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A large supply of spare parts is very expensive, so a company ______.

will try to keep as many as it can


will try to keep as low as it can


will try to make them all by itself


will try to deliver it quickly


文章第二段首句指出“A large supply of spare parts is very expensive, so a company will try to keep its inventory as low as it can…”,由此可知,由于大量零部件的储存成本很高,所以企业尽可能使库存降低,对应选项B。
更多 “单选题A large supply of spare parts is very expensive, so a company ______.A will try to keep as many as it canB will try to keep as low as it canC will try to make them all by itselfD will try to deliver it quickly” 相关考题
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