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Ashermen综合征|Premature ovarian failure











解析: 1.宫颈粘连虽无月经,但为机械性梗阻引起,因此,性激素水平为正常。 2.40岁以前闭经称为卵巢早衰,表现为雌激素水平低下而促性腺激素浓度高,与生理性绝经相似。
更多 “配伍题Ashermen综合征|Premature ovarian failureAPRL50ng/mlBLH/FSH3,T96μg/mlCLH、FSH均5U/LDE220μg/ml、FSH40μg/mlE五项激素水平全正常” 相关考题
考题 Which is NOT one of the things that can go wrong with the ovaries and fallopian tubes? () A、Ectopic pregnancyB、EndometriosisC、Ovarian tumorsD、Nonmenstrual vaginal bleeding

考题 Ashermen综合征A.PRL>50ng/mlB.LH/FSH>3,T>96μg/mlC.LH、FSH均40μg/mlE.五项激素水平全正常A.PRL> Ashermen综合征A.PRL50ng/mlB.LH/FSH3,T96μg/mlC.LH、FSH均40μg/mlD.E<20μg/ml、FSH40μg/mlE.五项激素水平全正常

考题 Premature ovarian failureA.PRL>50ng/mlB.LH/FSH>3,T>96μg/mlC.LH、FSH均40μg/mlE.五项激素水平 Premature ovarian failureA.PRL50ng/mlB.LH/FSH3,T96μg/mlC.LH、FSH均40μg/mlD.E<20μg/ml、FSH40μg/mlE.五项激素水平全正常

考题 Premature ovarian failureA.PRL50n9/mlB.LH/FSH3,T96μg/mlC.LH、FSH均5U/LD.E2%20μg/ml、FSH40μg/mlE.五项激素水平全正常

考题 Ashermen综合征A.PRL50n9/mlB.LH/FSH3,T96μg/mlC.LH、FSH均5U/LD.E2%20μg/ml、FSH40μg/mlE.五项激素水平全正常

考题 Since failure is the mother of success,we need failure ______.A、by the wayB、in a wayC、in the wayD、on the way

考题 Premature ovarian failureA.PRL>50ng/mlB.LH/FSH>3,T>96μg/mlC.LH、FSH均4 Premature ovarian failureA.PRL>50ng/mlB.LH/FSH>3,T>96μg/mlC.LH、FSH均<5U/LD.E<20μg/ml、FSH>40/μg/mlE.五项激素水平全正常

考题 Ashermen综合征A.PRL>50ng/mlB.LH/FSH>3,T>96μg/mlC.LH、FSH均40/μg/mlE.五 Ashermen综合征A.PRL>50ng/mlB.LH/FSH>3,T>96μg/mlC.LH、FSH均<5U/LD.E<20μg/ml、FSH>40/μg/mlE.五项激素水平全正常

考题 假熟(premature)

考题 卵巢早衰(Premature ovarian fail-ure)

考题 Which  kinds of failures make the Data Recovery Advisor (DRA) generate a manual checklist?()A、Failure when no standby database is configuredB、Failure because a data file is renamed accidentallyC、Failure that requires no archive logs to be applied for recoveryD、Failure due to loss of connectivity-for example, an unplugged disk cable

考题 Ashermen综合征

考题 CCC控制器面板上的辅助窗口内出现报警代码"MPU 1 failure""MPU 2 failure"或"MPU 3 failure"的含义?

考题 输卵管卵巢脓肿(tubo-ovarian abscess)

考题 During a NIM install, the system stops with the LED code 611.What is the cause of the issue?()A、A failure to NFS mount filesystems from the NIM clientB、A failure to NFS mount filesystems from the NIM masterC、A failure to retrieve the tftp client info from the NIM masterD、A failure to retrieve the tftp server info from the NIM master

考题 Company.com has a new computer room that will be used to house a new HACMP cluster. Onceof the outstanding features of the new computer room was the new large air conditioner. This unit has enough excess capacity for more than double the planned amount of equipment. Another feature of this computer room was the dual electric supplies to the room housed in two separate power panels.  How would this impact the overall availability of the environment?()A、 Dual power feeds will make the installation difficult to manage and less high available.B、 The single air conditioner is a single point of failure and the customer should be made aware of the issue.C、 The single air conditioner is a single point of failure and HACMP should be customized to compensate for the issue.D、 A single power feed should be used to avoid ground loops in the computer room causing premature failure of the systems.

考题 Which two kinds of failures make the Data Recovery Advisor (DRA) generate a manual checklist()A、failure when no standby database is configuredB、failure because a data file is renamed accidentallyC、failure that requires no archive logs to be applied for recoveryD、failure due to loss of connectivity-for example, an unplugged disk cable

考题 单选题Company.com has a new computer room that will be used to house a new HACMP cluster. Onceof the outstanding features of the new computer room was the new large air conditioner. This unit has enough excess capacity for more than double the planned amount of equipment. Another feature of this computer room was the dual electric supplies to the room housed in two separate power panels.  How would this impact the overall availability of the environment?()A  Dual power feeds will make the installation difficult to manage and less high available.B  The single air conditioner is a single point of failure and the customer should be made aware of the issue.C  The single air conditioner is a single point of failure and HACMP should be customized to compensate for the issue.D  A single power feed should be used to avoid ground loops in the computer room causing premature failure of the systems.

考题 单选题Fuel is not supplied to the corresponding cylinders due to ().A a failure of the motorB a failure of lubricatorC a failure of cylinderD a failure of fuel pump

考题 名词解释题卵巢早衰(premature ovarian failure)

考题 名词解释题premature chromosome condensation,PCC (染色体早熟凝集)

考题 名词解释题早产(premature delivery)

考题 名词解释题stress-induced premature senescence ,SIPS(胁迫诱导的早熟性衰老)

考题 配伍题Ashermen综合征|Premature ovarian failureAPRL50ng/mlBLH/FSH3,T96μg/mlCLH、FSH均5U/LDE220μg/ml、FSH40μg/mlE五项激素水平全正常

考题 名词解释题输卵管卵巢脓肿(tubo-ovarian abscess)

考题 单选题在TCH信道上收到下面哪条消息时计一次MC739掉话()A Connetion Failure Indication (cause'radio link failure')B Connetion Failure Indication(cause'remmote transcoder failure')C Connetion Failure Indication(cause'equipment failure')D Connetion Failure Indication(cause'YY_TXPWR_M')

考题 单选题You executed the following commands in an RMAN session for your database instance that has failures: RMAN LIST FAILURE; After some time, you executed the following command in the same session: RMAN ADVISE FAILURE; But there are new failures recorded in the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) after the execution of the last LIST FAILURE command. Which statement is true for the above ADVISE FAILURE command in this scenario?()A It produces a warning for new failures before advising for CRITICAL and HIGH failures.B It ignores new failures and considers the failures listed in the last LIST FAILURE command only.C It produces an error with recommendation to run the LIST FAILURE command before the ADVISE FAILURE command.D It produces advice only for new failures and the failures listed in the last LIST FAILURE command are ignored.

考题 名词解释题卵巢早衰(Premature ovarian fail-ure)