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更多 “单选题患儿11个月,因睡眠不安、多汗、易惊来院就诊。体检可见明显方颅、肋骨串珠,诊断为佝偻病活动期。该患儿最合适的治疗方法是()A 大剂量维生素DB 大剂量钙剂C 先用维生素D后用钙剂D 先用钙剂后用维生素DE 在使用维生素D的同时适当补充钙剂” 相关考题
考题 单选题下列哪项是结核性脑膜炎最简便的确诊方法?(  )A 脑脊液沉渣或薄膜涂片找结核菌B 脑脊液做豚鼠接种C 脑脊液做结核菌培养D 结核菌素试验E 头颅CT

考题 单选题患儿女,7岁。因过敏性紫癜(肾型)入院,下列哪项是护理观察重点?(  )A 有无便血B 尿色并及时送检C 关节肿痛及程度D 皮肤紫癜的部位与颜色E 眼球结膜有无出血

考题 多选题You are the network administrator for The network consists of a single Active Directory domain named The functional level of the domain is Windows Server 2003. You install Terminal Services on all domain controllers. However, your technical support specialists report that they cannot use Terminal Services to access any domain controllers. Which action or actions should you perform to solve this problem? ()(Choose all that apply)AInstall Remote Desktop for Administration.BRequire the support specialists to use a console session to connect to the terminal servers.CAdd the Remote Administrators group to the Account Operators group.DAdd the support specialists to the Remote Desktop group.EModify the Default Domain Controller Group Policy object (GPO) to grant the Log on locally user right to the support specialists.

考题 单选题患者女性,24岁。停经8周确诊为早孕,本人要求终止妊娠。行人工流产负压吸引术时,患者诉恶心,继而出汗、面色苍白,血压80/60mmHg,心率48次/分,子宫无异常情况。患者最可能发生了()A 低血糖B 直立性低血压C 脱水D 创伤性休克E 人工流产综合反应

考题 单选题您的可携式计算机仅有的两个内存插槽中已经安装了两个 512 MB 内存模块。您需要提高计算机的执行速度。这时应该怎么做?()A  调整处理器排程,以最佳化背景服务。B  将 USB 快闪磁盘驱动器接到计算机上,然后启用 ReadyBoost 功能。C  将虚拟内存档案的位置设定为和操作系统所在的相同磁盘驱动器上。D  将计算机的本机安全性原则设为一关机便清除虚拟分页档案。

考题 单选题对肠结核患者进行的饮食护理不正确的是进食()A 高热量食物B 高蛋白食物C 高维生素食物D 易于消化的食物E 富含脂肪和粗纤维的食物

考题 单选题You are the administrator of the company network. The network consists of a single active directory domain. The network includes 10 servers running Windows Server 2003 and 200 client computers running Windows XP Professional. You install and configure a server named TestKingSrv as a print server. The name of the print queue is //TestKingSrv/laserprinter. You assign the Everyone group the Allow - Print permissions. A user named Lisa in the Finance department reports that she is unable to print to //TestKingSrv/laserprinter. Several other users report that they are unable to print to //TestKingSrv/laserprinter. You log on to Lisa's computer and submit several print jobs, but none of them print and no error message is displayed. In Printers and Faxes on Lisa's computer, you open //TestKingSrv/laserprinter. You see the following status of the print queue: "laserprinter on TestKingSrv is unable to connect". You are able to ping TestKingSrv. You need to ensure that print jobs submitted to //TestKingSrv/laserprinter will be printed. What should you do?()A On a domain controller, create a shared printer object in Active Directory for //TestKingSrv /laserprinter.B From a command prompt on Lisa's computer, run the Net Print //TestKingSrv /lasterprinter command.C On Lisa's computer, open the Services console and restart the Print Spooler service.D On Lisa's computer, open the Services console and connect to TestKingSrv. Restart the Print Spooler service.

考题 单选题脑实质血管破裂所致为()A 脑裂伤B 脑挫伤C 脑震荡D 急性硬膜下血肿E 急性硬脑膜外血肿

考题 单选题下列哪项指标是脱水患儿经补液后血容量已恢复的主要指标?(  )A 口舌湿润,无口渴B 皮肤弹性恢复C 眼窝凹陷恢复D 血压恢复正常E 尿量增加

考题 单选题患者女性,20岁。火焰烧伤双大腿,双足,均为Ⅲ度。 其治疗最重要的是()A 清水清洗创面,减少损伤B 给予口服盐水,预防低血容量C 保持呼吸道通畅D 用干净的布类保护创面E 口服抗生素预防感染

考题 单选题李女士,36岁,婚后5年未孕,经夫妇双方检查未发现形态和功能异常,检查表明宫颈黏液中存在抗精子抗体,治疗无效。宜选择的治疗方案是()A 人工授精B 体外授精与胚泡移植C 配子输卵管内移植D 宫腔配子移植E 诱发排卵

考题 单选题某妇女因不规则阴道流血就诊,拟诊为功能失调性子宫出血,为了解功能失调性子宫出血类型,医生要求该患者进行基础体温测定,对其进行指导,不正确的是(  )。A 性生活、感冒、失眠等情况应做标记B 每晚临睡前在床旁备好体温计C 上夜班者可休息2小时后测量D 清晨醒来未做任何活动前测量体温E 连续测3个月经周期以上

考题 单选题You have two servers named Server1 and Server2 that run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack (SP2). You connect a USB drive to Server1 and copy several files to the USB drive. You connect the USB drive to Server2. You receive a message that the drive installed successful and is ready-to-use. You open Windows Explorer and the USB drive does not appear. You need to ensure that you can access the files stored on the USB drive. What should you do? ()A From the command prompt, run Convert.exe.B From the Disk Management snap-in, change the drive letter.C From the Services snap-in, restart the Removable Storage service.D From the Device Manager snap-in, scan for a hardware change.

考题 单选题门静脉高压症分流术后护理不正确的是(  )。A 早期起床活动B 低蛋白饮食C 使用抗菌药D 忌食过烫食物E 进食高纤维素食物

考题 单选题You work as a network administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network consists of a single domain named ABC.com.  All servers on the ABC.com network have Windows Server 2012 R2 installed and all client computers have Windows 8 installed. The ABC.com network contains a domain controller named ABC_DC01. You want to run the ping ABC_dc01.ABC.com command from a client computer named ABC_WS27.How would you accomplish this?()A You should configure the firewall on ABC_DC01 to allow inbound ICMP traffic.B You should run the dcdiag /v command on ABC_DC01.C You should run the netdiag /v command on ABC_WS27.D You should configure the firewall on ABC_Ws27 to allow inbound ICMP traffic.

考题 单选题临终患者表现为喜欢独处,情感减退,属于心理分期中的()A 否认期B 愤怒期C 协议期D 忧郁期E 接受期

考题 多选题您在没有联机到因特网的新计算机上安装 Microsoft Windows Vista。 在登入之后,出现了不明装置的警告讯息。 在下载可用的硬件驱动程序之前,您不想看到此警告讯息。 哪两种方法可以解决这个问题?()A停用此装置。B解除安装此装置。C从警告讯息内容选取 [稍后再问我] 选项。D从警告讯息内容选取 [不要再为此装置显示此讯息] 选项。

考题 单选题输精管结扎术后不会出现的并发症是()A 输精管痛性结节B 附睾淤积C 性功能障碍D 输精管再通E 尿路结石

考题 单选题为监测该免疫抑制剂的副作用,应建议患者定期检查的项目是(  )。A 血糖B 血常规C 粪常规D 尿常规E 血压

考题 单选题You work as an administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network consists of a single domain named ABC.com. All servers in the ABC.com domain, including domain controllers, have Windows Server 2012 R2 installed.You have just executed the Uninstall-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Shell –Remove cmdlet on a ABC.com server, named ABC-SR13.Which of the following is the reason for doing this?()A To only remove Windows Explorer from ABC-SR13.B To only remove the Windows Internet Explorer from ABC-SR13.C To only remove the components and files related to Windows Explorer from ABC-SR13.D To remove Windows Explorer, Windows Internet Explorer, and all associated components and files from ABC-SR13.

考题 单选题患者女性,52岁。间歇性上腹部疼痛10余年,每年秋冬季节好发,劳累后明显。常在进食后3小时左右疼痛,进食后缓解。近1个月患者上腹饱胀不适,疼痛于餐后加重,且有反复大量呕吐,呕吐后疼痛缓解,入院治疗。患者最有可能的诊断是()A 胃窦炎B 自身免疫性胃炎C 胃溃疡D 十二指肠溃疡E 胃癌

考题 单选题2:1溶液为()A 1/2张B 1/3张C 1/4张D 2/3张E 等张

考题 单选题麻疹的检疫期为()A 7天B 18天C 21天D 28天E 32天

考题 单选题You need to design an access control strategy for resources that are located in the extranet for partners and for internal users. Your solution must meet business and security requirements. What should you do?()A Create a new child domain named extranet.corp.woodgrovebank.com in the existing forest. Create user accounts for users from partner companies in the new child domain. Create shortcut trusts in which the child domain trusts every domain in the forestB Create a new forest and domain named extranet.woodgrovebank.com. Create user accounts for users from partner companies in the new domain. Create a one-way forest trust relationship in which the extranet forest trusts the company forestC Create a new forest and domain named extranet.woodgrovebank.com. Create user accounts for users from partner companies in the new domain. Create an external trust relationship in which the extranet domain trusts the den.corp.woodgrovebank.com domainD Create a child domain of the den.corp.woodgrovebank.com domain for the extranet. Create user accounts for users from partner companies in the new child domain. Create an external trust relationship in which the forest root domain trusts the extranet domain

考题 单选题一旦发生脐带脱垂,应首先采取下列哪项护理措施?(  )A 急诊做血常规B 立即听胎心率C 立即做剖宫产皮肤准备D 戴消毒手套,置阴道内上推回纳脱垂的脐带E 立即准备新生儿抢救准备

考题 单选题急性心肌梗死患者血清心肌酶测定中最早升高的是()A 门冬氨酸转移酶B 乳酸脱氢酶C α-羟丁酸脱氢酶D 细胞色素氧化酶E 肌酸磷酸激酶

考题 单选题你是TestKing网站的电脑管理员,所有用户使用WindowsXp专业版系统。研发部门的用户使用的是双处理器的电脑。研发部门的用户说当他们运行16位的应用程序时,他们的电脑运行的就很慢。你使用系统监控来监测用户的电脑。你发现当用户运行16位应用程序时一个处理器的使用率为90%多而另一个处理器的使用率不到10%。你要为研发部门的用户提高应用程序的性能,你该怎么做?()A 将每一个16位的应用程序配置为在一个分隔的内存空间运行B 将每一个应用程序运行的优先级配置为A1C 将每一个应用程序设置为对Windows95兼容的模式D 为每一个应用程序配置处理器绑定为允许它在2个处理器上运行

考题 单选题You need to design a configuration for the Microsoft Outlook Web Access servers. What should you do?()A Create a Network Load Balancing cluster that contains the Outlook Web Access serversB Create a Microsoft Cluster Server cluster that contains the Outlook Web Access serversC Create public DNS host (A) resource records for each Outlook Web Access server. Instruct each user to connect to the server that contains his or her mailboxD Install Microsoft Application Center 2000 on the Outlook Web Access servers. Create a Web cluster that contains all of the Outlook Web Access servers