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Which of the following is NOT a company in the energy sector?







British Gas.


更多 “单选题Which of the following is NOT a company in the energy sector?A Shell.B ICI.C RTZ.D British Gas.” 相关考题
考题 Which of the following is NOT an element in a business card?A: Giver’s nameB: Company affiliationC: Contact informationD: Photo

考题 Which of the following is true of Paragraph 2?[A] Public-sector unions are prudent in taking actions.[B] Education is required for public-sector union membership.[C] Labor Party has long been fighting against public-sector unions.[D]Public-sector unions seldom get in trouble for their actions.

考题 Among the basic categories of equipment, which of the following are used to allow the hydraulic energy to be controlled?A.hydraulic pumpsB.valvesC.hydraulic cylindersD.hydraulic motors

考题 Which of the following holds multiple connections and is usually maintained by the telephone company?() A.DemarcB.IDFC.MDFD.110 block

考题 Which of the following is a compelling reason to deploy IBM Systems Director Active Energy Manager (AEM) in a data center with high energy utilization?()A、Removes the requirement for Intelligent PDUsB、Monitor and balance disk speeds according to utilization needsC、Is a required element for EnergyStar certification of the server/data centerD、Monitor and report power and thermal trending to optimize energy consumption

考题 Which of the following standard symbols signifies that a packaged item was produced using hazardous materials industry guidelines?()A、Energy StarB、Energy Star 2.0C、PCI-ED、RoHS

考题 Which of the following commands will repair boot sector blocks after a virus has been removed?()A、chkdskB、formatC、fixmbrD、sfc

考题 Which of the following utilities would be used to configure energy saving measures when a laptop switches to battery power?()A、MSTSCB、ACPIC、GDID、MSCONFIG

考题 Which of the following would allow a company to conserve energy and still provide a functional service to its employees?()A、Configure all workstations with higher RPM fansB、Use CRTs instead of LCD monitorsC、Use NAS to reduce the number of file serversD、Configure all printers to print on single-side with low resolution

考题 A user reports their system is displaying an error message ‘NTLDR is missing’. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause for this error?()A、BOOT.INI file is configured incorrectlyB、Corrupt MBRC、Boot sector virusD、System file is missing components

考题 A small business currently has a server room with a large cooling system that is appropriate for its size. The location of the server room is the top level of a building.  The server room is filled with incandescent lighting that needs to continuously stay on for security purposes. Which of the following would be the MOST cost-effective way for the company to reduce the server rooms energy footprint?()A、Replace all incandescent lighting with energy saving neon lighting.B、Set an auto-shutoff policy for all the lights in the room to reduce energy consumption after hours.C、Replace all incandescent lighting with energy saving fluorescent lighting.D、Consolidate server systems into a lower number of racks,centralizing airflow and cooling in the room.

考题 Which of the following holds multiple connections and is usually maintained by the telephone company?()A、DemarcB、IDFC、MDFD、110 block

考题 单选题Which of the following statements concerning energy is correct?()A Energy can be created or destroyedB Energy may not be transformedC The total quantity of energy in the universe is always the sameD None of the above

考题 单选题Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A Solar PowerB Schools Go SolarC Cheap Energy SourcesD A Global Perspective

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A Oil energy has been popular with the manufacturing industry.B Solar energy is too expensive for family use at present.C Wind energy is much used in plateaus.D Water energy is widely used in costal regions.

考题 单选题Machinery operating features are designed to help conserve energy.Which of the following results will not contribute to energy conservation?()A Reduction of frictionB Insulation of hot surfacesC Lubrication of moving partsD Elevation of cooler outlet temperatures

考题 单选题Some lights used as aids to marine navigation have a red sector to indicate a danger area. The limits of a colored sector of a light are listed in the Light List in which of the following manners?()A Geographical positions outlining the area of the sectorB True bearings as observed from the ship toward the lightC An outline of the area of the sectorD True bearings as observed from the light toward the ship

考题 单选题Among the basic categories of equipment, which of the following are used to convert mechanical into hydraulic energy?()A The hydraulic pumpsB ValvesC Hydraulic cylindersD Hydraulic motors

考题 单选题Which of the following terms could be applied to the simple definition the energy of motion?()A Electrical energyB Thermal energyC Potential energyD Kinetic energy

考题 单选题Among the basic categories of equipment, which of the following is used to convert hydraulic energy into continuous rotary motion?()A Hydraulic pumpsB ValveC Hydraulic cylindersD Hydraulic motors

考题 单选题Which of the following helped to preserve Lindow Man?A Ice and low temperature.B Bacteria and oxygen.C Soil and energy.D Acid and water.

考题 单选题Which of the following forms of energy is demonstrated through the process of combustion?()A Chemical energyB Mechanical energyC Thermal energyD Electrical energy

考题 单选题Which of the following holds multiple connections and is usually maintained by the telephone company?()A DemarcB IDFC MDFD 110 block

考题 单选题Which of the following Cool Blue technologies will help energy consumption budgeting of System x servers based upon current actual consumption? ()A IBM Standalone Solutions Configuration Tool (SSCT)B IBM Active Energy ManagerC Rear Door Heat eXchangerD IBM Power Configurator

考题 单选题The radar component that generates the radio-frequency energy in the form of short powerful pulses is which of the following?().A magnetronB receiverC indicatorD modulator

考题 单选题Which of the following centrifugal pump components converts the liquid kinetic energy of velocity to the potential energy of pressure?()A ImpellerB Electric motorC VoluteD Eye

考题 单选题Which of the following is true according to the passage?A Man's energy cycle can be changed easily.B Some family quarrels are caused by unawareness of energy cycle.C Getting up early in the morning is not easy.D Everyone has a daily energy cycle but a lazy one.