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Which of the following describes the appropriate port assignment and message exchange in a standard TFTP transaction?()

Server: RRQ/WRQ Sent;Client: RRQ/WRQ Received


Server: RRQ/WRQ Received;Client: RRQ/WRQ Received


Server: RRQ/WRQ Received;Client: RRQ/WRQ Sent


Server: RRQ/WRQ Received;Client: RRQ/WRQ Sent


Server: RRQ/WRQ Sent;Client: RRQ/WRQ Sent


Server: RRQ/WRQ Received;Client: RRQ/WRQ Sent


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Which of the following describes the appropriate port assignment and message exchange in a standard TFTP transaction?()A Server: RRQ/WRQ Sent;Client: RRQ/WRQ ReceivedB Server: RRQ/WRQ Received;Client: RRQ/WRQ ReceivedC Server: RRQ/WRQ Received;Client: RRQ/WRQ SentD Server: RRQ/WRQ Received;Client: RRQ/WRQ SentE Server: RRQ/WRQ Sent;Client: RRQ/WRQ SentF Server: RRQ/WRQ Received;Client: RRQ/WRQ Sent” 相关考题
考题 At boot time, which of the following services utilizes a central server to assign IP addresses to a host?()A、LDAPB、bootpC、DHCPD、bind

考题 Which of the following allows a program or port through a software firewall?()A、ExceptionB、Pass-throughC、Port-forwardingD、Punch-through

考题 Which of the following describes the appropriate port assignment and message exchange in a standard TFTP transaction?()A、Server: RRQ/WRQ Sent;Client: RRQ/WRQ ReceivedB、Server: RRQ/WRQ Received;Client: RRQ/WRQ ReceivedC、Server: RRQ/WRQ Received;Client: RRQ/WRQ SentD、Server: RRQ/WRQ Received;Client: RRQ/WRQ SentE、Server: RRQ/WRQ Sent;Client: RRQ/WRQ SentF、Server: RRQ/WRQ Received;Client: RRQ/WRQ Sent

考题 Which of the following BEST describes RAID 10?()A、 Mirroring with stripingB、 Mirroring with fault toleranceC、 StripingD、 Striping with distributed parity

考题 A technician is setting up a network and wants to automatically assign IP addresses. Which of the following will need to be configured to automatically assign IP addresses?()A、WINSB、DNSC、DHCPD、NTP

考题 Which of the following protocols defaults to port 161?()A、SFTPB、SNMPC、SMTPD、SNTP

考题 Which of the following BEST describes RAID 1?()A、MirroringB、StripingC、Striping with parityD、Striping with mirroring

考题 Which of the following describes an area where communications equipment is stored?()A、HVACB、MDFC、110 blockD、Demarc

考题 Which of the following server types will assign a unique address to the client’s machines?()A、WINSB、DHCPC、NTPD、DNS

考题 Which of the following is required if ports from VLANs on two separate switches need to broadcastto each other?()A、Port mirroringB、VPNC、TrunkingD、Port authentication

考题 Which of the following protocols uses port 119, by default?()A、NNTPB、NTPC、TFTPD、FTP

考题 Which of the following describes the 25 or 9 pin connector with male pins on the back of a laptop computer?()A、Parallel portB、Serial portC、IEEE 1394 portD、USB port

考题 多选题Which of the following three port types are valid Spanning Tree port types?(Choose the best threeanswers.)()ADesignated portBNonswitch portCSwitch portDNonroot portENondesignated portFRoot port

考题 单选题Which of the following describes a secure connection over the Internet between two sites?()A FTPB VLANC VPND HTTP

考题 单选题Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?A Secondary EducationB Pre-school Education