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An occluded front is caused by a(n)().

low pressure area


high pressure area


area of calm air


cold front overtaking a warm front


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更多 “单选题An occluded front is caused by a(n)().A low pressure areaB high pressure areaC area of calm airD cold front overtaking a warm front” 相关考题
考题 设循环队列用C语言数组A[m]表示,front指针指向真正队头的前一个位置,rear指针指向真正队尾,队列中当前元素个数为n,则(1)若已知front、rear,则n=()。(2)若已知front、n,则rear=()。(3)若已知rear、n,则front=()。

考题 用数组A[0,N-1]存放循环队列的元素值,若其头指针和尾指针分别为front和rear,则循环队列中当前元素的个数为A.(rear-front+N+1)mod NB.(rear-front+1)mod NC.(rear-front-1+N)mod ND.(rear-front)mod N

考题 判断一个循环队列Q(最多n个元素)为满的条件是()。 A、Q->rear==Q->frontB、Q->rear==Q->front+1C、Q->front==(Q->rear+1)%nD、Q->front==(Q->rear-1)%n

考题 Cumulonimbus clouds are most likely to accompany a(n) ______.A.high pressure systemB.cold frontC.warm frontD.occluded front

考题 A tsunami is caused by a(n) ______.A.tidal waveB.storm surge caused by a hurricane or tropical stormC.earthquake on the ocean's floorD.tornado

考题 A cyclone in its final stage of development is called a(n) ______.A.tornadoB.anticycloneC.occluded cyclone or occluded frontD.polar cyclone

考题 A generally circular low pressure area is called a(n)______.A.cycloneB.anticycloneC.cold frontD.occluded front

考题 An occluded front is caused by a(n) ______.A.low pressure areaB.high pressure areaC.area of calm airD.cold front overtaking a warm front

考题 Clouds appearing in the following order: cirrus, cirrostratus, altostratus, stratus, and nimbostratus usually indicate the approach of a(n) ______.A.warm frontB.occluded frontC.medium frontD.cold front

考题 假定一个顺序循环队列存储于数组a[n]中,其队首和队尾指针分别用front和rear表示,则判断队满的条件为()A、(rear - 1)% n == frontB、(rear + 1)% n == frontC、(front - 1)% n == rearD、(front + 1)% n == rear

考题 在具有n个单元的顺序存储的循环队列中,假定front和rear分别为队头指针和队尾指针,则判断队空的条件为()A、rear%n= = frontB、front+l= rearC、rear= = frontD、(rear+l)%n= front

考题 最大容量为n的循环队列,队尾指针是rear,队头是front,则队空的条件是()。A、(rear+1)%n==frontB、rear==frontC、rear+1==frontD、(rear-l)%n==front

考题 判断一个循环队列Q(最多n个元素)为满的条件是()。A、Q-rear==Q-frontB、Q-rear==Q-front+1C、Q-front==(Q-rear+1)%nD、Q-front==(Q-rear-1)%n

考题 单选题最大容量为n的循环队列,队尾指针是rear,队头是front,则队空的条件是()。A (rear+1)%n==frontB rear==frontC rear+1==frontD (rear-l)%n==front

考题 单选题An occluded front on a weather map is colored().A blue lineB purple lineC dashed blue lineD alternate red and blue line

考题 单选题最大容量为n的循环队列,队尾指针是rear,队头是front,则队空的条件是()。A (rear+1)MOD n=frontB rear-frontC rear+1=frontD (rear-1)MOD n=front

考题 单选题An occluded front is usually caused by a().A cold front becoming stationaryB warm front becoming stationaryC cold front overtaking a warm frontD warm front dissipating

考题 单选题An occluded front is caused by a(n)().A low pressure areaB high pressure areaC area of calm airD cold front overtaking a warm front

考题 单选题假定一个顺序循环队列存储于数组A[n]中,其队首和队尾指针分别用front和rear表示,则判断队满的条件是()A (rear-1)%n==frontB (rear+1)%n==frontC rear==(front-1)%nD rear==(front+1)%n

考题 单选题假定一个顺序循环队列存储于数组a[n]中,其队首和队尾指针分别用front和rear表示,则判断队满的条件为()A (rear - 1)% n == frontB (rear + 1)% n == frontC (front - 1)% n == rearD (front + 1)% n == rear

考题 单选题The first indications a mariner will have of the approach of a warm front will be ().A large cumulonimbus (thunderclouds) building upB high cirrus clouds gradually changing to cirrostratus and then to altostratusC fog caused by the warm air passing over the cooler waterD low dark clouds accompanied by intermittent rain

考题 单选题A cyclone in its final stage of development is called a(n)().A tornadoB anticycloneC occluded cyclone or occluded frontD polar cyclone

考题 单选题A generally circular low pressure area is called a(n)().A cycloneB anticycloneC cold frontD occluded front

考题 单选题A series of brief showers accompanied by strong,shifting winds may occur along or some distance ahead of a(n)().A upper front aloftB cycloneC occluded frontD cold front

考题 单选题在具有n个单元的顺序存储的循环队列中,假定front和rear分别为队头指针和队尾指针,则判断队空的条件为()A rear%n= = frontB front+l= rearC rear= = frontD (rear+l)%n= front

考题 单选题判断一个循环队列Q(最多n个元素)为满的条件是()。A Q-rear==Q-frontB Q-rear==Q-front+1C Q-front==(Q-rear+1)%nD Q-front==(Q-rear-1)%n

考题 单选题A tsunami is caused by a(n)().A tidal waveB storm surge caused by a hurricane or tropical stormC earthquake on the ocean's floorD tornado

考题 单选题在具有n个单元的顺序存储的循环队列中,假定front和rear分别为队头指针和队尾指针,则判断队满的条件为()A rear%n= = frontB (front+l)%n= = rearC rear%n -1= = frontD (rear+l)%n= = front