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walk beside


move behind


go before


stand behind


更多 “单选题_____A walk besideB move behindC go beforeD stand behind” 相关考题
考题 单选题One of the men held the view _____ the book said was right.A what thatB that whatC that whichD which that

考题 单选题_____A designatedB announcedC appointedD limited

考题 单选题Why do forests in many parts of the world slowly disappear?A New trees are not looked after properly.B Many trees have been cut down by man.C Man has not paid enough attention to planting trees.D All of the above.

考题 问答题他连自己都养不活,更别说养家了。

考题 单选题I remember _____ to the zoo by my father when I was little.A being takenB takingC have been takenD to have taken

考题 单选题_____A bestB leastC lengthD large

考题 单选题_____ music is the music that is considered to be serious and of lasting value as opposed to jazz,folk,etc.A DomesticB ForeignC NationalD Classical

考题 单选题When did two Frenchmen rise above Paris?A In December 1783.B In September 1783.C In November 1783.D In the seventeenth century.

考题 单选题The pot _____ for _____ hot water.A used; keepingB was used; keepingC is used; to keepD are used; keep

考题 单选题It’s the second time that Dick has been late, _____?A hasn’t heB isn’t itC isn’t heD hasn’t

考题 单选题A new house _____ at the corner of the road.A is buildingB is being builtC been builtD be building

考题 单选题—We have to stop talking here. Listen, _____!—Hurry up, or we’ll be late.A There goes the bellB There does the bell goC There the bell goesD Goes the bell there

考题 单选题The poet has _____ fame all his life, but has never experienced it.A pursuedB followedC chasedD traced

考题 单选题His Selected Poems _____ first published in 1965.A wereB wasC has beenD is

考题 单选题The young man insisted that he _____ nothing wrong and _____ free.A did; setB had done; should be setC do; be setD had done; must be set

考题 单选题_____A eitherB ifC neitherD whether

考题 单选题English _____ in Australia.A speaksB are spokenC is speakingD is spoken

考题 单选题_____A SlowlyB ImmediatelyC CarefullyD Meanwhile

考题 单选题The electric shaver _____ before it can be used.A needs repairingB requires to repairC should be in repairD has to be repairable

考题 单选题_____A receivedB addressedC madeD taken

考题 单选题The speed _____ light travels is very high.A whichB at whichC in whichD with which

考题 单选题As to Grosvenor and Scott, she _____ never to meet them again.A resolvedB decideC determineD involved

考题 单选题I’ll tell you _____ he told me last week.A all whichB all whatC that allD all

考题 单选题_____ the rain we would have had a nice holiday.A But thatB But forC DespiteD In spite of

考题 单选题The _____ Court is the highest court in the United States.A SuperiorB SuperC SupremeD Great

考题 单选题_____A farB fartherC longD distant

考题 单选题It was not until he arrived at the railway station _____ he realized he had forgotten his ticket.A beforeB sinceC whenD that

考题 单选题Why does land become desert after all trees are cut down?A Because nothing remains on land except floods.B Because there are no longer trees to keep the rain and protect the top-soil.C Because too much rain sinks in and washes away the top-soil.D Because roots of the trees break up the soil.