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as good






更多 “单选题______A worseB as goodC betterD best” 相关考题
考题 Jerry played very(). A.wellB.goodC.OK

考题 His oral English is _____ than his brother's. A. wellB. goodC. betterD. fine

考题 7. She can do it as _________ as Linda.A.goodB. wellC. betterD. best

考题 17.A.a bestB. the bestC.a betterD. the better

考题 How much _______ she looked without her glasses!A. well B. goodC. best D. better

考题 20.A.worseB.betterC.tallerD.louder

考题 57.A.betterB.goodC.bestD.well

考题 12.A.moreB.mostC.betterD.best

考题 How much_________she looked without her glasses!A.wellB.goodC.bestD.better

考题 You ______go home now. It's getting late.A. would ratherB. had ratherC. would betterD. had better

考题 Although John tried hard in the exam, he did _______ than his brother.A.much worseB.much betterC.much badlyD.more badly

考题 — Don’t you think that’s expensive?—________ .A.Not at all. That’s the best price in townB.Believe it or not. It’s goodC.It’s impossible to cost so muchD.It’s cheap enough

考题 To tell you the truth, the medicine makes Elliot better, but it makes you ( ). A、worseB、wellC、goodD、best

考题 He ______ live in the country than in the city.A、prefersB、likes toC、had betterD、would rather

考题 It's very cold outside. You______ put on your overcoat.A、had better toB、would better toC、had betterD、would better

考题 We would be ( ) if you could send the goods as soon as possible. A、worseB、appreciatedC、badD、grateful

考题 You can experience a fast internet connection in the same way as you do in the officeA.moreB.muchC.betterD.most

考题 17.A.worseB.badC.betterD.good

考题 20.A. worseB. worstC. betterD. best

考题 Lucy is great to work with. I really couldn't find a __________ partner. A.better B.good C.worse D.bad

考题 Keep your passport in a secure place.A:.specialB: goodC: safeD: different

考题 The buyer complained、that the goods were ( ) before shipment. A. damaged、 B. good C. well D. manufactured

考题 Can you give a concrete example to support your idea?A:special B:good C:real D:specific

考题 This one is of the two.A.the best B.better C.the better D.much better

考题 Wire rope needs ()care than hemp and manila.A、goodB、wellC、betterD、best

考题 How is your father today? () thanks.A、He is over fortyB、He's a doctorC、He's much betterD、He's Brown

考题 The crane is (). Could you ask somebody to repair it?A、work wellB、goodC、out of order

考题 All the cargo wires must be greased ().A、wellB、goodC、niceD、perfect