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The reason why the lobsters migrate is _____.

the bad weather


the depth of the ocean


scientists’ lack of interest




根据第三段最后一句“Nobody knows why they do this, and nobody knows where they go.”可知,没有人知道龙虾为什么要迁徙,要迁往何处。
更多 “单选题The reason why the lobsters migrate is _____.A the bad weatherB the depth of the oceanC scientists’ lack of interestD unknown” 相关考题
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考题 单选题In context, where would the underlined portion of sentence 14 (reproduced below) be placed most effectively in the essay?Most baby lobsters, called larval lobsters, still die but the hatcheries work.A In sentence 1B In sentence 3C In sentence 8D In sentence 10E In sentence 15

考题 单选题In fisheries in general, when a large harvest is taken one year, there will be fewer fish available to be harvested in the following year, leading to decreasing yields of most fish species over time. The Maine lobster is an anomaly, however. Even though the vast number of lobster traps covering the New England coast pull in more lobsters every year, the number of lobsters in the water has shown no signs of decreasing.  Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the apparent anomaly concerning the number of Maine lobsters?A The decline of other fish species in the region has deprived the lobster of its natural food source of scavenged fish.B The bait in lobster traps provides abundant food for young lobsters, which are still small enough to swith out of the traps, leading to much higher survival rates among young lobsters than would be expected in nature.C As global warming heats the waters of the Atlantic coastline, the Maine lobster has extended its northern range to well past Nova Scotia.D The ever, increasing demand for lobsters in seafood restaurants and steakhouses across the country has driven a corresponding increase in the supply of the product.E The increased lobster harvest has resulted in many juvenile lobsters but very few breeding- age lobsters, which could result in a crash in lobster numbers in the near future.

考题 单选题In exploring the rich variety of African artworks, the reason why one will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is because this phenomenon of pattern repetition is nearly found in all world civilizations.A In exploring the rich variety of African artworks, the reason why one will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is because this phenomenon of pattern repetition is nearly found in all world civilizations.B In exploring the rich variety of African artworks, the reason one will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is that this phenomenon of pattern repetition is found in nearly all world civilizationsC When you explore the rich variety of African artworks, the reason one will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is because this phenomenon of pattern repetition is found in nearly all world civilizations.D When one explores the rich variety of African artworks, the reason you will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is because this phenomenon of pattern repetition is found in nearly all world civilizationsE In exploring the rich variety of African artworks, the reason one will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is because found in nearly all world civilizations is this phenomenon of pattern repetition.

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考题 单选题The passage is mainly about _____.A living thing on the moveB the most famous migrationC mice in northern EuropeD migrating of lobsters

考题 单选题The reason why the laser beam is very strong is that ______.A it is artificially illuminatedB it is made up of a concentrated beam of lightC it sends out heat in all directionsD its heat is increased by the heat of the sun

考题 单选题The reason why the lobsters migrate is _____.A the bad weatherB the depth of the oceanC scientists’ lack of interestD unknown

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考题 单选题The reason _____ they died was lack of medical care.A whichB for whichC in whichD for why

考题 单选题In context, which version of the underlined part of sentence 3 (reproduced below) is the best?Baby lobsters are preyed on by fish and crabs because they don't have a hard shell yet and can't defend themselves with fierce claws yet.A the lobsters still lack both hard shells and fierce claws with which to fend off predatorB the lobsters cannot attack their fish and crab predators with fierce claws or fend their predators off with a hard shellC they don't have a hard shell yet and can't defend themselves with fierce claws yetD the lobsters don't have a hard shell and can't yet defend themselves with fierce clawsE the fish and crabs do not have hard shells or fierce claws yet