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The recording fathometer produces a graphic record of the().

bottom contour only up to depths of 100 fathoms


depth underneath the keel against a time base


contour of the bottom against a distance base


depth of water against a distance base


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题The recording fathometer produces a graphic record of the().A bottom contour only up to depths of 100 fathomsB depth underneath the keel against a time baseC contour of the bottom against a distance baseD depth of water against a distance base” 相关考题
考题 下列()服务不是Internet的功能。 A.TELNETB.FTPC.EMAILD.GRAPHIC

考题 The figure below shows a record used for recording information about a named? event.Which of the following statement is incorrect? VAR r:record event:array[1..10] of char; place:array[1..20] of record plname:array[1..15] of char; date: array[1..5] of record mo:l..12; day:l..31; year:integer end end end;A.This is a one-dimensional array of records, also called a table.B.This is so called record of arrays;C.The event can occur in up to 20 places and on up to 5 different dates in each place.D.A reference to r.place[i].date[j].mo will access the month of the jth occurrence, in the ith place, of

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考题 You are using Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer 7 on your computer. You need to print only the graphic on a Web page.How should you print the graphic?() A.AB.BC.CD.D

考题 emp表是雇员信息表,以下哪个变量可以存放emp表中的一条记录() A.v_record emp%type;B.v_record emp%recordtype;C.v_record emp%record_type;D.v_record emp%rowtype;E.v_record emp%row_type;

考题 A clickable string or graphic that points to another Web page or document is called(18)。A.LinkB.AnchorC.BrowserD.Hyperlink

考题 The recording fathometer produces a graphic record of the ______.A.bottom contour only up to depths of 100 fathomsB.depth underneath the keel against a time baseC.contour of the bottom against a distance baseD.depth of water against a distance base

考题 A microbarograph is a precision instrument that provides a ______.A.charted record of atmospheric temperature over timeB.charted record of atmospheric pressure over timeC.graphic record of combustible gases measured in an atmosphereD.graphic record of vapor pressure from a flammable/combustible liquid

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考题 下列()服务不是Internet的功能。A、TELNETB、FTPC、EMAILD、GRAPHIC

考题 MDT的数据类型分为()。A、logged MDTImmediate MDT;B、recording MDTreport MDT;C、recording MDTImmediate MDT;D、logged MDTreport MDT。

考题 What is the MD5 algorithm used for?()A、takes a fixed-length message and produces a 128-bit message digestB、takes a variable-length message and produces a 168-bit message digestC、takes a message less than 2^64 bits as input and produces a 160-bit message digestD、takes a variable-length message and produces a 128-bit message digest ActualTests.com

考题 单选题At 0400 your vessel is dead in the water and in heavy fog. Your loran set fixes your position at LAT 41°12.1’N,LONG 72°43.5’W. Bottom samples are taken and indicate a composition of soft mud and shell. Your fathometer reads 40 feet. If the vessel draws 9 feet of water,which of the following is TRUE?()A The bottom samples and fathometer reading prove the loran fix is reliableB The bottom samples and fathometer readings indicate that the loran fix is unreliableC The information collected indicates that the fathometer may be in errorD The information collected indicates that the chart is most likely in error

考题 单选题You are using Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer 7 on your computer. You need to print only the graphic on a Web page.  How should you print the graphic?()A Use the Page Setup option and select only the graphic.B Use the Print Preview feature and select only the graphic.C Use the Print option from the File menu.D Use the Microsoft XML Paper Specification (XPS) Document image printer.

考题 单选题The new recipe requires fewer exotic ingredients and takes less time than it, but produces just as tasty a souffle as the old recipe.A and takes less time than it, but produces just as tasty a souffle as the old recipeB that take less time than the old recipe, producing just as tasty a souffleC and takes less time than the old recipe, but produces just as tasty a souffleD also taking less time than the old recipe, but produces just as tasty a souffleE but produces just as tasty a souffle as the old recipe, but takes less time

考题 单选题A microbarograph is a precision instrument that provides a().A charted record of atmospheric temperature over timeB charted record of atmospheric pressure over timeC graphic record of combustible gases measured in an atmosphereD graphic record of vapor pressure from a flammable/combustible liquid

考题 单选题Which factor has the greatest effect on the amount of gain required to obtain a fathometer reading?()A Salinity of waterB Temperature of waterC Atmospheric pressureD Type of bottom

考题 单选题What should you apply to a fathometer reading to determine the depth of water?()A Subtract the draft of the vesselB Add the draft of the vesselC Subtract the sea water correctionD Add the sea water correction

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考题 单选题The satellite system of GAMDSS comprise().A NAVTEX, COSPAS/SARSAT, EPIRBs and Status Recording-systemB Inmarsat,COSPAS/SARSAT, EPIRBs and Status Recording-systemC NAVTEX, Inmarast,EPIRBs and SARTD Inmarsat, direct Printing Telegraphy

考题 单选题The recording fathometer produces a graphic record of the().A bottom contour only up to depths of 100 fathomsB depth underneath the keel against a time baseC contour of the bottom against a distance baseD depth of water against a distance base

考题 单选题emp表是雇员信息表,以下哪个变量可以存放emp表中的一条记录()A v_record emp%type;B v_record emp%recordtype;C v_record emp%record_type;D v_record emp%rowtype;E v_record emp%row_type;

考题 单选题() shall be provided to every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage and above to record relevant machinery space and cargo/ballast operations.A Oil Record Book Part ⅠB Oil Record Book Part ⅡC Oil Record Book Part Ⅰ or Part ⅡD Oil Record Book Part Ⅰ and Part Ⅱ

考题 问答题The following is a transcript of a statement made by a recording industry executive at an industry conference:  “The music recording industry is suffering grave economic losses due to the widespread piracy of digital music. This fate was an inevitable result of the industry’s misguided decision to switch from the analogue format of vinyl records to the digital formats used today on compact disks and computer files. Copying a vinyl record requires expensive and bulky machinery, whereas anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can start up a music piracy business. To boost music revenues, the recording industry should switch entirely back to the analogue format of vinyl records. Also, I can state with complete authority that music just sounds better on a vinyl record.”  Discuss how well-reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion, be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative examples or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion. You can also discuss what sort of evidence would strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion.