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Repaint the draft figures, plimsoll marks, ship’s name and port of registry ().

with red lead paint


in red and white paint


in original color


all of the above


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Repaint the draft figures, plimsoll marks, ship’s name and port of registry ().A with red lead paintB in red and white paintC in original colorD all of the above” 相关考题
考题 (b) Draft a report suitable for inclusion in a Management Commentary for Jones and Cousin which deals with:(i) the key risks and relationships of the business (9 marks)

考题 (d) Draft a letter for Tim Blake to send to WM’s investors to include the following:(i) why you believe robust internal controls to be important; and(ii) proposals on how internal systems might be improved in the light of the overestimation of mallerite atWM.Note: four professional marks are available within the marks allocated to requirement (d) for the structure,content, style. and layout of the letter.(16 marks)

考题 (c) Mr Cobar, the chief executive of SHC, has decided to draft two alternative statements to explain both possibleoutcomes of the secrecy/licensing decision to shareholders. Once the board has decided which one to pursue,the relevant draft will be included in a voluntary section of the next corporate annual report.Required:(i) Draft a statement in the event that the board chooses the secrecy option. It should make a convincingbusiness case and put forward ethical arguments for the secrecy option. The ethical arguments shouldbe made from the stockholder (or pristine capitalist) perspective. (8 marks)(ii) Draft a statement in the event that the board chooses the licensing option. It should make a convincingbusiness case and put forward ethical arguments for the licensing option. The ethical arguments shouldbe made from the wider stakeholder perspective. (8 marks)(iii) Professional marks for the persuasiveness and logical flow of arguments: two marks per statement.(4 marks)

考题 (ii) Comment on the figures in the statement prepared in (a)(i) above. (4 marks)

考题 有以下程序includestruct STU{char name[10];int num;};void f(char*name, intnum){s 有以下程序 #include <string.h> struct STU { char name[10]; int num; }; void f(char *name, int num) { struct STU s[2]={{"SunDan",20044},{"Penghua",20045}}; num=s[0].num; strcpy(name,s[0].name); } main() { struct STU s[2]={{"YangSan",20041},{"LiSiGuo",20042}},*p; p=s[1]; f(p->name,p->num); printf("%s %d\n",p->name,p->num); } 程序运行后的输出结果是A.SunDan 20042B.SunDan 20044C.LiSiGuo 20042D.YangSan 20041

考题 有以下程序: include struct STU (char name[10]; int num; }; 有以下程序: #include <string.h> struct STU (char name[10]; int num; }; void f(char *name, int num) {struct STU s[2]={{"SunDan",20044}.{"Penghua",20045}}; num=s[0].num; strcpy(name,s[0].name); } main() {struct STU s[2]={{"YangSall",20041},{"LiSiGao",20042}},*p;p=s[1]; f(p->name,p->num); printf("%s%d\n",p->name,p->num); } 程序运行后的输出结果是 ______。A.SunDan 20042B.SunDan 20044C.LiSiGuo 20042D.YangSan 20041

考题 有以下程序:includeinclude struct STU {char name[10];int hum;};void f( 有以下程序:#include <stdio.h>#include <strine.h> struct STU { char name[10]; int hum;};void f(char * name,iht num){ struct STU s[2] = {{ "SunDan" ,20044} , {" Penghua" ,20045}}; num= s[0]. nnm; strepy(name,s[0], name);}main( ){ struct STU s[2] = {{"YangSan" ,20041 }, { "LiSiGao" ,20042}}, * P; p = s[1]; f(p->name,p->hum); printf("% s %d \n" ,p-> name,p->num);}程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.SunDan 20042B.SunDan 20044C.LiSiGuo 20042D.YangSan 20041

考题 When off loading garbage to another ship, your records must identify that ship by name and ______.A.home portB.operator's name of recordC.official numberD.master's name

考题 Marks and Nos.,Number and kind of packages,description of goods should be declared in ______.A.SHIP'S STORE LISTB.PERSONAL EFFECTS LISTC.CARGO DECLARATIOND.GENERAL DECLARATION

考题 Marks and Nos.,numbers and kinds of packages,description of goods are to be provided in ______.A.Passenger ListB.General DeclarationC.Cargo DeclarationD.Ship's Stores Declaration

考题 For an upright vessel, draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the ______.A.waterlineB.freeboard deckC.plimsoll markD.amidships section

考题 Repaint the draft figures, plimsoll marks, ship’s name and port of registry ().A、with red lead paintB、in red and white paintC、in original colorD、all of the above

考题 The ()from waterline to the bottom of the ship is called draft.A、breadthB、depthC、widthD、height

考题 从水线到船底是“吃水”。()A、“From the centerline to the ship’s bottom” is “draft”.B、“From the keel to the ship’s bottom” is “draft”.C、The maximum distance from the waterline to the ship’s bottom is “draft”.D、“From the centerline to the ship’s main deck” is “draft”.

考题 单选题The distress message of a ship should include considerable information which might facilitate the rescue. This information should().A ALWAYS be included in the initial distress messageB be sent to a Coast Guard station FIRSTC be transmitted as a series of short messages,if time allowsD include the vessel's draft

考题 单选题The mean draft of a ship is the draft().A midway between the forward and aft draft marksB at the center of flotationC at the load lineD at the center of buoyancy

考题 单选题()is the draft of your ship at full load?A How manyB How muchC How highD What

考题 单选题In the constant-tension mooring, the mooring lines holding the ship to the pier will maintain a constant tension even with changes in tide or ship’s draft, ().A without the necessity of manually adjusting the linesB without the necessity of automatically adjusting the linesC with the necessity of manually adjusting the linesD with the un-necessity of automatically adjusting the lines

考题 单选题How do you determine the weight of the vessel that is supported by the ground when a vessel has run aground?()A This requires extensive calculation and is usually performed only by a naval architect not by a ship's officerB Determine the point where aground and the draft at that point,then calculate it using the grounding formulaC Use the hydrostatic tables and enter with the mean draft before grounding and the mean draft after groundingD Use the inclining experiment formula and substitute the change of trim for the angle of list

考题 单选题If the ship is delayed by reason of Charterer’s failure to name a port,()will be liable for the damages.A the ownerB the ChartererC the shipperD the carrier

考题 单选题The distress message of a ship should include considerable information which might facilitate the rescue. This information should().A ALWAYS be included in the initial distress messageB be sent to a MSA station FIRSTC be transmitted as a series of short messages,if time allowsD include the vessel's draft

考题 单选题When off loading garbage to another ship, your records must identify that ship by name and ()A home portB operators name of recordC official numberD masters name

考题 单选题From the waterline to the ship’s()(底部) is called draft.A topB bridgeC bottomD middle

考题 单选题The Plimsoll mark on a vessel is used to().A align the vessel's tailshaftB determine the vessel's trimC determine the vessel's freeboardD locate the vessel's centerline

考题 单选题从水线到船底是“吃水”。()A “From the centerline to the ship’s bottom” is “draft”.B “From the keel to the ship’s bottom” is “draft”.C The maximum distance from the waterline to the ship’s bottom is “draft”.D “From the centerline to the ship’s main deck” is “draft”.

考题 单选题My ship’s name()Yanyuan.A areB wasC isD were

考题 单选题In a storm,the leeward lines of a ship’s mooring system will().A pull the unit in the same direction that the weather is pushing itB pull the unit in the opposite direction that the weather is pushing itC tend to keep the unit on its original location over the well headD affect the unit's draft and inclination as maximum mooring tensions are reached