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词语搭配题。一般用large或是small修饰a sum of money;而且根据语境这里应是“少量的钱”,所以是a small sum of money。句意:如果这些人每人拿出一小笔钱聚集起来,就会有足够的钱去满足那些少数遭受损失的人的需求。
更多 “单选题______A smallB bigC handyD thrifty” 相关考题
考题 I feared that without a degree and with no experience in teaching my chances of getting the job were _________ . A. smallB. slightC. thinD. slim

考题 ________, its very tidy. A.As her room is smallB.Small as her room isC.As small her room isD.Small as her room

考题 We ______ thrifty and simple life. A. call forB. call inC. call onD. call to

考题 The earth is about _______ as themoon. A.as fifty time bigB.fifty times as bigC.as big fifty timesD.fifty as times big

考题 54.A.smallB.bigC.farD.long

考题 Critics of Wallerstein's study ______.A. think the number of families studied was too smallB. think that all the factors were consideredC. think that divorce is not painfulD. think that healthy families do not have problems

考题 The school was moved out of downtown as the number of students had grown too_______.A.smallB.fewC.1argeD.many

考题 (75)A.smallB.limitedC.infiniteD.finite

考题 一The second bedroom isn't big enough.-Yes , I agree. It is__________A.not that smallB. too smallC.enough small

考题 --The classroom is not big enough for 50 students.-- Yes, I agree. It‘s ______. A.too smallB.no bigC.not small enough

考题 I have ______ damage below water line.A.largeB.bigC.importantD.major

考题 During the voyage the ship encountered ______ winds and weather,during which time she labored heavily and to such extent that at times it was necessary to change courses and reduce speeds in order to ease her and prevent damage to herself and her cargo.A.largeB.bigC.boisterousD.high

考题 Although KG for a vessel in lightweight is relatively high, the vessel is stiff because ___.A.KM is smallB.KM is highC.BL is smallD.KB is large

考题 The new communication system is by no means a minute invention.A:small B:accidental C:significant D:timely

考题 The walls are made of hollow concrete blocks.A:empty B:big C:long D:new

考题 He wore a 【shabby】 thin overcoat in the cold winter so that he fell ill.A.old B.big C.new D.small

考题 Fresh students are usually very happy on the first day to go to college.A:Small B:New C:Active D:Pretty

考题 Work done by machines has replaced manual labor.A:mental B:hard C:handy D:physical

考题 There are only a limited number of tickets available.A:small B:confined C:certain D:large

考题 选择适当的用语补充对话。() ——What did you feel during the massage? ——I am feel comfortable____________.A、The force is too heavyB、The force is too bigC、The force is too lightD、The force is too suitable

考题 EXCEL软件中()函数,返回一组值中的最大值。A、LargeB、BigC、MaxD、Largest

考题 You are designing a plan to migrate an existing application to Windows Azure.  The application currently resides on a server that has 768 MB of memory and multiple cores. You need to recommend the smallest compute instance size that is equivalent to the existing server.  Which size should you recommend?()A、 SmallB、 MediumC、 LargeD、 ExtraSmall

考题 单选题Chinese farmers are mostly living a simple and thrifty life as it is today.A miserableB economicalC luxuriousD sensible

考题 单选题You are designing a plan to migrate an existing application to Windows Azure.  The application currently resides on a server that has 768 MB of memory and multiple cores. You need to recommend the smallest compute instance size that is equivalent to the existing server.  Which size should you recommend?()A  SmallB  MediumC  LargeD  ExtraSmall

考题 单选题关于IgC描述正确的是()A IgC以单体形式存在,广泛分布于体液中B IgC固定补体的能力最强C IgC半衰期相对较短D 为天然血型抗体

考题 单选题参与Ⅰ型变态反应的成分不包括()A 过敏原B IgC 肥大细胞D 嗜碱性粒细胞E T细胞

考题 单选题Minimum 1 GB Memory. Which size should you recommend?()A  SmallB  MediumC  LargeD  ExtraSmall

考题 单选题小儿体液免疫特点中,下述哪项是错误的()A 免疫球蛋白包括Iga,Igc,Igm,Igd及Ige五类B Igc有四个亚类C Iga含量增高揭示有宫内感染可能性D 免疫球蛋白是巨噬细胞产物E 小儿体液免疫的发育随年龄增长逐步完善