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更多 “填空题小丽用重为3.2N的物体A做了如图a所示的实验.该实验验证了猜想____是正确的,可得出:在同种液体中,物体排开液体的体积越大,受到的浮力____.实验中,物体A浸没时受到的浮力为____N,方向____.” 相关考题
考题 问答题我国公民在国家政治、经济、文化和社会生活各方面享有广泛的权利和自由。有人据此认为,公民的自由和权利是绝对的、不受任何限制的,并且不需履行任何义务。你是怎样认识这个问题的?

考题 单选题We did a marketing study for yellow telephone boxes and found the _____ too strong.A resistanceB contradictionC assistanceD evolution

考题 填空题小明正确操作,得到了实验结论.以下事例:①书包的背带做得较宽;②用力压住黑板擦,擦去黑板上的字;③旅游鞋鞋底做得凹凸不平.其中利用了该实验结论的有____(填序号).

考题 单选题A WhatB HowC WhyD Whether

考题 单选题From the passage we learn that Jim Thorpe was born in _____.A IndiaB PennsylvaniaC OklahomaD Sweden

考题 单选题(  )是发展中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴的两大基石。A 富国与强军B 文明与和谐C 民主与法制

考题 单选题The manager required that all the employees _____ at the office before 9:00 in the morning.A will arriveB arriveC arrivedD have arrived

考题 多选题划分唯物主义与唯心主义的唯一标准是(  )。A世界是否可知的问题B是否承认矛盾是发展的动力问题C思维和存在、精神和物质何者为第一性的问题

考题 单选题What can be the best title for the text?A Americans work more and vacation less.B Where Americans go on their summer vacations.C Different places for summer vacations.D Not all Americans take summer vacations.

考题 单选题A energyB moneyC timeD air

考题 单选题The big earthquake is still on. _____ is badly needed in the mountain villages.A Much clothingB Lots of suitsC A good many clothD A lot of clothes

考题 填空题火箭点燃后,尾部的火焰如果直接喷到发射台上,发射架要熔化.为了保护发射架,在发射台底建一个大水池,让火焰喷到水池中,这是利用了水汽化时要____,使周围环境温度不致太高,我们看见火箭刚点燃时周围大量的“白气”是由于水先____后____形成的.请你也举出一个生产技术或生活中利用物态变化来调整环境温度的例子:____.

考题 单选题下列做法符合安全用电常识的是(  ).A 用电器的三脚插头也可插入两孔插座中使用B 使用试电笔时,金属体笔尖应接触被测导线,手指按住金属体笔尾,不能碰到金属体笔尖C 有人触电时应迅速用手把他拉离电源D 家庭电路中开关接在火线或零线上都可以

考题 单选题A raiseB addC loseD fall

考题 单选题By the time you come to see me next month, I _____ my term paper.A have completedB completeC am completingD will have completed

考题 单选题人生观是个人的(  )的产物。A 社会关系B 社会历史条件C 社会生活实践

考题 多选题习近平总书记号召全党同志树立和发扬“三严三实”的作风,“三严”是指严以修身、严以用权、严以律己,“三实”是指(  )。A作风要实、做事要实、为人要实B谋事要实、创业要实、做人要实C为官要实、办事要实、做人要实

考题 单选题In Michelle’s country over ______ of the students are too fat.A 75%B a quarterC a halfD 15%

考题 单选题According to School Policy, visitors have to ______ when entering the school.A hand in a noteB call at 524—9752C check in at the officeD telephone to the school

考题 单选题It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which _____ of the parents spoke the language.A noneB neitherC bothD each

考题 单选题As a rule, the workers are paid _____.A at the hourB by the hourC for an hourD in an hour

考题 填空题在2013年的体育中考中,某校6名学生的分数分别是27、28、29、28、26、28.这组数据的众数是____.

考题 填空题分子直径的数量级是____m.分子间的作用力在分子间的距离r<r0时为____,r>r0时为____.

考题 单选题HClO的酸性比HCl弱,可逆反应方程式为:,到达平衡后,要使HClO的浓度显著增大,可加入(  )A CaCO3(s)B HCI(g)C NaOH(s)D H2O(I)

考题 单选题Paragraph 1 mainly talks about _____.A the reasons for successB the meaning of successC the standards of successD the importance of success

考题 单选题When did Sarah realize that she had also given Billy her diamond ring? ______A On February 9th, 2013.B On February l0th, 2013.C On February 18th, 2013.D On February 22nd, 2013.

考题 单选题Why do organizers (组织者) advise students to live with American families?A Students are not rich enough to live in hotels.B Students can have meals with American families.C Students can experience life in the USA.D Students can teach American how to cook Chinese food

考题 单选题A thoughtsB failureC questionsD problems