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How did Mr. Jones get to the cinema?()

At  o'clock. 


To Mrs. Jones. 


By car. 


To the Grand Theater.


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更多 “单选题How did Mr. Jones get to the cinema?()A At o'clock.B To Mrs. Jones.C By car.D To the Grand Theater.” 相关考题
考题 Passage FiveOn a Saturday night, Mr. Jones went to Willington and got so drunk at the Red Lion that he did not come back till midday on Sunday. His four men had milked the cows in the early morning and then had gone out hunting, without bothering (麻烦) to feed the animals.When Mr. Jones got back, he immediately went to sleep on the living-room sofa with the News of the World over his face, so that when evening came, the animals were still not fed. At last, they could stand no longer. One of the cows broke into the door of the store-house with her horns (角) and all the animals began to help themselves to the grains.It was just then that Mr. Jones woke up. And the men came back. The next moment he and his four men were in the store-house with whips in their hands, whipping (鞭打) in all directions. This was more than the hungry animals would bear. Together, they jumped upon their masters. Mr. Jones and his men suddenly found themselves being struck with their horns and kicked from all sides. The situation was quite out of their control. A minute later all five of them were in full fright down the road, with the animals running after them joyfully.51. Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?A. Willington was the name of a hotel.B. Red Lion was the name of a restaurant.C. News of the World was a TV programme.D. Mr. Johns went back home at night.

考题 How did Andy avoid the bees in the end?A. He asked Mr. Nelson in help.B. He hid himself under the water.C. He rushed into the Nelson house.D. He rode off in the oppossnte ditcction.

考题 How much did you()forthat dress? A.spendB.takeC.payD.get

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考题 ________ is what I am anxious to know.A、How do you get rid of miceB、How you get rid of miceC、How can you get rid of miceD、How could you get rid of mice

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考题 --How much did this set of furniturecost? --I forgot__A.how much it costs B.how much did it cost C.how much it cost D.how much does it cost

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考题 Mr. Jones()in the company for twenty years by the end of next monthAwill workBwill have workedChas workedDwould work

考题 How do I get to the cinema?()AIt's very far.BYes, there is a cinema near here.CIt's well known.DGo down this street and turn left.

考题 How did Mr. Jones get to the cinema?()AAt o'clock.BTo Mrs. Jones.CBy car.DTo the Grand Theater.

考题 - How do I get to the cinema? -()AIt's very far.BYes, there is a cinema near here.CIt's well known.DGo down this street and turn left

考题 This is Mr. Green and this is Mr. Brown.()A、How do you doB、How are youC、Fine, thank youD、Hi, how are you getting on

考题 How do I get to the cinema?()A、It's very far.B、Yes, there is a cinema near here.C、It's well known.D、Go down this street and turn left.

考题 How did Mr. Jones get to the cinema?()A、At o'clock.B、To Mrs. Jones.C、By car.D、To the Grand Theater.

考题 Mr. Jones()in the company for twenty years by the end of next monthA、will workB、will have workedC、has workedD、would work

考题 单选题Mr. Jones()in the company for twenty years by the end of next monthA will workB will have workedC has workedD would work

考题 单选题How many points did Frank get in this week’s test? ______A 8.B 9.C 10.D II.

考题 单选题How do I get to the cinema?()A It's very far.B Yes, there is a cinema near here.C It's well known.D Go down this street and turn left.

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考题 单选题How did Mr. Jones get to the cinema?()A At o'clock.B To Mrs. Jones.C By car.D To the Grand Theater.

考题 单选题How did Mr. Black return to London?A By train.B By ship.C By plane.

考题 单选题- How do I get to the cinema? -()A It's very far.B Yes, there is a cinema near here.C It's well known.D Go down this street and turn left

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考题 单选题A: I wonder if I could arrange a meeting with Mr. Jones this afternoon.  B: ______A Let me see. This afternoon is all booked up.B Sorry. You should ask someone else.C Good. Mr. Jones will be glad to see you.D Yes, you can see him.

考题 问答题How should they do to attract audience for cinema?

考题 单选题How did Dave feel after the conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Jones?A EmbarrassedB UpsetC Impatient

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