的快板》,四重奏、三重奏各()首,三重奏《幻想曲》()首,小提琴奏鸣曲()首,双簧管与钢琴的浪漫曲()首,()首单篇的歌曲以及各种重唱、合唱、叙事歌()余套首。

考题 ()主题使人联想到意境优美的芭蕾舞、浪漫曲,贴身的内衣飘逸的衣服和高雅圣洁的韵致,融汇成浪漫轻柔的女性风采。A、真实性感B、艺术结构C、娇柔浪漫D、梦幻朦胧

考题 贝多芬生于波恩,()国作曲家,他的音乐创作集古典派之大成,开浪漫乐派之先河.主要作品有:钢琴奏鸣曲《悲怆》,《月光》.《田园》,管弦乐《G小调小提琴浪漫曲》,具有历史意义的第一至第九交响曲.

考题 浪漫曲(Romance)

考题 勃拉姆斯创作的钢琴小品体裁包括()。A、叙事曲B、随想曲C、谐谑曲D、圆舞曲E、前奏曲F、狂想曲、间奏曲、浪漫曲

考题 名词解释题黄肠题奏

考题 单选题As parents you should encourage your kids not to _____.A to keep close to their friendsB attend more interesting school activitiesC jump into romance as early as possibleD spend enough time with family

考题 单选题The best definition of “claustrophobia” in “One of the classic train fights took advantage of rail claustrophobia, when James Bond fought Red Grant in From Russia With Love” is ______.A fear of close-in roomB high speedC difficulty to stopD link with romance

考题 名词解释题填空题

考题 多选题勃拉姆斯创作的钢琴小品体裁包括()。A叙事曲B随想曲C谐谑曲D圆舞曲E前奏曲F狂想曲、间奏曲、浪漫曲

考题 名词解释题题器

考题 单选题()主题使人联想到意境优美的芭蕾舞、浪漫曲,贴身的内衣飘逸的衣服和高雅圣洁的韵致,融汇成浪漫轻柔的女性风采。A 真实性感B 艺术结构C 娇柔浪漫D 梦幻朦胧

考题 填空题贝多芬生于波恩,()国作曲家,他的音乐创作集古典派之大成,开浪漫乐派之先河.主要作品有:钢琴奏鸣曲《悲怆》,《月光》.《田园》,管弦乐《G小调小提琴浪漫曲》,具有历史意义的第一至第九交响曲.

考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following sayings about trains and movies is NOT true?A When you think about trains and the movies, it is easy to first think of romance and glamour.B Film-makers love trains because an extremely compact space usually generate dramatic tension.C Action, romance, comedy and documentary are the main theme of train movies.D Some companies use trains as a tool of advert.

考题 填空题舒曼的作品有奏鸣曲()首,《幻想曲》以及练习曲、即兴曲、浪漫曲等共()余首,钢琴二重奏()首,波洛奈兹舞曲()首,交响曲()首,《a小调钢琴协奏曲》和《G大调引子与热情的快板》,四重奏、三重奏各()首,三重奏《幻想曲》()首,小提琴奏鸣曲()首,双簧管与钢琴的浪漫曲()首,()首单篇的歌曲以及各种重唱、合唱、叙事歌()余套首。

考题 名词解释题AT

考题 单选题The passage is primarily concerned with ______.A the etiquette of the eighteenth centuryB the ensuing romance between two people from different social classesC the lesson that one can never be too carefulD the resilience of the human spirit to rise after a fall and adapt to new surroundingsE the workings of social networks and importance of befriending the upper class

考题 单选题What can be inferred from the passage?A Lacking love can lead young people to grow up more quickly.B The older a woman is, the less likely she seems to lose herself in romance.C Early love makes young people keep close to their friends and parents.D Parents should help their children to be aware of the signs of depression.