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Go to a lecture.


Go to a concert.


Go shopping.


Go sightseeing.


简单推理题。从选项的共性可知该题提问行为目的,根据男士所说的“late for the professor’s lecture”可知,他俩准备去听讲座。
M: Hurry up or we’ll be late for the professor’s lecture.
W: Don’t worry. I’ll be ready in a minute.
Q: What are the two speakers going to do?
更多 “单选题_____A Go to a lecture.B Go to a concert.C Go shopping.D Go sightseeing.” 相关考题
考题 David likes country life and has decided to () farming. A.go in forB.go intoC.go throughD.go after

考题 I'd like to ______the lessons once more before we take the exam tomorrow. A.go forB.go overC.go roundD.go about

考题 25.A. go to the partyB.go to bedC. go to schoolD. go to work

考题 They ( ) every Sunday morning. A、go to the churchB、go to churchC、go to a churchD、go church

考题 If it rains tomorrow, we () for a picnic.A. wouldn't go outB. can't go outC. won't go out

考题 why is it so difficult for the democrats to _________ on the issue of mismanaging the economy______. A、go for the jugulaB、go for the eyeC、go for the earD、go for the cheek

考题 8. Hainan is a good place_________ .A. go sightseeingB. to go sightseeC. going sightseeingD. to go sightseeing

考题 Happiness doesn‘t always _______ money. A. go through B. go in for C. go with D. go over

考题 Your article is well written,but I think you should__________it again.A.go off B.go by C.go over D.go against

考题 I wonder if I could use your dictionary?()A、Go on.B、Go ahead.C、Go up.D、Go away.

考题 Linda, can you give me a lift after work? ()A、It‘s very kind of you to do so.B、Thank you for your offer.C、Never mind. I‘ll go shopping.D、No problem. We go the same direction

考题 以下()可以代替history.forward()的功能。A、history.go(0)B、history.go(-1)C、history.go(1)D、history.go(2)

考题 在下列移动数据库记录指针命令中,正确的命令是()A、GO 1B、SKIP -1C、GO TOPD、GO BOTTOME、GO EOF()

考题 1. public class GoTest {  2. public static void main(String[] args) {  3. Sente a = new Sente(); a.go();  4. Goban b = new Goban(); b.go();  5. Stone c = new Stone(); c.go();  6. }  7. } 8.  9. class Sente implements Go {  10. public void go() { System.out.println(”go in Sente.”); }  11. }  12.  13. class Goban extends Sente {  14. public void go() { System.out.println(”go in Goban”); }  15. }  16.  17. class Stone extends Goban implements Go { }  18.  19. interface Go { public void go(); }  What is the result?() A、 go in Goban  go in Sente go in SenteB、 go in Sente  go in Sente go in GobanC、 go in Sente  go in Goban go in GobanD、 go in Goban go in Goban go in SenteE、 Compilation fails because of an error in line 17.

考题 --Let go the towing line. –Yes ,I will ().A、let go itB、let go to itC、let it goD、let go for it

考题 IdeaPad Y510配置的显卡类型为()A、Nvdia Geforce Go 8400B、Nvdia Geforce Go 8600C、Nvdia Geforce Go 9300D、Nvdia Geforce Go 9600

考题 Go/NO-Go联想测验。

考题 在下列移动数据库记录指针命令中,不正确的命令是()A、SKIP -1B、GO BOF()C、GO TOPD、GO EOF()E、GO BOTTOM

考题 单选题Taking part in the Council’s trial schemes are children who _____.A living in Milton and go to Impington schoolB living in Impington and go to Milton schoolC living in Milton and go to Milton schoolD living in Impington and go to Impington school

考题 单选题--Let go the towing line. –Yes ,I will ().A let go itB let go to itC let it goD let go for it

考题 单选题Which single compound ’chmod’ command would achieve the same result as these four commands?()A chmod go+w mydirB chmod go-w mydirC chmod go-w-x mydirD chmod go-w+x mydir

考题 单选题SINGLE UP FORWARD TO HEAD LINE AND SPRING means().A let go all the lines forward including head line and springB let go the head line and spring onlyC let go all the lines except a head line and a springD let go the head line and spring including all the lines

考题 问答题Go/NO-Go联想测验。

考题 单选题Tell your men ()the rules and procedures of working when dismantling the equipment.A not to go againstB don’t go againstC not go to againstD to not go against

考题 单选题Although it is raining hard,_____.A Tom still wants to go outB and Tom still wants to go outC that Tom still wants to go outD but Tom still wants to go out

考题 单选题—Would you like me to go to the dentist with you?  —No, you ______ with me.A need not to goB need not goC do not need go D not need go

考题 单选题以下()可以代替history.forward()的功能。A history.go(0)B history.go(-1)C history.go(1)D history.go(2)

考题 单选题1. public class GoTest {  2. public static void main(String[] args) {  3. Sente a = new Sente(); a.go();  4. Goban b = new Goban(); b.go();  5. Stone c = new Stone(); c.go();  6. }  7. } 8.  9. class Sente implements Go {  10. public void go() { System.out.println(”go in Sente.”); }  11. }  12.  13. class Goban extends Sente {  14. public void go() { System.out.println(”go in Goban”); }  15. }  16.  17. class Stone extends Goban implements Go { }  18.  19. interface Go { public void go(); }  What is the result?()A  go in Goban  go in Sente go in SenteB  go in Sente  go in Sente go in GobanC  go in Sente  go in Goban go in GobanD  go in Goban go in Goban go in SenteE  Compilation fails because of an error in line 17.