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autocrine signaling (自分泌信号)


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更多 “名词解释题autocrine signaling (自分泌信号)” 相关考题
考题 including the use of low-loss low-nonlinearity(94)A.optical fiberB.trafficC.internetD.signaling

考题 PSCH和SSCH只用于『____』和『____』,不承载层2和层3的任何信令,属于物理层信号。(PSCH and SSCH only use in 『____』and 『____』, not the bearing level 2 and the level 3 any signaling, that belongs to the physical level signal.)

考题 Which two characteristics apply to a CAS T1 interface?()A、signaling travels in-band B、up to 24 voice channels C、up to 32 voice channels D、signaling travels in time slot 17 E、uses Q.931 signaling protocol in a common channel

考题 下列哪些信息不能由PUSCH承载()。A、Transport formatB、CQIC、HARQ feedbackD、RRC signaling

考题 Which two statements are correct about the signaling methods that are utilized for transmitting voice? ()A、 Channel-associated signaling transmits control signals in band and therefore reduces the bandwidth available for the voice data stream.B、 Channel-associated signaling utilizes a separate TDM channel for transmitting control signals.C、 Common channel signaling transmits control signals in band and therefore reduces the bandwidth available for the voice data stream.D、 Common channel signaling uses one of the TDM channels to transmit control information reducing the number of channels available for voice.E、 ISDN BRIs implement channel-associated signaling.

考题 自分泌效应(autocrine action)

考题 信号微机监测系统运用微型计算机大规模信号存储能力,使信号设备具有了()。A、自诊断功能B、自记忆功能C、网络诊断管理和维护功能

考题 The SCTP layer in the C7 signalling protocol stack is responsible for which of the following:()A、Establishing a signaling channel between two signaling entities in an ATM networkB、Provide reliable connection for signaling between two IP signaling nodesC、Provide routing for IP signaling messages in an IP signaling network

考题 Which logical channel is used to transfer signaling messages such as resource reallocation?()A、PDTCHB、PTCCHC、PACCHD、PBCCH

考题 LTERRC连接建立原因有哪些()A、MO(Mobile Originatin–signaling)B、MO–dataC、MT(Mobile Terminatin–access)D、EmergencyE、highPriorityAccess

考题 Which two statements correctly identify factors to consider when Configuring WAN QoS?()A、Voice Traffic uses Assured ForwardingB、Voice Signaling traffic uses Assured ForwardingC、Voice Signaling traffic uses priority queuingD、Voice Traffic uses priority queuingE、Voice signaling traffic should use priority queuing with Assured Forwarding

考题 名词解释题信号级联放大(signaling cascade)

考题 名词解释题paracrine signaling (旁分泌信号)

考题 单选题Which one of the WAN data-link protocols below is used for out-of-band signaling?()A HDLCB NCPC PAPD LAPDE LAPBF None of the above

考题 多选题Which two statements are correct about the signaling methods that are utilized for transmitting voice? ()AChannel-associated signaling transmits control signals in band and therefore reduces the bandwidth available for the voice data stream.BChannel-associated signaling utilizes a separate TDM channel for transmitting control signals.CCommon channel signaling transmits control signals in band and therefore reduces the bandwidth available for the voice data stream.DCommon channel signaling uses one of the TDM channels to transmit control information reducing the number of channels available for voice.EISDN BRIs implement channel-associated signaling.

考题 名词解释题endocrine signaling (内分泌信号)

考题 名词解释题signaling molecules (信号分子)

考题 单选题在MPLS中,LSP指的是:()。A Label Selection PairB Label Switched PathC Lighweight Signaling ProtocolD Large Sampling Path

考题 单选题Which WAN protocol is used for out-of-band signaling?()A NCPB HDLCC LAPBD LAPD

考题 名词解释题自分泌(autocrine)

考题 单选题Which option describes a benefits of IPv6 VPN Provider Edge?()A Provider support for intra-AS and CSC scenariosB Uses separate signaling plane, which provides more security than IPv4C BGP is the preferred routing protocol for connecting two SPsD No requirement for a separate signaling plane

考题 多选题LTERRC连接建立原因有哪些()AMO(Mobile Originatin–signaling)BMO–dataCMT(Mobile Terminatin–access)DEmergencyEhighPriorityAccess

考题 单选题下列哪些信息不能由PUSCH承载()。A Transport formatB CQIC HARQ feedbackD RRC signaling

考题 多选题Which two statements correctly identify factors to consider when Configuring WAN QoS?()AVoice Traffic uses Assured ForwardingBVoice Signaling traffic uses Assured ForwardingCVoice Signaling traffic uses priority queuingDVoice Traffic uses priority queuingEVoice signaling traffic should use priority queuing with Assured Forwarding