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When discharging an oil cargo,the first consideration is to().

get the bow up


discharge from the wings first


discharge from the centerline tanks first


discharge from amidships first


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更多 “单选题When discharging an oil cargo,the first consideration is to().A get the bow upB discharge from the wings firstC discharge from the centerline tanks firstD discharge from amidships first” 相关考题
考题 All cargo booms are ready to ________.A.discharging cargoB.be dischargingC.discharge cargoD.be discharged cargo

考题 On a voyage charter party when the vessel is in port the charter will specify a definite period of time for loading or discharging of cargo by the Charterer.This time is called ________ .A.DemurrageB.DispatchC.Days of readinessD.Laydays

考题 At any rate ______ is liable for delay in obtaining the necessary Customs House papers for discharging,when the delay arises from the fact that special papers are required for the particular cargo carried.A.the ChartererB.the ShipownerC.the ShipperD.the Receiver

考题 Fueling results in the collection of waste oil in drip pans and containers. Which is an approved method of disposing of the waste oil?A.Draining it overboard when the vessel gets underwayB.Placing it in proper disposal facilitiesC.Adding sinking agents and discharging it into the waterD.Mixing it with dispersants before draining it overboard

考题 When discharging an oil cargo,the first consideration is to ______.A.get the bow upB.discharge from the wings firstC.discharge from the centerline tanks firstD.discharge from amidships first

考题 When discharging oil from an oil tanker the instantaneous rate ______ 60 liters per nautical mile.A.Should not exceedB.Must be up toC.Should exceedD.Should be about

考题 When planning the loading or discharging of a VLCC(100,000 DWT+)what is the most important consideration ________.A.Draft and trimB.Limits of the bending momentsC.Rate of dischargingD.Rate of loading

考题 You are on a tanker discharging oil.When all of the oil that the main cargo pumps can handle is pumped out of a tank,the remainder is ______.A.Stripped out and pumped directly ashore into the mainline as the remaining cargo tanks are pumped out with the main pumpsB.Stripped to one tank and then pumped out with the main pumpsC.Stripped out and pumped directly ashore after all the tanks have been emptied by the main pumpsD.Gravitated to the centers from the wings and pumped out with the main pumps

考题 If a ship will call at four ports for discharging, i.e.A.B.C and D consecutively, the cargo for ______ must generally be loaded first.A.Port AB.Port BC.Port CD.Port D

考题 You ()use hooks when discharging bagged cargo.A、shouldB、shouldn’tC、mustD、can

考题 单选题When a ship is involved in an oil pollution incident in China, the ship must report without delay to()A China Maritime AdministrationB the companyC the cargo ownerD ship owner

考题 单选题When arranging cargo for()in the holds,we should give first consideration to ship’s seaworthiness and her being in a good sea-going trim after loading.A dunnageB separationC stowageD operation

考题 单选题When loading bulk liquid cargo,what is the first action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?()A Call the owner,operator,or terminal supervisorB Unplug the deck scuppersC Order the dock man to shut downD Run out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose

考题 单选题Crude oil washing of cargo tanks has the following advantages except for ()A reducing the erosion of the cargo tanksB increasing the total quantity of oil to carryC reducing the quantity of water contained in oilD reducing cargo discharged time

考题 单选题When discharging oil from an oil tanker the instantaneous rate()60 liters per nautical mile.A Should not exceedB Must be up toC Should exceedD Should be about

考题 单选题According to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78, the instantaneous discharging rate of the oily waste from cargo tanks of oil tankers must be lower than()A 30 liters per nautical mileB 15 liters per nautical mileC 30 ppmD 15 ppm

考题 单选题Which of the following conditions indicates the dilution of diesel engine lube oil by fuel oil?()A Water discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifierB Fuel oil discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifierC Lube oil discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifierD A change in the lube oil viscosity

考题 单选题When planning the loading or discharging of a VLCC (100,000 DWT+) what is the most important consideration?()A Draft and trimB Limits of the bending momentsC Rate of dischargingD Rate of loading

考题 单选题The ship will be responsible for the cargo loaded or unloaded().A only when the cargo is within its railB during the time when loading or ynloading is going onC after the cargo is checked by tallymenD as soon as loading or discharging begins

考题 单选题You detect oil around your tank vessel while discharging. The first thing to do is().A try to find out where the oil is coming fromB call the masterC have the pumpman check the discharge pipingD shut down operations

考题 单选题At any rate ()is liable for delay in obtaining the necessary Customs House papers for discharging,when the delay arises from the fact that special papers are required for the particular cargo carried.A the ChartererB the ShipownerC the ShipperD the Receiver

考题 单选题When discharging bilge water, which criteria must be observed?()A The requirement for the oil content of bilge water discharged is 15 ppmB No discharge in sensitive watersC Any discharge in sensitive watersD International, national or local requirements have to be observed

考题 单选题When comparing different fuels for different engines, the ignition quality of diesel fuel oils becomes a less critical consideration as ()A the amount of lube oil additives increaseB piston speeds increaseC injection pressure decreaseD engine speeds decrease

考题 单选题Fueling results in the collection of waste oil in drip pans and containers. Which is an approved method of disposing of the waste oil? ()A Draining it overboard when the vessel gets underwayB Placing it in proper disposal facilitiesC Adding sinking agents and discharging it into the waterD Mixing it with dispersants before draining it overboard

考题 单选题我们正在装危险货。()A We are loading flammable cargo.B We are loading dangerous cargo.C We are discharging flammable cargo.D We are discharging dangerous cargo.

考题 单选题When possible,what should be the FIRST step in combating a fire on deck resulting from a cargo overflow or a leaking cargo line?()A Blanket the cargo spill with foamB Prevent the spread of fire with a foam damC Apply CO2 on burning fuel at its sourceD Shut off the transfer of cargo

考题 单选题When used to fight fire,carbon dioxide().A is effective if used promptly on an oil fireB has a greater cooling effect than waterC is lighter than airD is harmless to cargo and crew