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You determine your vessel’s position by taking a range and bearing to a buoy.Your position will be plotted as a(n)().

Running fix




Dead-reckoning position


Estimated position


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更多 “单选题You determine your vessel’s position by taking a range and bearing to a buoy.Your position will be plotted as a(n)().A Running fixB FixC Dead-reckoning positionD Estimated position” 相关考题
考题 One of your crew members falls overboard from the starboard sida.You should IMMEDIATELY ______.A.position your vessel to windward and begin recoveryB.apply left rudderC.throw the crew member a life preserverD.begin backing your engines

考题 The common way to obtain your ship’s position is ______.A.keeping a close watch and lookoutB.taking a radar range and bearingC.observing a radar target and listening to signalsD.keeping a well clear caution

考题 during bunkering in the last vessel ,what were you assigned to do ?or what was your position during bunkering on your last vessel ?

考题 At the earliest indication of fire aboard your vessel, you must FIRST ______.A.locate the fireB.determine which type of fire is burningC.sound the alarmD.fight the fire

考题 When you notice oil on the water near your vessel while taking on fuel, you should FIRST ______.A.stop loadingB.notify the senior deck officerC.notify the terminal superintendentD.determine whether your vessel is the source

考题 A marker pole,with a horseshoe buoy and a sea anchor attached,should be used to ______.A.mark the position of a lost mooringB.determine your vessel's sideslip underwayC.determine your speed through the waterD.indicate location of a man overboard

考题 You are entering port and have been instructed to anchor,as your berth is not yet available.You are on a SW'ly heading,preparing to drop anchor,when you observe the range lights as shown on your starboard beam.You should ______.A.not drop the anchor until the lights are in lineB.ensure your ship will NOT block the channel or obstruct the range while at anchorC.drop the anchor immediately as the range lights mark an area free of obstructionsD.drop the anchor immediately as a change in the position of the range lights will be an indication of dragging anchor

考题 In fog you observe your radar and determine that risk of collision exists with a vessel which is 2 miles off your port bow. You should ______.A.stop your enginesB.sound the danger signal at two-minute intervalsC.hold course and speed until the other vessel is sightedD.take avoiding action as soon as possible

考题 单选题You are on watch and the pilot has just anchored the vessel.The next thing that you should do after the anchor has been let go is to().A Stop the enginesB Escort the pilot to the accommodation ladderC Plot the vessel's position on the chartD Make a round of the weather decks

考题 单选题While underway at night you observe a vessel’s range lights in line off your starboard beam. You should().A come rightB sound the danger signalC continue on your courseD come left

考题 单选题Which ARPA data should you use in order to determine if a close quarters situation will develop with a target vessel? ()A Set and drift of the currentB Relative track informationC Predicted time of CPAD Initial range of acquisition

考题 单选题If you are the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation,you may take action to avoid collision by your maneuver alone. When may this action be taken?().A At any time you feel it is appropriateB Only when you have reached extremisC When you determine that your present course will cross ahead of the other vesselD When it becomes apparent to you that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action

考题 单选题When taking a Pilot from a pilot vessel in a seaway,which way should you head your vessel if the ladder is on the leeward side().A Bow to the sea and no way on your vesselB Sea on the lee quarter with ship moving ahead slowlyC Sea on the weather bow and ship moving ahead slowlyD Sea on the quarter with sternway on the ship

考题 单选题A position that is obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your vessel’s course and speed is a(n) ().A estimated positionB dead reckoning positionC fixD None of the above

考题 单选题Your vessel has anchored in a channel known to have strong tidal currents. To check your position you take a round of bearings,one of which is a range in line. One hour later the bearing on the lights in range opens up. This indicates the ship is().A swingingB dredging her anchorC taking bearings of the lightsD taking distances of the lights

考题 单选题A position obtained by applying ONLY your vessel’s course and speed to a known position is a ().A fixB dead-reckoning positionC running fixD probable position

考题 单选题If your vessel has a starboard list after taking on fuel, you would transfer fuel ().A to starboardB to portC forwardD aft

考题 单选题A position obtained by applying only your vessel’s coures and speed to a known position is a().A dead-reckoning positionB fix B.estimated positionC probable positionD running fix

考题 单选题You notice oil on the water near your vessel while taking on fuel. You should first().A stop fuelingB notify the senior deck officerC notify the terminal superintendentD determ ne whether your vessel is the source

考题 单选题When you notice oil on the water near your vessel while taking on fuel, you should FIRST ().A stop loadingB notify the senior deck officerC notify the terminal superintendentD determine whether your vessel is the source

考题 单选题In fog you observe your radar and determine that risk of collision exists with a vessel which is 2 miles off your port bow. You should().A stop your enginesB sound the danger signal at two-minute intervalsC hold course and speed until the other vessel is sightedD take avoiding action as soon as possible

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding automatic identification systems (AIS)? ()A AIS is a short-range VHF-FM system that automatically broadcasts a vessel's position,course,speed and other safety related information to all those with similar equipment in the areaB AIS is a one-way centrally managed system that requires the local VTS to send commands to instruct each vessel to broadcast position,course,speed and other safety related information to all those with similar equipment in the areaC AIS is a global tracking system that relies upon INMARSAT C service to communicate vessel position,course,speed and other safety related information to all those with similar equipment in the areaD AIS is a short-range 3 cm X-band radar system that automatically sends a vessel's position,course,speed and other safety related information to all those with similar equipment within the area

考题 单选题A marker pole,with a horseshoe buoy and a sea anchor attached,should be used to().A mark the position of a lost mooringB determine your vessel's sideslip underwayC determine your speed through the waterD indicate location of a man overboard

考题 单选题A position obtained by applying only your vessel’s course and speed to a known position is a ().A dead-reckoning positionB fixC probable positionD running fix

考题 单选题The phrase “When built” in the Certificate of Vessel’s Nationality definitely means().A When was your vessel builtB At what time is your vessel buildingC When is your vessel builtD At what time you built your vessel

考题 单选题You determine your vessel’s position by taking a range and bearing to a buoy.Your position will be plotted as a(n)().A Running fixB FixC Dead-reckoning positionD Estimated position

考题 单选题The phrase “When built” in the Certificate of Vessel’s Nationality means().A when was your vessel builtB at what time is your vessel buildingC when is your vessel builtD at what time you built your vessel

考题 单选题You are entering port and have been instructed to anchor,as your berth is not yet available.You are on a SW’ly heading,preparing to drop anchor,when you observe the range lights as shown on your starboard beam.You should().A not drop the anchor until the lights are in lineB ensure your ship will NOT block the channel or obstruct the range while at anchorC drop the anchor immediately as the range lights mark an area free of obstructionsD drop the anchor immediately as a change in the position of the range lights will be an indication of dragging anchor