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If a/b = 6/7 and a/c = 2/5, what is the value of 3b + c in terms of a?











If a/b = 6/7, then 6b = 7a, so 3b = (7/2)a. If a/c = 2/5, then 2c = 5a, so c = (5/2)a.
Hence, 3b + c = (7/2)a + (5/2)a = (12/2)a = 6a
更多 “单选题If a/b = 6/7 and a/c = 2/5, what is the value of 3b + c in terms of a?A 12aB 9aC 8aD 6aE 4a” 相关考题
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