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Which of the following addresses industrial and corporate espionage? 以下哪一项处理工业和企业间谍活动?()

1996 U.S Economic and Protection of Proprietary Information Act 1996年的美国经济和专利信息保护法案


Generally Accepted Systems Security Principles (GASSP) 通用系统安全准则(GASSP)


1980 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 1980年的经济合作与发展组织(OECD)


1970 U.S. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) 1970年的美国诈骗影响和腐败组织法案(RICO)


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Which of the following addresses industrial and corporate espionage? 以下哪一项处理工业和企业间谍活动?()A 1996 U.S Economic and Protection of Proprietary Information Act 1996年的美国经济和专利信息保护法案B Generally Accepted Systems Security Principles (GASSP) 通用系统安全准则(GASSP)C 1980 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 1980年的经济合作与发展组织(OECD)D 1970 U.S. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) 1970年的美国诈骗影响和腐败组织法案(RICO)” 相关考题
考题 Which of the following protocols is responsible for the resolution of IP addresses to MAC addresses?() A. DHCPB. ARPC. DNSD. RARP

考题 Which of the following describe private IP addresses?() A. addresses chosen by a company to communicate with the InternetB. addresses that cannot be routed through the public InternetC. addresses that can be routed through the public InternetD. a scheme to conserve public addressesE. addresses licensed to enterprises or ISPs by an Internet registry organization

考题 Which of the following describe private IP addresses (Choose two.)()。 A.addresses chosen by a company to communicate with the InternetB.addresses that cannot be routed through the public InternetC.addresses that can be routed through the public InternetD.a scheme to conserve public addressesE.addresses licensed to enterprises or ISPs by an Internet registry organization

考题 Which of the following describe private IP addresses? (Choose two.)()A、addresses chosen by a company to communicate with the InternetB、addresses that cannot be routed through the public InternetC、addresses that can be routed through the public InternetD、a scheme to conserve public addressesE、addresses licensed to enterprises or ISPs by an Internet registry organization

考题 Which of the following describe private IP addresses?()A、addresses chosen by a company to communicate with the InternetB、addresses that cannot be routed through the public InternetC、addresses that can be routed through the public InternetD、a scheme to conserve public addressesE、addresses licensed to enterprises or ISPs by an Internet registry organization

考题 Which of the following describe private IP addresses?()A、Addresses chosen by a company to communicate with the Internet.B、Addresses that cannot be routed through the public Internet.C、Addresses that can be routed through the public Internet.D、A scheme to conserve public addresses.E、Addresses licensed to enterprise or ISPs by an Internet registry organization.

考题 Which of the following addresses industrial and corporate espionage? 以下哪一项处理工业和企业间谍活动?()A、1996 U.S Economic and Protection of Proprietary Information Act 1996年的美国经济和专利信息保护法案B、Generally Accepted Systems Security Principles (GASSP) 通用系统安全准则(GASSP)C、1980 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 1980年的经济合作与发展组织(OECD)D、1970 U.S. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) 1970年的美国诈骗影响和腐败组织法案(RICO)

考题 A technician is setting up a network and wants to automatically assign IP addresses. Which of the following will need to be configured to automatically assign IP addresses?()A、WINSB、DNSC、DHCPD、NTP

考题 Which of the following is used to identify active hosts along with their network addresses?()A、Port scanB、Ping sweepC、IDSD、NIPS

考题 Which of the following provides the MOST redundancy for a corporate server network?()A、Server-to-server replicationB、Server clusteringC、Hot siteD、Disk-to-disk replication

考题 Which of the following network services is responsible for mapping names to IP addresses?()A、DHCPB、DNSC、IMAP4D、Telnet

考题 Which of the following protocols is responsible for the resolution of IP addresses to MAC addresses?()A、 DHCPB、 ARPC、 DNSD、 RARP

考题 Which of the following will list the destination MAC addresses?()A、pingB、digC、nbtstatD、arp

考题 Which of the following server types translates NetBIOS names to IP addresses?()A、DNSB、WINSC、FTPD、DHCP

考题 Which of the following allows a technician to mask a private network of IP addresses behind onepublic IP address?()A、NATB、SubnettingC、DHCPD、DNS

考题 Which of the following class addresses is reserved for multicast?()A、 Class AB、 Class BC、 Class CD、 Class D

考题 单选题Which of the following protocols is responsible for the resolution of IP addresses to MAC addresses?()A  DHCPB  ARPC  DNSD  RARP