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更多 “单选题英文单词Hub、Switch、Bridge、Router、Gateway代表着网络中常用的设备,它们分别表示为()。A 集线器、交换机、网桥、路由器、网关B 交换机、集线器、网桥、网关、路由器C 集线器、交换机、网桥、网关、路由器D 交换机、网桥、集线器、路由器、网关” 相关考题
考题 在网络的互连中,数据链路层互链的设备是A.Repeater B.Bridge C.Router D.Gateway

考题 英文单词Hub、Switch、Bridge、Router、Gateway代表着网络中常用的设备,它们分别表示为()。A.交换机、交换机、交换机、路由器、网关B.交换机、交换机、交换机、网关、路由器C.交换机、交换机、交换机、网关、路由器D.交换机、交换机、交换机、路由器、网关

考题 For which type of connection should a straight-through cable be used?() A.switch to switchB.switch to hubC.switch to routerD.hub to hubE.router to PC

考题 Refer to the diagram. Which three statements describe the router port configuration and the switch port configuration as shown in the topology? () A.The Router1 WAN port is configured as a trunking port.B.The Router1 port connected to Switch1 is configured using subinterfaces.C.The Router1 port connected to Switch1 is configured as 10 Mbps.D.The Switch1 port connected to Router1 is configured as a trunking port.E.The Switch1 port connected to Host B is configured as an access port.F.The Switch1 port connected to Hub1 is configured as full duplex.

考题 以下可以作为LAN设备的有() A.中继器(Repeater)B.集线器(HuB.C.网桥(BridgE.D.交换机(Switch)

考题 对于6种主要的网络连接设备:Repeater、HUB、Switch、Bridge、Router和Gateway,有关它们的处理速度和功能的表述,下列说法正确的是( )。A.处理速度依次增快:功能依次减弱 B.处理速度和功能均依次减弱 C.处理速度依次减慢:功能依次增强 D.处理速度和功能均依次增强

考题 The connection between two networks to from an internet is handled by a machine known as a ( ). A.bridge B.server C.router D.switch

考题 集线器(hub)工作在()层;传统交换机(switch)工作在()层;路由器(router)工作在()层。

考题 集线器(HUB)或交换机(Switch)是局域网中用得最为普及的设备。一般情况下,它们为用户查找网络故障提供方便。

考题 For which type of connection should a straight-through cable be used?()A、switch to switchB、switch to hubC、switch to routerD、hub to hubE、router to PC

考题 In which of the following scenarios would the "show cdp neighbors detail"command be an appropriate troubleshooting tool?()A、Two switches are connected via a trunk. Both switches have been assigned an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. A ping is successful between the two switches. However, VLAN information is not passed from one switch to the other switch.B、A router and a switch have been assigned an IP address, a subnet mask, and a default gateway. They are directly connected, but a ping between the two devices fails.C、A router connects to another router through a serial interface. Both routers have been assigned an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. The routers are running RIP and the networks directly connected to the first router do not pass to the second router. However, a ping from one router to the serial interface of the directly connected neighboring router is successful.D、A router connects to another router via a switch. Both routers and the switch have been assigned an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. Neither the routers nor the switch are able to ping one of the hosts that is directly to the switch.

考题 英文单词Hub、Switch、Bridge、Router、Gateway代表着网络中常用的设备,它们分别表示为()。A、集线器、交换机、网桥、路由器、网关B、交换机、集线器、网桥、网关、路由器C、集线器、交换机、网桥、网关、路由器D、交换机、网桥、集线器、路由器、网关

考题 Which statement is true regarding an Ethernet collision domain?()A、If a router is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the router.B、If a hub is used, the collision domain is limited to each device and the hub.C、If a switch is used, the collision domain is limited to each device and the switch.D、If a bridge is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the bridge.

考题 A networking device that sends packets to all connections is a:()A、gateway.B、hub.C、switch.D、router.

考题 在下列设备中必须成对使用的设备有()A、交换器(SWITCH)B、网桥(BRIDGE.C、路由器(ROUTER)D、集线器(HUB

考题 以下可以作为LAN设备的有()A、中继器(Repeater)B、集线器(HuB.C、网桥(BridgE.D、交换机(Switch)

考题 试比较分析网络互连设备中的网桥(Bridge)和路由器(Router)的异同点。

考题 A network administrator needs to force a high-performance switch that is located in the MDF to become the root bridge for a redundant path switched network. What can be done to ensure that this switch assumes the role as root bridge()。A、Establish a direct link from the switch to all other switches in the network.B、Assign the switch a higher MAC address than the other switches in the network have.C、Configure the switch so that it has a lower priority than other switches in the network.D、Configure the switch for full-duplex operation and configure the other switches for half-duplex operation.E、Connect the switch directly to the MDF router, which will force the switch to assume the role of root bridge.

考题 英文单词Hub、Switch、Bridge、Router和Gateway代表着网络中常用的设备,它们分别是()、()、()、()、()。

考题 Which statement is true regarding an Ethernet collision domain?()A、If a router is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the routerB、If a hub is used, the colision domain is limited to each device and the hubC、If a switch is used, the collision domain is limited to each device and the switchD、If a bridge is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the bridge

考题 填空题英文单词Hub、Switch、Bridge、Router和Gateway代表着网络中常用的设备,它们分别是()、()、()、()、()。

考题 问答题试比较分析网络互连设备中的网桥(Bridge)和路由器(Router)的异同点。

考题 单选题在下列设备中必须成对使用的设备有()A 交换器(SWITCH)B 网桥(BRIDGE.C 路由器(ROUTER)D 集线器(HUB

考题 单选题Which statement is true regarding an Ethernet collision domain?()A If a router is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the router.B If a hub is used, the collision domain is limited to each device and the hub.C If a switch is used, the collision domain is limited to each device and the switch.D If a bridge is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the bridge.

考题 单选题Which statement is true regarding an Ethernet collision domain?()A If a router is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the routerB If a hub is used, the colision domain is limited to each device and the hubC If a switch is used, the collision domain is limited to each device and the switchD If a bridge is used, the collision domain includes all devices connected to the bridge

考题 多选题Which two statements accurately describe a broadcast domain?()ABroadcast domains consist of devices that connect to a common switch or hub.BBroadcast domains consist of a group of devices that can be reached by sending a frame addressed to the Layer 2 broadcast address.CBroadcast domains require a gateway device such as a router.DBroadcast domains consist of devices that reside on the same sub-network.

考题 单选题英文单词Hub、Switch、Bridge、Router、Gateway代表着网络中常用的设备,它们分别表示为()。A 集线器、交换机、网桥、路由器、网关B 交换机、集线器、网桥、网关、路由器C 集线器、交换机、网桥、网关、路由器D 交换机、网桥、集线器、路由器、网关

考题 多选题以下可以作为LAN设备的有()A中继器(Repeater)B集线器(HuB.C网桥(BridgE.D交换机(Switch)