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特种米(special rice)


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更多 “名词解释题特种米(special rice)” 相关考题
考题 My brother likes rice and noodles. (改为选择疑问句)_____ does your brother ____ ____, rice ____ noodles?

考题 What are the special foods for the Spring Festival?A.eggB.rice dumplingsC.breadD.dumplings

考题 What are the special foods for on the Mid-autumn Festival?A.mooncakeB.rice dumplingsC.dumplingsD.red egg

考题 What are the special foods for the Dragon Boat Festival?A.rice dumplingsB.dumplingsC.chocolatesD.moocakes

考题 Which bag has the __________ (much) rice,the first,the second or the third?

考题 Hooks ________ allowed for discharging the rice bagsA.areB.are notC.is notD.is

考题 Confirming our telephone conversation this morning, we can offer you the rice of 400 lbs, at the special low price of $80 per lb,()Hong Kong.A、 CIF toB、 CIF atC、 CIFD、 CIF upon

考题 特种米(special rice)

考题 糯米(glutinous;rice)


考题 RICE法

考题 为防止损伤后软组织粘连,常用RICE法处理,以下不属于RICE法的是()A、休息B、冰敷法C、松动法D、压缩E、抬高

考题 Braised rice译成中文是炒米饭。

考题 Some ships have()(特殊职责) ,such as tugs.A、dutyB、special dutiesC、special dutyD、special

考题 香米(fragrant rice、scented rice)

考题 糙米茶(brown rice tea)

考题 强化米(enriched rice)

考题 特种货物集装箱可以表示为()。A、specific cargo containerB、special containerC、full container shipD、twenty-feet equival unit

考题 名词解释题糯米粉(glutinous rice flour,waxy rice flour)

考题 名词解释题强化米(enriched rice)

考题 名词解释题黑米酒(black rice wine!)

考题 单选题Would you like a bag of rice? Yes. I have()rice at home.A someB littleC a littleD any

考题 单选题Rice is usually in ().A drumsB casesC bagsD tanks

考题 名词解释题香米(fragrant rice、scented rice)

考题 单选题Where will Rice visit this week?A GermanyB the Middle EastC Britain

考题 单选题—Did the radio say ______?—Yes, from Hunan.A how the bad rice cameB where the bad rice came fromC how did the bad rice comeD where did the bad rice come from

考题 单选题为防止损伤后软组织粘连,常用RICE法处理,以下不属于RICE法的是()A 休息B 冰敷法C 松动法D 压缩E 抬高