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the master of Utopia,()owners,hereby declares general average and require all benefited interests to provide general average security.

on behalf of


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on behalf with


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更多 “单选题the master of Utopia,()owners,hereby declares general average and require all benefited interests to provide general average security.A on behalf ofB in behalf ofC in behalf withD on behalf with” 相关考题
考题 The master of Utopia,________owners,hereby declare general average(共同海损).A.on behalf ofB.in behalf ofC.in behalf withD.on behalf with

考题 The fact that a part of the cargo has already been discharged will not ________ the owners of the rest, under all circumstances, from claiming a general average contribution from the Shipowner.A.precludeB.includeC.diluteD.pollute

考题 The master has no authority to ________ contracts,such as Charter Party,already made by the owners.A.alterB.conductC.carry outD.follow

考题 ______ behalf of my owners,I hereby give you my formal notice.A.AtB.OnC.OfD.In

考题 the undersigned,Master of MV Roslyn,hereby declare that my vessel ______,at present time,no defects in engines or steering gear.A.hasB.isC.getsD.means

考题 The master of a ship must collect general average contributions for the benefit of those entitled to them,whether they are cargo owners or ship owner,and ______ the Shipowner's lien on the cargo,where necessary,until they are paid.A.exerciseB.takeC.makeD.have

考题 the master of Utopia,______ owners,hereby declares general average and require all benefited interests to provide general average security.A.on behalf ofB.in behalf ofC.in behalf withD.on behalf with

考题 In time charter-party,______ is to indemnify the owners against all consequences or liabilities arising from the master signing bills of lading or otherwise complying with such orders.A.the carrierB.the shipperC.the ChartererD.the merchant

考题 The owners of the S.S. Short Haul agree to a charter with the Longsplice Steamship Company. The owners stipulate in the charter party that the regular Master must be employed as the vessel's Master for the entire life of the contract. Which charter has beA.BareboatB.LeaseC.TimeD.Voyage

考题 When a vessel violates an oil pollution act,who may be held responsible? ______.A.Master onlyB.Owners onlyC.Licensed officer on watchD.Any individual connected with the vessel

考题 Where normal delivery at the port of destination is prevented by some cause beyond the control of the master,and the master may and must deal with the cargo for the benefit of its owners by landing it,carrying it,or transshipping it,as may seem best,the Shipowner may then charge the cargo owners with ______ to cover the expenses thus incurred in their interests.A.pro rata freightB.advance freightC.dead freightD.back freight 答案

考题 I HEREBY ON BEHALF OF MY OWNERS DECLARE G.A. AND REQUIRE ALL PARTIES CONCERNED TO PROVIDE G.A. SECURITY ASAP.From this fax it is inferred that the vessel ______.A.has suffered some damage or lossB.requires her owners to provide some securityC.requires all parties to declare G.AD.concerned to provide G.A. to all parties

考题 Stevedores and tallymen to be arranged by the Charterers in loading and discharging,who shall be considered as the _______ servants and subject to the orders and directions of the Master.A.Charterers'B.Owners'C.Neither Charterers' nor Owners'D.Either Charterers' or Owners'

考题 The Owners warrant that at the date of delivery and throughout the period of service the hull,machinery and equipment of the ship is in a thoroughly efficient state,with a full and efficient __________ of Master,Officers and Crew.A.ComplementB.SupplementC.DeploymentD.Settlement

考题 With effect from the day and year stated in Box 4 and continuing ______ terminated as provided herein,the Owners hereby appoint the Managers and the Managers hereby agree to act as the Managers of the Vessel.A.unless and untilB.prior toC.afterD.being

考题 近代历史上的空想社会主义来源于( )A.欧文的“乌托邦”(Utopia)概念 B.戈定的“乌托邦”(Utopia)概念 C.傅里叶的“乌托邦”(Utopia)概念 D.莫尔的“乌托邦”(Utopia)概念

考题 近代历史上的空想社会主义来源于(  )。A:欧文的“乌托邦”(Utopia)概念 B:戈定的“乌托邦”(Utopia)概念 C:傅里叶的“乌托邦”(Utopia)概念 D:莫尔的“乌托邦”(Utopia)概念

考题 “The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements correct.”,最确切的翻译是()A、签约方声明将如实申报B、签约方声明已正确理解上列所有条款的内容C、签名人声明本人被授权报检D、签名人声明上列填写内容正确属实

考题 单选题The master’s authority to act in the interests of the cargo owner is part of his general authority as servant of the Shipowner,and therefore()will be liable if the master abuses his powers.A the ChartererB the ShipownerC the shipperD the cargo owner

考题 单选题I hereby()you,on behalf of the Loocki Grain Co.,Lisbon,to pay to the Harbor Master of the Santa Marta,Columbia,the sum of 500,000 Peso which represents a fine levied on the above-named vessel for polluting the coastal waters with oily water.A permitB entitleC authorizeD give the right to

考题 单选题In time charter-party,()is to indemnify the owners against all consequences or liabilities arising from the master signing bills of lading or otherwise complying with such orders.A the carrierB the shipperC the ChartererD the merchant

考题 单选题()behalf of my owners,I hereby give you my formal notice.A AtB OnC OfD In

考题 单选题the master of Utopia,()owners,hereby declares general average and require all benefited interests to provide general average security.A on behalf ofB in behalf ofC in behalf withD on behalf with

考题 单选题A vessel arrives in a foreign port and the Master is informed that the vessel is being sold to foreign interests. The new owners request that the crew remain on board to complete the voyage. Under these circumstances,the crew().A have the right to an immediate discharge and transportation to original port of engagementB must remain on boardC must comply with the decision made by the MasterD must remain aboard until the vessel is delivered to the new owners at a mutually agreed upon port

考题 单选题Where normal delivery at the port of destination is prevented by some cause beyond the control of the master,and the master may and must deal with the cargo for the benefit of its owners by landing it,carrying it,or transshipping it,as may seem best,the Shipowner may then charge the cargo owners with()to cover the expenses thus incurred in their interests.A pro rata freightB advance freightC dead freightD back freight

考题 单选题The owners of the S.S. Short Haul agree to a charter with the Longsplice Steamship Company. The owners stipulate in the charter party that the regular Master must be employed as the vessel’s Master for the entire life of the contract. Which charter has be ().A BareboatB LeaseC TimeD Voyage

考题 单选题“The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements correct.”,最确切的翻译是()A 签约方声明将如实申报B 签约方声明已正确理解上列所有条款的内容C 签名人声明本人被授权报检D 签名人声明上列填写内容正确属实

考题 单选题A promise to pay pro rata freight will be()merely from acceptance of the goods at an intermediate port where the master insisted on leaving it,or from acceptance of the proceeds of the sale where the master has exercised his discretion to sell the goods in the interest of the cargo-owners.A containedB impliedC confirmedD transferred