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API[Application Progamming Interface]的中文意思为应用程序编程界面。



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更多 “判断题API[Application Progamming Interface]的中文意思为应用程序编程界面。A 对B 错” 相关考题
考题 The de facto standard Application Program Interface (API) for TCP/IP applications is the “sockets” interface. Although this API was developed for (71) in the early 1960s it has also been implemented on a wide variety of no-Unix systems. TCP/IP (72) Written using the sockets API have in the past enjoyed a high degree of portability and we would like the same (73) with IPv6 applications. But changes are required to the sockets API to support IPv6 and this memo describes these changes. These include a new socket address structure to carry IPv6 (74) ,new address conversion functions, and some new socket options. These extensions are designed to provide access to the basic IPv6 features requited by TCP and UDP applications, including multicasting, while introducing a minimums of change into the system and providing complete (75) for existing IPv4 applications.A.WindowsB.LinuxC.UnixD.DOS

考题 API遵循UNIX中的应用编程界面标准____。

考题 您正在写的下面的代码是,调用一个函数从Win32应用程序编程接口(API)通过使用平台调用。Intrc=MessageBox(hWnd,text,caption,type)下面正确的是() A.AB.BC.CD.D

考题 在Windows平台下通常使用的三维编程开发工具包括微软公司的三维图形应用程序接口(API)①和SGI公司的三维图形应用程序接口(API)②。

考题 ● TCP/IP communication protocol contains four layers. From bottom to top, the four layers are __(71)__.(71)A.network interface layer, internet layer, transport layer and application layerB.internet layer, network interface layer, transport layer and application layerC.network interface layer, transport layer, network interface layer and application layerD.application layer, transport layer, internet layer and network interface layer

考题 Microsoft网络模型包括7个层次,其中文件系统接口层的定义作用为( )A.提供“路径切换”B.将API调用翻译为计算机可理解的语言C.用户应用程序在该层进行API调用D.运行网卡所带的软件驱动程序

考题 TCP/IP communication protocol contains four layers. From bottom to top, the four layers are __(71)__.A.network interface layer, internet layer, transport layer and application layerB.internet layer, network interface layer, transport layer and application layerC.network interface layer, transport layer, network interface layer and application layerD.application layer, transport layer, internet layer and network interface layer

考题 下列关于Windows的叙述错误的是( )。A.应用程序接口(Application Program Interface,API)是操作系统公开的可以被应用程序调用的函数定义、参数定义和消息格式的集合B.动态链接库DLL包含Win 32 API对应的所有函数C.Windows 98通过将计算机系统分成几个虚拟机来实现多任务D.Windows 98中磁盘空间分配的方法采用连续空间分配策略

考题 下列不属于Window98操作系统中多媒体应用的体系结构的应用程序编程接口(API)的是______。A.DirectXB.MIDIC.OpenGLD.GDI

考题 API[Application Progamming Interface]的中文意思为应用程序编程界面。 A.错误B.正确

考题 什么是应用程序编程接口(或称应用程序编程接口?)系统提供API的目的是什么?

考题 API的中文含义是()。A、应用处理接口B、应用协议接口C、应用过程接口D、应用程序接口

考题 通用网关界面(Common Gateway Interface,简称CGI)可以在网络服务器中运行内部应用程序。

考题 在Client/Server计算模式中,中间件(Midd1eware)的主要作用是利用高层应用程序编程接口(API)来隔离应用与网络。

考题 Java提供数据库编程的API包是()。

考题 GUI的中文意思是()。A、图形用户程序B、图形用户界面C、图形用户网络D、图形用户接口

考题 什么是应用编程接口API?它是应用程序和谁的接口?

考题 You work as an application developer at Certkiller .com. You are in the process of creating an application for Certkiller .com’s Human Resources department that tracks employee benefits. You have to store current employee data without recompiling the application. You elect to store this employee data as a custom section in the application configuration file. The relevant portion of the application configuration file is shown in the following exhibit: ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?         You want to use the .NET 2.0 Configuration API to access the custom section. You need to ensure that programmatic access of the EmployeeSection element is enabled. What should you do?()A、 Create a custom section handler class that inherits the ConfigurationSection interface.B、 Add a section element to the EmployeeSection element of the application configuration file.C、 Create a custom section handler class that implements the IConfigurationSectionHandler interface.D、 Add an EmployeeSection element to the configSections element of the application configuration file.E、 Create a custom section handler class that implements the IApplicatioSettingsProvider interface.F、 Add a section element to the configSections element of the application configuration file.

考题 API[Application Progamming Interface]的中文意思为应用程序编程界面。

考题 API的中文含义是()。A、应用程序接口B、应用代理接口C、应用程序信息D、应用代理信息

考题 多选题You work as an application developer at Certkiller .com. You are in the process of creating an application for Certkiller .com’s Human Resources department that tracks employee benefits. You have to store current employee data without recompiling the application. You elect to store this employee data as a custom section in the application configuration file. The relevant portion of the application configuration file is shown in the following exhibit:          You want to use the .NET 2.0 Configuration API to access the custom section. You need to ensure that programmatic access of the EmployeeSection element is enabled. What should you do?()ACreate a custom section handler class that inherits the ConfigurationSection interface.BAdd a section element to the EmployeeSection element of the application configuration file.CCreate a custom section handler class that implements the IConfigurationSectionHandler interface.DAdd an EmployeeSection element to the configSections element of the application configuration file.ECreate a custom section handler class that implements the IApplicatioSettingsProvider interface.FAdd a section element to the configSections element of the application configuration file.

考题 问答题什么是应用程序编程接口(或称应用程序编程接口?)系统提供API的目的是什么?

考题 判断题在Client/Server计算模式中,中间件(Middleware)的主要作用是利用高层应用程序编程接口(API)来隔离应用与网络。( )A 对B 错

考题 判断题API[Application Progamming Interface]的中文意思为应用程序编程界面。A 对B 错

考题 问答题什么是应用编程接口API?它是应用程序和谁的接口?

考题 判断题在Client/Server计算模式中,中间件(Midd1eware)的主要作用是利用高层应用程序编程接口(API)来隔离应用与网络。A 对B 错

考题 单选题API的中文含义是()。A 应用处理接口B 应用协议接口C 应用过程接口D 应用程序接口

考题 判断题通用网关界面(Common Gateway Interface,简称CGI)可以在网络服务器中运行内部应用程序。A 对B 错