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更多 “单选题“Sit(),please”翻译成中文是“请坐”。A onB offC downD up” 相关考题
考题 My grandma become more and more sad and frail as the years went (). A、inB、offC、downD、by

考题 下列哪个键为电子天平的开启键()。 A、ONB、OFFC、TARD、PRT

考题 He ( ) his clothes and got into the bath. A、put onB、took offC、dressed off

考题 6. It s getting dark,please _________ the light.A. turn offB. turn onC. turn downD. turn up

考题 6. The baby is asleep,please___________ the loud radio.A. turn onB. turn intoC. turn offD. turn up

考题 20.A. onB. offC. upD. around

考题 First you should switch the machine ____ before you stop your work. a. onb. offc. up

考题 在日常打电话情境下,“Who’scalling,please?”翻译成中文是:请问您是谁?() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 I cannot hear the radio. Would you please ()? A、turn it onB、turn it downC、turn it up

考题 Please don’t sit in front of desk for a long time. You need to stand up and ________ your body. A. twistB. tortureC. stretchD. bent

考题 The bus ( ) and stopped to allow the passenger to get on boarD、 A、got onB、got offC、slowed downD、picked up

考题 “请坐这边好吗?”用英语最妥当的表述是()。A.Would you mind sit down here?B.Sitting here,please.C.Would you mind sitting down here?D.Would you sit down here?

考题 “Sit( ),please”翻译成中文是“请坐”。A.onB.offC.downD.up

考题 3.—Mr Zhang,I'm not feeling well. I-d like to have this afternoon _________ to go to a doctor.—OK.A.onB.offC.downD.up

考题 对于自定义错误配置节的默认模式(mode)是()。 A.onB.offC.localonlyD.remoteonly

考题 The economic reform in Japan has been accelerated.A:sped up B:put off C:slowed down D:stopped

考题 The thinner can ()(稀释) the paint.A、thin downB、put downC、sit downD、look down

考题 Anchor()(垂直).A、upB、downC、up and downD、up or down

考题 对于自定义错误配置节的默认模式(mode)是()。A、onB、offC、localonlyD、remoteonly

考题 “Sit(),please”翻译成中文是“请坐”。A、onB、offC、downD、up

考题 当启动开关位于()位置,这时可插入或者拔出钥匙。A、ONB、OFFC、STARTD、HEAT

考题 The thinners can () paint.A、look downB、put downC、sit downD、thin down

考题 起落架控制手柄在哪个卡槽停留位时,是被锁住的()A、UPB、OFFC、DOWND、所有位置

考题 请上车翻译成英文是()A、Please stop hereB、Please close the doorC、Please get on

考题 “请上车”用英文表达为()。A、Please hold onB、Please get upC、Please keep itD、Please get on the car

考题 排队用英语怎么说()A、stand upB、line up in orderC、sit downD、form a queue

考题 单选题Please sit down and make yourself_____.A in the roomB fineC easyD at home

考题 单选题“Sit(),please”翻译成中文是“请坐”。A onB offC downD up