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In the sentence “In some designs the cylinder oil is timed so that the oil injects only on the piston ring belt, the "piston ring belt" means ().

piston crown


piston ring groove


piston skirt


piston ring area


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更多 “单选题In the sentence “In some designs the cylinder oil is timed so that the oil injects only on the piston ring belt, the "piston ring belt" means ().A piston crownB piston ring grooveC piston skirtD piston ring area” 相关考题
考题 Let’s move from the general to the specifiC.This sentence means let’s talk about some particular and about some part, but not about the whole.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 第二组Under normal operation, some lubrication oil mist may be discharged from the air compressor to the air start system. This oil may be from excess compressor cylinder lubrication, from faulty oil scraper rings, or may even be suspended oil vapor contaminating the engine room atmosphere and drawn in at the compressor suction. Oil discharge is kept to a minimum by draining the after cooler, air receiver and starting system. If small quantities of lubrication oil do get passed into the starting air system, they will deposit as thin moist film over internal pipe surfaces but are not readily combustible. If a cylinder non-return valve leak while the engine is in operation, some hot gas, possibly with unburned fuel and cylinder lubrication oil, may be blown through the valve to the adjacent air manifold. With further heating from the leaky valve, this, together with the already deposited oil film, will carbonize and form. incandescent carbon. If starting air is applied to the system while still hot, the high pressure air coming into contact with the burning carbon may cause an explosion. Such an explosion will cause a flame to pass back through the air start pipe system, evaporating the deposited oil film and igniting it in the presence of air. Very high velocities and shockwaves are generated which may rupture pipes and fittings.Alternatively, if excessive oil has entered the air start system, a mixture of air and oil droplets may be discharged through the open cylinder non-return valve during starting. This spray may ignite due to high temperatures in the cylinder, causing a flame through the still open valve to the air manifold.To prevent an explosion, air start valves must be correctly maintained and lubricated to ensure correct timing and free movement with positive closing. Oil in the system must be kept to a minimum, pipe lines must be drained and cleaned internally when necessary and oil discharge from air compressors must be kept to a minimum by good maintenance.The passage is mainly aboutA.crankcase explosionB.scavenge box fireC.starting air pipeD.the danger of explosion in the starting air system

考题 After seeing the good students’ designs,some students _________.A. 1oved their own designs moreB. thought they had a fair chanceC. put their own designs in a comerD. thought they would not win the prize

考题 Big Boss deserves the best packaging designs.This sentence means the toy Big Boss is not very worth having the best out packing design.A对B错

考题 Some architectural designs are better than()AothersBanotherCthe otherDthe rest

考题 Big Boss deserves the best packaging designs.This sentence means the toy Big Boss is not very worth having the best out packing design.

考题 Let's move from the general to the specific.This sentence means let’s talk about some particular and about some part, but not about the whole.

考题 Some architectural designs are better than()A、othersB、anotherC、the otherD、the rest

考题 判断题Let's move from the general to the specific.This sentence means let’s talk about some particular and about some part, but not about the whole.A 对B 错

考题 单选题Which of the listed problems would be indicated by an accumulation of water in one cylinder, in addition to the crankcase of an idle diesel engine?()A Excessive cylinder linerB water in the fuel systemC Cracked cylinder linerD Leaking lube oil cooler

考题 单选题Fuel oil discharged to the diesel engine cylinder is atomized at the ()A turbochargerB injection nozzle tipC carburetorD fuel oil pump

考题 单选题Heat damage to fuel injection nozzles on small high-speed diesel engines, can be prevented by()A employing fuel oil as a cooling mediumB preventing hard carbon deposit on nozzle tipsC avoiding fuel oil temperature exceeding builder’s specificationD ensuring good metallic contact between nozzles and cylinder heads

考题 单选题The primary purpose of oil control rings on a diesel piston is to()A provide a reservoir for cylinder lubricationB pump oil into the combustion space for cylinder coolingC prevent excessive lubricating oil consumptionD allow hydraulic oil film formation on the cylinder

考题 单选题To function properly, oil control rings used on a diesel engine piston must distribute sufficient oil to all parts of the cylinder wall and must also().A prevent any lubricant from reachingB prevent excessive lubrication from reaching the combustion spaceC Provide metal-to-metal contact to seal the cylinder against blow-byD assure a positive means of scraping carbon accumulation from the cylinder

考题 单选题In addition to lubricating, cylinder oil assists in forming a gas seal and contains () which clean the cylinder liner.A additivesB waterC greaseD acid solution

考题 单选题In some diesel engine designs,()the injection of cylinder oil is timed to impinge when the piston and only impinge on()A is coming upward;cylinder ring beltB is going downward;piston ring beltC is coming upward;piston ring beltD is going downward;cylinder ring belt

考题 单选题In a complete oil/water separator, more oil will separate out onto the underside of these plates and travel outwards until it is free to rise into the oil collecting space Whats the meaning of "it" in the sentence above?()A a separatorB oilC waterD an oil collecting space

考题 单选题Why are some diesel engine cylinder liners plated on the wearing surface with porous chromium?()A The chromium will not wear out the piston ringsB The chromium strengthens the liners in the way of the scavenging air portsC Chromium eliminates the need for oil scraper ringsD Pores in the plating aid in maintaining the lube oil film

考题 单选题In some designs the cylinder oil is timed so that the oil injects only on the ().A piston crownB piston grooveC piston skirtD piston ring belt

考题 单选题Cylinder wall temperature, fuel oil supplier, and oil passage ().A are interdependentB are not interdependentC have nothing to do with each otherD are independent

考题 单选题Oil is supplied to the cylinder wall and () by means of mechanical lubricators.A the cylinder coverB the piston ringsC the piston crownD the piston skirt

考题 单选题Cylinder oil is a high viscosity mineral oil, with a () machined to the anticipated sulfur content of the fuel.A TANB TBNC SAND SBN

考题 单选题In the sentence “In some designs the cylinder oil is timed so that the oil injects only on the piston ring belt, the "piston ring belt" means ().A piston crownB piston ring grooveC piston skirtD piston ring area

考题 单选题Maintaining the proper fuel oil temperature will result in ()A the elimination of valve wearB improved atomizationC a decrease in cylinder blow-byD an increase in cylinder blow-by

考题 单选题A condition that can increase the foaming tendency of lube oil is ()A excessively high oil temperaturesB water or moisture contaminationC fuel dilutionD life its cylinder relief vales

考题 单选题There is a support ring between the cylinder block and collar of the cylinder liner, thus carrying both the liner and the cylinder coverIt also passes to the cooling bores and to the cover()A cooling waterB cooling oilC refrigerantD lubricate oil

考题 单选题Some architectural designs are better than()A othersB anotherC the otherD the rest

考题 单选题Before engaging the turning gear and turning the diesel engine, which of the following operation should be done except()A open the indicator cocksB supply some CYL Oil to cylinder liner wall with lubricator (only for two stoke diesel engine)C put the fuel handle in the “stop” positionD pump up the air bottle