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The rotating unit of a spilt windlass consists of a() with shaped snugs to grip the anchor cablea mooring drum for paying out or letting go of mooring wires and warp end for warping duties.



mooring barrel




cable lifter


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更多 “单选题The rotating unit of a spilt windlass consists of a() with shaped snugs to grip the anchor cablea mooring drum for paying out or letting go of mooring wires and warp end for warping duties.A cranesB mooring barrelC capstansD cable lifter” 相关考题
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考题 It is no use cry over the spilt milk. A.Wrong.B.Right.

考题 It is no use () (动词 cry 的合适形式)(做某事没有用)over spilt milk.

考题 On an anchor windlass,the wheel over which the anchor chain passes is called a______.A.brake compressor wheelB.devil's clawC.wildcatD.winch head

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考题 It’s no use ______ over spilt milk.A、to cryB、cryingC、cryD、cries

考题 The English equivalent for the Chinese proverb “覆水难收” is ______. A.It’s no use crying over the spilt waterB. It’s no use crying over spilt milkC.It’s no use collecting the spilt milkD.It’s no use collecting the spilt water

考题 An electrical device which employs a stationary armature and a rotating electromagnetic field is used aboard as aA.magnetic amplifierB.ship's service alternatorC.three-wire DC generatorD.saturable core reactor

考题 We know a computer is a machine that processes data(stored in main memory)into information, under control of a stored program. We also know that, internally, a computer is a binary machine; thus the data and the program instruictions must be stored in binary form. Characters are represented in(71). Numbers are stored as binary numbers, with each bit's positional value significant. A computer's main memory is divided into bytes, words or both(depending on the system), and each of these basic storage units is assigned an(72). Using this address, the processor can read or write selected bytes or words.The processor consists of a clock, an instruction control unit, an arithmetic and logic unit, and registers. Once a program is stored in main memory, the processor can begin to execute it. During(73), the instruction control unit fetches an instruction from main memory; during(74), the arithmetic and logic unit executes it. Precisely timed electronic pulses generated by the clock drive this basic(75)A.a binary codeB.wordsC.registersD.positional values

考题 When dropping anchor,you are stationed at the windlass brake.The most important piece(s)of gear is(are)______.A.A hard hatB.A long sleeve shirtC.GlovesD.Goggles

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考题 It's no use__over spilt milk.A.cry B.to be crying C.crying D.cried

考题 起货机()A、winchB、craneC、derrickD、windlass

考题 旋转屏蔽塞旋塞 rotating shield plug rotating plug

考题 吊杆()A、craneB、derrickC、winchD、windlass

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考题 What must be assigned to establish an asset as Rotating?()A、 Spare partsB、 Rotating ItemC、 ClassificationD、 Operating Location

考题 What is a rotating item?()A、A rotating item is an individual item that is defined with a common item number. An item is designated as rotating because one wants to be able to create individual asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification,and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the item record.B、A rotating item is a set of items that are defined with a specific code. An item is designated as rotating because one does not want to be able to create individual asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification, and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the item record.C、A rotating item is a set of kits that are defined with a specific description and GL. An item is designated as rotating because one has the single cost to manage prefers to be able to create individual asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification, and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the assembly record.D、A rotating item is an individual item that is defined with a common item number and can be a spare part. An item is designated as rotating because one wants to be able to create multiple asset records by using the information (Classification, Specification, and Item Assembly Structure) contained on the item set records.

考题 单选题What must be assigned to establish an asset as Rotating?()A  Spare partsB  Rotating ItemC  ClassificationD  Operating Location

考题 单选题The purpose of a devil’s claw is to().A act as a chain stopperB prevent the windlass from engagingC prevent the chain from fouling on deckD control the wildcat

考题 单选题An electrical device which employs a stationary armature and a rotating electromagnetic field is used aboard ship as a ().A magnetic amplifierB ship’s service alternatorC three-wire DC generatorD saturable core reactor

考题 单选题When dropping anchor,you are stationed at the windlass brake.The most important piece(s)of gear is(are)().A A hard hatB A long sleeve shirtC GlovesD Goggles

考题 单选题On an anchor windlass,the wheel over which the anchor chain passes is called a().A brake compressor wheelB devil's clawC wildcatD winchhead

考题 单选题The rotating unit of a spilt windlass consists of a() with shaped snugs to grip the anchor cablea mooring drum for paying out or letting go of mooring wires and warp end for warping duties.A cranesB mooring barrelC capstansD cable lifter

考题 单选题When reassembling the bowl of a disk-type centrifuge, the bowl or locking ring is rotated ().A clockwise, due to the bowl rotating clockwiseB clockwise, due to the bowl rotating counterclockwiseC counterclockwise, due to the bowl rotating clockwiseD counterclockwise, due to the bowl rotating counterclockwise

考题 单选题What does a SART signal sound or look like?()A It transmits SOS and the vessel's name and position in slow speed Morse CodeB It will appear on a radar unit's PPI as a line of dots radiating outward with the innermost dot indicating the SART's positionC It will appear on a radar unit's PPI as a line of dots radiating outward with the outermost dot indicating the SART's positionD None of the above

考题 单选题A butterfly valve consists basically of a disc pivoted across the bore of a ring body having the same radial dimensions as the pipe in which it is fitted.According to the above sentence, which of the following statements is not true?()A The diameter of a disc is the same as the outer diameter of the pipeB We can infer that the valve is opened or closed by rotating the spindleC A butterfly valve comprises a disc and a ring bodyD The profile of the butterfly valve is a ring body

考题 单选题In a storm,the leeward lines of a ship’s mooring system will().A pull the unit in the same direction that the weather is pushing itB pull the unit in the opposite direction that the weather is pushing itC tend to keep the unit on its original location over the well headD affect the unit's draft and inclination as maximum mooring tensions are reached