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The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is preparing a briefing about the reliability of their server environment.  There is a need to create a report about which systems had unplanned system outages and how often they occurred.  What IBM Director tool can be used to create the report?()

Capacity Manager


Process Management tool


System Availability tool


System Reporting tool


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is preparing a briefing about the reliability of their server environment.  There is a need to create a report about which systems had unplanned system outages and how often they occurred.  What IBM Director tool can be used to create the report?()A Capacity ManagerB Process Management toolC System Availability toolD System Reporting tool” 相关考题
考题 驾驶员A.captainB.chief officerC.chief engineerD.deck officer

考题 Who is the head of the deck department?A.Captain.B.Bosun.C.Chief officer.D.Chief engineer.

考题 When will an Engineer Officer in charge of watch call Chief Engineer?

考题 Is your chief officer on board?

考题 At an unsheltered(开放的) anchorage the chief engineer officer shall consult with ______whether or not to maintain an underway watch.A.the engineer officer in charge of watchB.the deck officer in charge of watchC.the masterD.the chief mate

考题 As Chief Officer of a vessel underway,it comes to your attention that the vessel is,in some manner,unseaworthy. Under such circumstances the Master is required to take action upon receiving ______.A.information of such condition from yourselfB.notification of such condition from yourself and the Second OfficerC.notification of such condition from yourself and any other member of the crewD.notification of such condition from yourself or the Second Officer

考题 Do you know ______ ?A.where is the chief officerB.where the chief officer isC.is where the chief officerD.the chief officer is where

考题 When there is not a chief officer on board, ____ should keep and write up the ship’s logbook.A.the assistance officerB.the captainC.the officer on dutyD.the third officer

考题 Who should direct short-term recovery actions immediately following a disaster? 谁应当在灾难发生后立即领导短期的灾难恢复行动?()A、Chief Operating Officer. 首席运营官B、Chief Information Officer. 首席信息官C、Chief Executive Officer. 行政总裁CEOD、Disaster Recovery Manager. 灾难恢复经理

考题 越来越多的企业设立了首席信息官(Chief Information Officer,CIO)一职()A、但在国外CIO不是一种职业或一个职位B、在我国CIO仅是一个职位C、CIO往往是由组织的高层决策人士来担任D、但在国外CIO只是一种职业或一个职位

考题 英译中:Chief logistics officer

考题 CIO的英文全称是Chief Information ()。

考题 ()is the officer responsible for the overall maintenance of deck department.A、BosunB、Chief officerC、Third officerD、Second officer

考题 Who maintains the fire-fighting and life-saving apparatus?()A、The second officer.B、The chief officer.C、The third officer.D、Bosun.

考题 驾驶员()A、captainB、chief officerC、chief engineerD、deck officer

考题 大副负责整个甲板部的维修保养工作。()A、The chief officer is responsible for the overall maintenance of the deck department.B、The second officer is responsible for the overall cleaning of the deck department.C、The third officer is responsible for the overall maintenance of the deck department.D、The chief officer is responsible for the overall cleaning of the deck department.

考题 The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is preparing a briefing about the reliability of their server environment.  There is a need to create a report about which systems had unplanned system outages and how often they occurred.  What IBM Director tool can be used to create the report?()A、Capacity ManagerB、Process Management toolC、System Availability toolD、System Reporting tool

考题 你需要设计一个方案以解决CIO(chief information officer)担心的安全隐患,你该怎么做?()A、在默认域策略GPO中,设置WMI过滤选项B、使用gpresult命令C、使用Mbsacli.exeD、在默认域策略中,设置软件限制策略

考题 单选题Do you know().A Where is the chief officerB Where the chief officer isC Is where the chief officerD The chief officer is where

考题 单选题Do you know()?A where is the chief officerB where the chief officer isC is where the chief officerD where the chief officer

考题 单选题At an unsheltered anchorage the chief engineer officer shall consult with () whether or not to maintain an underway watch.A the engineer officer in charge of watchB the deck officer in charge of watchC the masterD the chief mate

考题 单选题You need to design a method to encrypt confidential data. Your solution must address the concerns of the chief information officer. What should you do?()A Encrypt customer information when it is stored and when it is being transmittedB Require encrypted connections to the public Web site, which is hosted on the Web server on the perimeter networkC Encrypt all marketing information on file servers and client computersD Require encrypted connections to all file servers

考题 多选题越来越多的企业设立了首席信息官(Chief Information Officer,CIO)一职,()。A但在国外CIO不是一种职业或一个职位B在我国CIO仅是一个职位CCIO往往是由组织的高层决策人士来担任D但在国外CIO只是一种职业或一个职位

考题 单选题There are many navigational aids().A in chief engineer's roomB in chief officer's roomC on the bridgeD on deck

考题 单选题大副负责整个甲板部的维修保养工作。()A The chief officer is responsible for the overall maintenance of the deck department.B The second officer is responsible for the overall cleaning of the deck department.C The third officer is responsible for the overall maintenance of the deck department.D The chief officer is responsible for the overall cleaning of the deck department.

考题 单选题你需要设计一个方案以解决CIO(chief information officer)担心的安全隐患,你该怎么做?()A 在默认域策略GPO中,设置WMI过滤选项B 使用gpresult命令C 使用Mbsacli.exeD 在默认域策略中,设置软件限制策略

考题 单选题Chief Officer, the cargo()is broken.A runnerB runC runningD runned

考题 填空题CIO的英文全称是Chief Information ()。