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解析: 自留风险有主动自留和被动自留之分。故本题选择B。(
更多 “单选题在风险管理方式中,自留风险方式可以分为()。A 技术自留和财务自留B 主动自留和被动自留C 主观自留和客观自留D 个人自留和企业自留” 相关考题
考题 问答题简述外国直接投资对东道国的就业效应。

考题 单选题Advertising to Children (1) Not only are they easily swayed by advertising, they are also persuasive in encouraging their parents to buy a product. If a child wants something in their kid's locker, they will prod and annoy their parents until they get what they want.(2)All it takes is a little suggestion from a single advertisement to send them on their way. (3) In a campaign entitled "Kids are the Star", its employees were encouraged to pay special attention to children and to make sure they had a positive experience while eating at its restaurants. The reason for this, naturally, was not that the McDonald's corporation cared deeply about the well-being of children everywhere, but that the pester-power that children have is extraordinarily effective at bringing their parents back for more visits. The way that advertisers target children is simple big, bright lights, happy people and animated characters are all that is needed to encourage children to think a certain product is something they want. (4)They do not realize that Ronald McDonald is just a guy in a Costum and make-up, and that behind the counter of every McDonald's is a bunch of kids working in uncomfortable conditions for low pay. This poses a real moral dilemma for those who make the advertising decisions, or at least it should. (5)How do you say no to an opportunity to reach such a wide audience of children, who act as advertisers themselves when they encourage other children and their parents to buy a particular product? 1.()A While manipulating children into believing lies, especially encouraging them to eat unhealthy foods, is obviously bad, the purpose of business is to make moneyB The superficial reactions children get from eating McDonald's last about as long as they are at the placeC McDonald's at one stage advised employees to specifically target childrenD Children are a prime target for advertisers and salesmen across the worldE Anyone who has seen a child pester its parents knows the lengths children can go toF This is because children are naive; they genuinely believe what an advertiser tells them

考题 问答题为什么要改革养老保险制度?

考题 问答题请简述装配时Mate(匹配)和Align(对齐)的本质区别。

考题 单选题在正常条件下,滚动轴承的主要失效形式是()。A 滚动体碎裂B 滚动体与滚道的工作表面产生疲劳点蚀C 保持架破坏D 滚道磨损

考题 问答题结合工作或学习中的实习(见习)情况分析班级保教工作的特点。

考题 单选题效益审计中,审计人员按照既定标准和合理的控制模式对管理程序进行检查和分析的方法是()A 内容分析法B 程序分析法C 案例研究法D 逻辑模型法

考题 单选题天线电压驻波比反映了天线、馈线和设备匹配程度,理想匹配善状况下,电压驻波比数值为()。A 0B 1C 1.5D 无穷大

考题 多选题婴幼儿营养与保育的工作任务有()。A根据婴幼儿生长发育规律科学合理安排膳食B构建婴幼儿良好的进食氛围C养成良好的进食习惯D评级婴幼儿生长发育状况,预防营养失衡E营造良好环境,促进心理发展

考题 判断题SecPath防火墙可以让内部用户只能访问包含“技术”关键字的网站。()A 对B 错

考题 单选题下列流动资产融资策略中,收益和风险均较低的是()。A 产权匹配融资策略B 期限匹配融资策略C 保守融资策略D 激进融资策略

考题 多选题下列名项符合计算机故障检测原则的有()。A先外部设备后内部设备B先软件后硬件C先电源后部件D先简单后复杂

考题 问答题试比较有限责任公司与股份有限公司。

考题 判断题在人身保险中,保险标的是人的生命和身体。A 对B 错

考题 单选题在寿险契约保全中,客户申请保单借款.险别转换等所设计的寿险契约保全的具体内容属于( )。A 合同权益行使B 保险关系转移C 合同内容变更D 保险金和退保金的给付

考题 判断题快递企业有非法扣留快件的,由邮政管理部门责令改正,没收违法所得,并处5万元以上10万元以下的罚款。A 对B 错

考题 单选题消防应急照明和疏散指示系统的联动设计中,自带电源集中控制型消防应急照明疏散指示系统,应由消防联动控制器联动()实现A 应急照明分配电装置B 应急照明配电箱C 应急照明控制器D 应急照明集中电源

考题 多选题我国国家情报工作任务包括()?A为国家重大决策提供情报参考B为防范和化解危害国家安全的风险提供情报支持C打击跨国有组织犯罪,维护国际安全D维护国家安全和利益

考题 判断题2005年我国各地区入境旅游接待量多的地区是广东。A 对B 错

考题 单选题近代广告是广告发展逐渐成熟的阶段,以()的出现为主要标志。A 实物广告B 印刷广告C 新媒体广告D 电子广告

考题 多选题班级突发事件主要表现:()。A成员间的分歧B财物失窃C家庭变故D打架斗殴E恶作剧

考题 单选题下列劳动合同条款,属于必备条款的是( )。A 福利待遇B 劳动条件C 试用期D 补充保险

考题 单选题1866年郭嵩焘建议:“欲使中国火轮船与洋人争胜,徒恃官置之一二船无当也。使商民皆得置造火轮船即能与争胜无疑矣。”这表明郭嵩焘主张()A 提高洋务企业效益B 建立官商合办企业C 抵制列强轮船运输D 发展近代民族工业

考题 多选题从通信双方信息交互的方式划分,可以有以下几种通信方式()。A单工B半双工C双工D自协商

考题 单选题在北欧模型中,不直接影响开放型经济小国通货膨胀率的因素是()。A 非开放部门通货膨胀率B 世界市场通货膨胀率C 开放部门劳动生产率增长率D 非开放部门劳动生产率增长率

考题 单选题在政治上推行“尊行汉法”的是()A 宋朝B 元朝C 清朝D 隋朝

考题 判断题利用远程调压阀的远程调压回路中,只有当溢流阀的调定压力高于远程调压阀的调定压力时,远程调压阀才能起调压作用。A 对B 错

考题 单选题Which wireless service component is associated with maintaining historical and current information aboutthe WLAN solution?()A Incident ManagementB Change ManagementC Configuration ManagementD Acceptance Test Plan