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考题 ●Prior to the UML,there was no clearleading (66) language.Users had to choose from among many similar modeling languages with minor differences in overall (67) power.Most of the modeling languages shared a set of commonly accepted concepts that are expressed slightly differently in various languages.This lack of (68) discouraged new users from entering the OO market and from doing OO modeling,without greatly expanding the power of modeling.Users longed for the industry to adopt one,or a very few,broadly supported modelinglanguages suitable for (69) usage.Some Vendors were discouraged from entering the OO modeling area because of the need to support many similar,but slightly different,modeling languages.In particular,the supply of add-ontools has been depressed because small vendors cannot afford to support many different formatsfrom many different (70) modeling tools.It is important to the entire OOindustry to encourage broadly based tools and vendors,as well as niche products that cater to the needs of specialized groups.(66) A.programmingB.modelingC.formalD.intelligent(67) A.controlB.expressiveC.conductiveD.interactive(68) A.agreementB.understandingC.characteristicD.diversitv(69) A.distincitiveB.special-purposeC.separateD.general-purpose(70) A.internalB.externalC.front-endD.back-end

考题 2 Good Sports Limited is an independent sports goods retailer owned and operated by two partners, Alan and Bob. Thesports retailing business in the UK has undergone a major change over the past ten years. First of all the supply sidehas been transformed by the emergence of a few global manufacturers of the core sports products, such as trainingshoes and football shirts. This consolidation has made them increasingly unwilling to provide good service to theindependent sportswear retailers too small to buy in sufficiently large quantities. These independent retailers can stockpopular global brands, but have to order using the Internet and have no opportunity to meet the manufacturer’s salesrepresentatives. Secondly, UK’s sportswear retailing has undergone significant structural change with the rapid growthof a small number of national retail chains with the buying power to offset the power of the global manufacturers.These retail chains stock a limited range of high volume branded products and charge low prices the independentretailer cannot hope to match.Good Sports has survived by becoming a specialist niche retailer catering for less popular sports such as cricket,hockey and rugby. They are able to offer the specialist advice and stock the goods that their customers want.Increasingly since 2000 Good Sports has become aware of the growing impact of e-business in general and e-retailingin particular. They employed a specialist website designer and created an online purchasing facility for theircustomers. The results were less than impressive, with the Internet search engines not picking up the companywebsite. The seasonal nature of Good Sports’ business, together with the variations in sizes and colours needed tomeet an individual customer’s needs, meant that the sales volumes were insufficient to justify the costs of runningthe site.Bob, however, is convinced that developing an e-business strategy suited to the needs of the independent sportsretailer such as Good Sports will be key to business survival. He has been encouraged by the growing interest ofcustomers in other countries to the service and product range they offer. He is also aware of the need to integrate ane-business strategy with their current marketing, which to date has been limited to the sponsorship of local sportsteams and advertisements taken in specialist sports magazines. Above all, he wants to avoid head-on competitionwith the national retailers and their emphasis on popular branded sportswear sold at retail prices that are below thecost price at which Good Sports can buy the goods.Required:(a) Provide the partners with a short report on the advantages and disadvantages to Good Sports of developingan e-business strategy and the processes most likely to be affected by such a strategy. (12 marks)

考题 (b) Good Sports Limited has successfully followed a niche strategy to date.Assess the extent to which an appropriate e-business strategy could help support such a niche strategy.(8 marks)

考题 30年前哪位科学家首次将niche引用为供养干细胞的微环境()。 A、SchofieldB、CharlesSutherlandEltonC、JosephGrinnellD、Rigotti

考题 Prior to the UML, there was no clearleading(66)Ianguage. Users had to choose from among many similar modeling languages with minor differences in overall(67)power. Most of the modeling languages shared a set of commonly accepted concepts that are expressed slightly differently in various languages. This lack of(68)discouraged new users from entering the OO market and from doing OO modeling, without greatly expanding the power of modeling. Users longed for the industry to adopt one, or a very few, broadly supported modeling languages suitable for(69)usage.Some Vendors were discouraged from entering the OO modeling area because of the need to support many similar, but slightly different, modeling languages. In particular, the supply of add-on tools has been depressed because small vendors cannot afford to support many different formats from many differem(70)modeling tools. It is important to the entire OO industry to encourage broadly based tools and vendors, as well as niche products that cater to the needs of specialized groups.A.programmingB.modelingC.formalD.intelligent

考题 NICHE研究探索双免疫联合新辅助治疗,对有效性结果描述错误的是() A.pMMR患者均有极为明显退缩B.dMMR患者均有极为明显退缩C.4例II期dMMR患者达到pCRD.3例III期dMMR患者肿瘤残留仅为1-2%E.pMMR患者退缩不明显

考题 Prior to the UML, there was no clear leading(111)language. Users had to choose from among many similar modeling languages with minor differences in overall(112)power. Most of the modeling languages shared a set of commonly accepted concepts that are expressed slightly differently in various languages. This lack of(113)discouraged new users from entering the OO market and from doing OO modeling, without greatly expanding the power of modeling. Users longed for the industry to adopt one, or a very few, broadly supported modeling languages suitable for(114)usage.Some vendors were discouraged from entering the OO modeling area because of the need to support many similar, but slightly different, modeling languages. In particular, the supply of add-on tools has been depressed because small vendors cannot afford to support many different formats from many different(115) modeling tools. It is important to the entire O0 industry to encourage broadly based tools and vendors, as well as niche products that cater to the needs of specialized groups.A.programmingB.modelingC.formalD.intelligent

考题 The elegant f 20m extension of Tate St Ives,a gallery that was overwhelmed by its own success when it opened in 1993,has won theand the Postal Museum in London,once a niche archive with 3,000 visitors a year,but now a purpose-built museum with a spectacular attraction in Mail Rail,the restored train that once carried post far below the capital's streets Tate St Ives reopened in October 2017.Visitors surged back in,and there were 11,000 visitors over the opening weekend alone.The project involve refurbishing the orginal galleries,and adding an extension by Jamie Fobert Architects and the environmental engineering company Max Fordham.The original museum opened in a town that had been famous for its artists,including Barbara Hepworth and Ben Nicholson.It was built on a spectacular but tight site,designed by the architectural practice Evansthe gallery had planned for 50,000 visitors a year.Tate St Ives has since averaged 240,000 visitors annually swamping the gallery spaces,overwhelming the shop and other visitor facilities,and causing queues down the stairs for the rooftop cafe.The whole gallery had to be closed every time a new exhibition was hung The original proposal to extend produced a rash of"Stop the Tate"posters in windows throughout he town,and protests about everything from property prices being driven up by arty incomers to the loss of parking spaces After extensive public consultation,the architects'eventual solution was to double the gallery space by excavating into the hillside behind the original building--which drove up the cost to f 20m from the original estimate of 12m. What is the final solution about the extension of Tate St Ives?A.The opponents compromised and the extension was done as planned B.The architects redesigned the gallery extension and reduced its cost C.The architects reduced its cost by excavating it into the hillside D.It was built into the hillside based on the response from the public

考题 The elegant f 20m extension of Tate St Ives,a gallery that was overwhelmed by its own success when it opened in 1993,has won theand the Postal Museum in London,once a niche archive with 3,000 visitors a year,but now a purpose-built museum with a spectacular attraction in Mail Rail,the restored train that once carried post far below the capital's streets Tate St Ives reopened in October 2017.Visitors surged back in,and there were 11,000 visitors over the opening weekend alone.The project involve refurbishing the orginal galleries,and adding an extension by Jamie Fobert Architects and the environmental engineering company Max Fordham.The original museum opened in a town that had been famous for its artists,including Barbara Hepworth and Ben Nicholson.It was built on a spectacular but tight site,designed by the architectural practice Evansthe gallery had planned for 50,000 visitors a year.Tate St Ives has since averaged 240,000 visitors annually swamping the gallery spaces,overwhelming the shop and other visitor facilities,and causing queues down the stairs for the rooftop cafe.The whole gallery had to be closed every time a new exhibition was hung The original proposal to extend produced a rash of"Stop the Tate"posters in windows throughout he town,and protests about everything from property prices being driven up by arty incomers to the loss of parking spaces After extensive public consultation,the architects'eventual solution was to double the gallery space by excavating into the hillside behind the original building--which drove up the cost to f 20m from the original estimate of 12m. Which of the following is true about other contenders for the UK's Museum of the Year Award?A.Brooklands Museum restores and preserves the bridge of motor racing B.Glasgow Womens Library was previously only accessible to women C.Postal Museum has grown from a small archive to a large mail rail museum D.Postal Museum is dedicated to the preservation of restored trains and mails

考题 For years,if not decades.banks,post office and pubs have been disappearing on the British high street.Still,the scale and pace of the current crop of casualties seems exceptional,as well as the shortage of replacement activities.Where once the ex-banks could be readily converted into pubs,and a variety of often innovative bars and restaurants promised to breathe life into streets abandoned by traditional shops.now even those hopeful trends have been reversed.The various companies have widely varied reasons for their problems,yet together they symbolise the crisis on the high street.And the word"crisis"is justified.There are common,ancl familiar,problems.The squeeze on household incomes,with near-stagnant wage levels and bouts of relatively high inflation,has lasted since the financial crisis began a decade ago.Even with the British shopper's ingenious way of defying financial logic,and clespite the Bank of Englancl's attempts to put cheap money into borrowers'pockets.sooner or later there was bound to be a correction.While the money flowing into the high street has hardly risen.the supply of everything from cupcake stands to sandwich outlels has been expanding.pushing rents and wages higher.Huge retail developments are sLill looked on by desperate development agencies and local councils as the quick fix for any clevastated post-industrial landscape.Once again,sooner or later this vast overcapacity was going to run into the reality of weak demand.No matter how smart the store or niche the outlet,whcn overheads aren't being covered by healthy sales,the future is bleak.Overarching all of that,however,is the digital revolution,with giants such as Amazon invading new retail sectors.Less well advertised is the simple trend among the British towards entertaining and making the most of their leisure time in their very expensive homes.Why go to a public house or a restaurant when your private house is just as entertaining and where virtually any pastime or product can be transmitted via satellite,web or cable technology,and a cheap takeaway delivery and a bottle of wine are just a couple of clicks away?Britain famously was once disparaged as"nation of shopkeepers",small-minded merchants with narrow cultural and political horizons.Then the British became notorious as a"nation of shoppers",small-minded consumers with narrow cultural and political horizons,as well as an almost reckless taste for debt and disregard for saving for the future.Now the British are becoming a nation of home-lovers,with pizzas arriving by moped and with a wireless hub for cosy nights in.For the sake of the high street,we need to get out more:either that,or local councils need to think hard about allowing more shops to be converted into flats.Then the British could become a nation of ex-shop dwellers,even if their cultural and political horizons remain as narrow as ever. According to Paragraph'l,what has happened to the British high street?A.Lots of banks have been converted to pubs. B.Innovative shops are replacing traditional ones. C.Some public services have losi their value, D.Retail and leisure are dying unprecedentedly.

考题 资料:New York and London may rule the roost, but other financial hubs in America and Europe have managed to carve out useful specialist niches for themselves. Chicago, for instance, has consolidated its position as the world’s derivatives center, and Houston, the largest city in Texas, is home to America’s biggest energy firms and has spawned an active cluster of energy traders and hedge funds. Europe has also developed a diverse set of financial centers ranging from big cities to island havens such as Jersey and to niche markets such as Luxembourg and Dublin. Edinburg, an established banking center, is now touting itself as a low-cost alternative for financial operations. Among the larger hubs, Frankfurt is an important center for banking and derivatives trading through Eurex, a German-Swiss exchange, with significantly lower costs than London. Switzerland’s twin financial centers, Geneva and Zurich, have done well in their specialists of private banking, wealth management and insurance. The main attractions are low taxes, political stability and a reputation for discretion. Urs Roth from the Swiss Bankers Association says, however, that given its tiny domestic market, Switzerland has had to fight for open markets on an international scale. Paris has long lagged far behind London, dogged by a reputation for excessive regulation and high taxes. The new government is aware that some of France’s best financial brains have crossed the Channel for more lucrative careers in London. Yet Paris has many advantages: a large number of international banks; more international companies than Frankfurt; and easy access to regulators. It has the largest market in Europe for trading in mutual funds. Few would dispute that Paris offers an attractive quality of life and has good transport links. What makes Paris a place to watch just now is the NYSE’s recent merger with Euronext. The combined group will base its international equities business in the French capital. Euronext, which operates exchanges in five European countries, also illustrates the importance of a common language. Financial executives around the world increasingly view Europe as a single market. Soon a new European rule called MiFID (Markets in Financial Instrument Directive) is due to be implemented. It aims to increase competition among and transparency within financial markets. Financiers in other parts of the world are wondering how to achieve a similar degree of cross-border financial integration. Which of the following is NOT true about Paris, according to the passage? A.Merger of NYSE with Euronext makes it the biggest financial center in Europe. B.The excessive regulation and high taxes have affected its financial development. C.Paris has many advantages that may help in its future financial development. D.Paris offers good quality of life as well as good transport links.

考题 资料:According to our research, Best Buy in China was perceived as being too expensive, with many of their products priced higher than in local markets. Why buy a Sony DVD player or Nokia phone at Best Buy when you can pay less for the exact same product at a local store?Consumers will only be willing to pay more, like at the Apple stores, if they are buying something they cannot get elsewhere. While scales of economy have allowed big China stores in America to offer cheaper prices than niche players, local retailers in China are able to undercut prices because they pay less in salaries, benefits, rent, and electricity. Rampant piracy in China also means local computers shops are willing to install counterfeit Microsoft software in products, which makes it more appealing for customers. Apart from failing to differentiate its product lines, Best Buy also made the mistake of focusing on building large flagship stores, like in the U.S, rather than smaller, conveniently located retail outlets. China may have one of the highest car adoption rates in the world, but its perennial traffic congestions and lack of parking mean consumers often prefer to shop closer to their homes. A government ban on free shopping bags have also resulted in consumers shopping more often, but buying less each time, further fueling the popularity of neighborhood stores. The underlined part in the second paragraph means.A.Illegal B.Condemnable C.Rife D.Common

考题 资料:According to our research, Best Buy in China was perceived as being too expensive, with many of their products priced higher than in local markets. Why buy a Sony DVD player or Nokia phone at Best Buy when you can pay less for the exact same product at a local store?Consumers will only be willing to pay more, like at the Apple stores, if they are buying something they cannot get elsewhere. While scales of economy have allowed big China stores in America to offer cheaper prices than niche players, local retailers in China are able to undercut prices because they pay less in salaries, benefits, rent, and electricity. Rampant piracy in China also means local computers shops are willing to install counterfeit Microsoft software in products, which makes it more appealing for customers. Apart from failing to differentiate its product lines, Best Buy also made the mistake of focusing on building large flagship stores, like in the U.S, rather than smaller, conveniently located retail outlets. China may have one of the highest car adoption rates in the world, but its perennial traffic congestions and lack of parking mean consumers often prefer to shop closer to their homes. A government ban on free shopping bags have also resulted in consumers shopping more often, but buying less each time, further fueling the popularity of neighborhood stores. Which of the following statement is not true?A.Chinese market needs more regulations. B.Western retailers cannot succeed in Chinese market. C.In China owing a car does not necessarily mean efficient travel. D.To start a successful business, a better understanding of consumer preference is important.

考题 资料:According to our research, Best Buy in China was perceived as being too expensive, with many of their products priced higher than in local markets. Why buy a Sony DVD player or Nokia phone at Best Buy when you can pay less for the exact same product at a local store?Consumers will only be willing to pay more, like at the Apple stores, if they are buying something they cannot get elsewhere. While scales of economy have allowed big China stores in America to offer cheaper prices than niche players, local retailers in China are able to undercut prices because they pay less in salaries, benefits, rent, and electricity. Rampant piracy in China also means local computers shops are willing to install counterfeit Microsoft software in products, which makes it more appealing for customers. Apart from failing to differentiate its product lines, Best Buy also made the mistake of focusing on building large flagship stores, like in the U.S, rather than smaller, conveniently located retail outlets. China may have one of the highest car adoption rates in the world, but its perennial traffic congestions and lack of parking mean consumers often prefer to shop closer to their homes. A government ban on free shopping bags have also resulted in consumers shopping more often, but buying less each time, further fueling the popularity of neighborhood stores. What can be inferred from the third paragraph? Shopping at neighborhood stores are more of Chinese consumers shopping habit.B.Large flagship stores are unpopular in China. C.Americans do not like small, conveniently located retail outlets. D.government ban on free shopping bags has dampened Chinese buyers enthusiasm.

考题 一般来说,一个理想的“利基(niche)”具有以下几个特征()。A、有足够的市场潜量和购买力B、市场有发展潜力C、对主要竞争者不具有吸引力D、企业具备有效的为这一市场服务所必需的资源和能力E、企业已在顾客中建立起良好的信誉,足以对抗竞争者

考题 生态位来自于英语niche,原意是指供神的神龛。

考题 生态位 ecological niche

考题 “niche”有()几种解释。A、位置B、地位C、小生境D、细分市场

考题 生态位(niche)

考题 生态位分异(Niche Differentiation)

考题 名词解释题生态位分异(Niche Differentiation)

考题 名词解释题生态位(niche)

考题 名词解释题生态位 ecological niche

考题 名词解释题生态位重叠(Niche Overlap)

考题 多选题一般来说,一个理想的“利基(niche)”具有以下几个特征()。A有足够的市场潜量和购买力B市场有发展潜力C对主要竞争者不具有吸引力D企业具备有效的为这一市场服务所必需的资源和能力E企业已在顾客中建立起良好的信誉,足以对抗竞争者

考题 单选题Tamarins lost the paradise of their tree-bound niche mainly because the Portuguese __________.A cut down trees to make rooms of the housesB cleared the forests to set up cities and farmsC deforested some regions for playgroundsD hunted the most distinctive monkeys