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The book gives a brief______ of the history of the castle which was built in the Middle Ages.









这本书对这个中世纪建造的城堡的历史进行了简单的描述。account报告, 报道; 说明, 记事, give an account of对…进行报道,是固定搭配,其他选项无此搭配。
更多 “单选题The book gives a brief______ of the history of the castle which was built in the Middle Ages.A accountB statementC referenceD comment” 相关考题
考题 This book gives some useful()on how to save money? A.tapsB.tapesC.tips

考题 The engine______smoke and steam.A.gives upB.gives awayC.gives inD.gives off

考题 She is said ________ a new book about Chinese history.A、to writeB、to have writtenC、writingD、written

考题 Usetheoperators">",whichstatementsaretrue?() A.000001000000000000000000000000005gives10000000000000000000000000000000B.000001000000000000000000000000005gives11111100000000000000000000000000C.110000000000000000000000000000005gives11111110000000000000000000000000D.110000000000000000000000000000005gives00000110000000000000000000000000

考题 在SQL语句中,与表达式“仓库号NOT IN(“wh1”,“wh2”)”功能相同的表达式是A.仓库号=“wh1”AND仓库号:“wh2”B.仓库号!=“wh1”OR仓库号:=“wh2”C.仓库号<>“wh1”OR仓库号!=“wh2”D.仓库号!=“wh1”AND仓库号!=“wh2”

考题 在SQL语句中,与表达式“仓库号NOT IN("whl","wh2")”功能相同的表达式是 ______。A.仓库号="wh1" AND仓库号="wh2"B.仓库号!="wh1"OR仓库号#"wh2",C.仓库号<>"wh1" OR仓库号!"wh2"D.仓库号户'whl,tAND仓库号!:”wh2”

考题 在SQL语句中,与表达式“仓库号NOT IN("whl ","wh2")”功能相同的表达式是A)仓库号="wh1"AND仓库号="wh2"B)仓库号!="whl" OR仓库号="wh2"C) 仓库号"wh 1" OR仓库号!="wh2"D)仓库号!="whl" AND仓库号!= "wh2"

考题 下列SQL语句能实现的功能是( )。 SELECT*FROM 仓库 WHERE 仓库号="WH1"; UNION; SELECT * FROM 仓库 WHERE 仓库号="WH2"A.查询在WH1或者WH2仓库中的职工信息B.查询仓库号为WH1或者WH2的仓库信息C.查询即在仓库号为WH1,又在仓库号为WH2工作的职工信息D.语句错误,不能执行

考题 Water, when boiled, always ______ steam.A. gives inB. gives upC. gives offD. gives away

考题 给出在仓库“WHl”或“WH2”工作,且年龄小于40岁的职工号和姓名,正确的命令是( )。A)SELECT 职工号,姓名 FROM 职工:WHERE 年龄40 AND 仓库号=”WH1”OR 仓库号=”WH2”B)SELECT职工号,姓名 FROM 职工;WHERE年龄40 AND(仓库号=”WH1”AND 仓库号=”WH2”)C)SELECT职工号,姓名 FROM 职工;WHERE年龄40 OR 工仓库号=”WH1”OR 仓库号=”WH2”D)SELECT职工号,姓名 FROM 职工:WHERE年龄40 AND(仓库号=”WH1”OR 仓库号=”WH2”)

考题 He is a heavy smoker and even his hair__________the smell of cigarettes.A.gives up B.gives away C.gives off D.gives in

考题 The book provides a concise analysis of the country's history.A:clean B:perfect C:real D:brief

考题 In her newly-published book Judy indicates that women have been politically dis-empowered ( )human history.A.across B.throughout C.over D.within

考题 Washington Irving.s most famous book The Sketch book contains()AThe Legend of Sleepy HollowBRip Van WinkleCA History of New YorkDBoth A and B

考题 假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;} book;”,则正确的语句为()。Astruct BOOK x= book;Bstruct BOOK *x=book;Cstruct BOOK x=calloc(BOOK);Dstruct BOOK *x=BOOK;

考题 假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;}; struct BOOK book;”,则不正确的语句为()。Astruct BOOK *x=malloc(book);Bstruct BOOK x={"C++ Programming",27.0};Cstruct BOOK *x=malloc(sizeof(struct BOOK));Dstruct BOOK *x=book;

考题 That book gives a very vivid () of that city.A、pictureB、photoC、view

考题 Washington Irving.s most famous book The Sketch book contains()A、The Legend of Sleepy HollowB、Rip Van WinkleC、A History of New YorkD、Both A and B

考题 风蚀城(aeolian castle)

考题 奈曼分配中,wh=Wh

考题 单选题A Most of them have a long history.B Many of them are specialized libraries.C They house more books than any other university library.D They each have a copy of every book published in Britain.

考题 单选题This passage is primarily interested in which of the following?A Investigating the factors that brought about the Marvel revolution and the Silver Age of comic booksB Reviewing the factors that brought about the end of the Golden Age of comic booksC Comparing and contrasting two eras in the history of comic booksD Condemning the horror comic book for its corrupting influence on the nation’s youthE Evaluating the historical legacy of William Gaines’s EC Comics

考题 单选题假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;} book;”,则正确的语句为()。A struct BOOK x= book;B struct BOOK *x=book;C struct BOOK x=calloc(BOOK);D struct BOOK *x=BOOK;

考题 单选题In this book the writer gives us a(n) ______ picture of social history.A preciseB exactC accurateD correct

考题 名词解释题风蚀城(aeolian castle)

考题 单选题Washington Irving.s most famous book The Sketch book contains()A The Legend of Sleepy HollowB Rip Van WinkleC A History of New YorkD Both A and B

考题 单选题That book gives a very vivid () of that city.A pictureB photoC view