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When shopping abroad, you are advised to _____.

use online services


use a credit card


pay by check


pay in cash


至第二段第三句提到“When shopping, use your credit card instead.”,结合前文内容可知,此处的“shopping”指的是“海外购物”,因此正确答案是B。
更多 “单选题When shopping abroad, you are advised to _____.A use online servicesB use a credit cardC pay by checkD pay in cash” 相关考题
考题 Why you want to study abroad? Maybe you want to be __(1)__ exploring foreign lands, meeting new people, traveling __(2)__ the beaten path. Maybe you want to dig into history and really live it, not just read about it. Perhaps you want to discover yourself—gaining the __(3)__and confidence that comes with self-knowledge.__(4)__ it or not, all these experiences and skills you develop abroad will help you mature personally and academically __(5)__ enhance your future career opportunities.As an individual, you will develop independence and self-reliance. When culture __(6)__challenges you, you will uncover strengths you may not __(7)__ you had.You will also grow academically. You will be able to learn about lots of subjects not offered here in your school. By __(8)__ politics with foreign students, involving yourself in local issues or taking American history classes from a foreign professor, you will gain a new, international __(9)__on yourself and your society. Even ordinary, daily living experiences will be a learning adventure!Shopping at the local market, doing the laundry with your host mom, and going out with your new friends will be an education __(10)__ itself.(1)A、an adventurerB、a travelerC、a scholarD、an inventor(2)A、onB、toC、offD、in(3)A、independenceB、independentC、dependenceD、dependent(4)A、ThinkB、JudgeC、SupposeD、Believe(5)A、andB、butC、as well asD、or(6)A、differenceB、shockC、upsetD、distinction(7)A、have knownB、knowC、knownD、has known(8)A、discussedB、discussingC、discussD、discusses(9)A、persuasiveB、prospectiveC、perspectiveD、prosperous(10)A、ofB、toC、forD、in

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考题 ()he advised me to do applies to you all. A、WhatB、ThatC、HowD、Why

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考题 When traveling, you are advised to take travelers’ checks, which provide a secure ____to carrying your money in cash.A. substitute B. preference C. selection D. alternative

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考题 When you go abroad, do you ______ take your passport?A、have toB、ought toC、needD、must

考题 You created an encrypted tablespace:You then closed the encryption wallet because you were advised that this is secure.Later in the day, you attempt to create the EMPLOYEES table in the SECURESPACE tablespace with the SALT option on the EMPLOYEE column.Which is true about the result?()A. It creates the table successfully but does not encrypt any inserted data in the EMPNAME column because the wallet must be opened to encrypt columns with SALT.B. It generates an error when creating the table because the wallet is closed.C. It creates the table successfully, and encrypts any inserted data in the EMPNAME column because the wallet needs to be open only for tablespace creation.D. It generates error when creating the table, because the salt option cannot be used with encrypted tablespaces.

考题 2. When do you go shopping?‘I usually go shopping _________ Sunday mornings .A.onB.inC.atD.by

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考题 共用题干 第三篇Internet ShoppingInternet shopping is a new way of shopping. Nowadays,you can shop for just about anything from your armchair. All you need is a computer which is linked to the Internet. Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. In the United States,people spent over U.S. $2.5 billion on Internet shopping in 1998.This figure is expected to reach U.S.$11 billion by the year 2004.People can shop for a variety of products on the Internet.Physical products include items such as books,CDs,clothes and foods.These types of products are the most common purchases through the Internet.You can also buy information products such as on-line news or magazine stories,or you can download computer software through the Internet.Services such as booking airline tickets,reser-ving hotels or renting cars are also available on the Internet.You can also go shopping on the Inter-net for entertainment services and take part in on-line games.Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for the shopper. The most important advantage is convenience.You can shop whenever you like as the on-line shops are open 24 hours a day and you don't have to queue with other shoppers at the check-out counters.Secondly,it is easy to find what you are looking for on the Internet.Even out-of-print books may be ordered on line.Finally,it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet,and you can tell the shop exactly what you want.The main disadvantage of Internet shopping is that you cannot actually see the products you are buying or check their quality.Also,many people enjoy shopping in the city and miss the opportunity to talk to friends.Some people are worried about paying for goods using credit cards,so Internet companies are now finding ways to make on-line payment safe.Internet shopping is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.It promises to change the way we buy all kinds of things一from tonight's dinner to a new car.The most proper title for this passage is"_________".A:People Enjoy Many Ways of ShoppingB:The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet ShoppingC:The Bright Future of Internet ShoppingD:A New Way of Shopping一Internet Shopping

考题 You should convert RMB into foreign currency before you go abroad.A:alter B:change C:buy D:sell

考题 Would you like()this afternoon?Ago shopping with meBto go shopping with meCto going shopping with me

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考题 判断题Recreational shoppers go shopping when they are sad.A 对B 错

考题 单选题When shopping abroad, you are advised to ______.A use online servicesB use a credit cardC pay by checkD pay in cash

考题 单选题Would you like()this afternoon?A go shopping with meB to go shopping with meC to going shopping with me

考题 单选题To know where you are going, you are advised to ______.A ask the police for detailed informationB look at the map before leaving the hotelC always travel with your business partnerD have a smart phone with you while traveling

考题 单选题Which of the following shows the general intonation pattern of a coordinate sentence?A You train the troops for six months ↗ and you send them↘ abroad.B You train the troops for six months↗ and you send them↗ abroad.C You train the troops for six months↘and you send them↘ abroad.D You train the troops for six months↘ and you send them↗ abroad.

考题 问答题Follow-up questions  Interlocutor:  Q1: When selling to customers abroad, do you think that companies always need to open an office in the foreign country? (Why?/Why not?)

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考题 单选题You are implementing an ASP.NET page in an e-commerce application. Code in abtnAddToCart_Click event handler adds a product to the shopping cart. The page should check the status of the shopping cart and always show a cart icon when one or more items are in the shopping cart. The page should hide the icon when the shopping cart has no items. You need to add an event handler to implement this requirement. Which event handler should you add?()A btnAddToCart_ClickB Page_LoadC Page_PreRenderD Page_PreInit

考题 单选题You created an encrypted tablespace: You then closed the encryption wallet because you were advised that this is secure. Later in the day, you attempt to create the EMPLOYEES table in the SECURESPACE tablespace with the SALT option on the EMPLOYEE column. Which is true about the result?()A It creates the table successfully but does not encrypt any inserted data in the EMPNAME column because the wallet must be opened to encrypt columns with SALT.B It generates an error when creating the table because the wallet is closed.C It creates the table successfully, and encrypts any inserted data in the EMPNAME column because the wallet needs to be open only for tablespace creation.D It generates error when creating the table, because the salt option cannot be used with encrypted tablespaces.

考题 单选题When travelling, you are advised to take travellers’ checks, which provide a secure_____ to carrying your money in cash.A substituteB selectionC preferenceD alternative

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