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In addition to rice, we need to()our diet with fish, meat and vegetable.









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更多 “单选题In addition to rice, we need to()our diet with fish, meat and vegetable.A supplementB replaceC addD eat” 相关考题
考题 Which of the following is Not True?A. Advertisement makes contribution to our pockets and we may know everything.B. We can buy what we want.C. Products of good quality don't need to be advertised.D. Advertisement makes our life colorful.

考题 broth is water that has been boiled with meat, rice or vegetables.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 In addition to rice, we need to( )our diet with fish, meat and vegetable. A、supplementB、replaceC、addD、eat

考题 We need to have our TV set ( ) before this weekend. A、repairB、repairedC、to repair

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考题 I (11) Lisa’s good friend. We (12) running stars. We (13) three meals to-gether every day. (14) breakfast, I like tw0 (15)and a glass of milk, and she (16) two hamburgers and two glasses of milk. For (17) , she (18)a bowl of rice and some chicken , and I (19) two bowls of rice, a plate of salad and some fish. For dinner, we have the same (同样的) (20) .( )11.A.isB.amC.areD.do

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考题 We get energy from the foods we eat.Our food supplies energy to keep our organs working.Our food also supplies heat to warm our bodies.The main energy foods are the carbohydrates (碳水化合物).These are the sugars and starches(淀粉). Wheat and rice are rich in starch and many fruits and vegetables contain considerable amount of sugar. Sweets, honey and jam are also rich in sugar.Like carbohydrates, fats are food that provides us with energy. Butter, margarine, certain types of fish, eggs, cooking oils and most red meats are rich in fats. Fats can be stored in various parts of the body as reserves of energy. Because fats in general are slowly digested, they satisfy hunger for long periods.Proteins (蛋白质) are very complex substances. The body needs proteins for the growth of new cells and for the repair and replacement of old cells. Foods rich in proteins are essential to a balanced diet. Milk, some vegetables, meat, chicken, fish, cheese, grains and nuts are some foods rich in proteins.A good diet will contain a variety of foods so that the body contains all the minerals it needs for good health.Vitamins are necessary for the proper working of the body. If we eat a variety of foods, we can be sure of obtaining all the vitamins we need.Water makes up about 70 per cent of the weight of the human body. The average adult needs about two liters of water daily to replace the water the body loses.1.Of the following substances, which are not used as sources of energy by living things?()A. StarchesB. VitaminsC. ProteinsD. Fats2.If equal weight of the following substances is “burned” in the body,A. carbohydratesB. fatsC. vitaminsD. mineral salts3.A boy grows five centimeters a year.The new materialA. fatsB. vitaminsC. proteinsD.carbohydrates4.Which of the following is not true?()A. If a man weighs 150 pounds, 105 pounds are water.B. Apple, butter and meat are rich in proteins.C. A well-balanced diet contains proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins.D. Biscuits, cake and sweets may provide us with energy.5.People can get all the minerals the body needs by().A. having a balanced dietB. drinking more milkC. eating fruits and vegetablesD. having more fish and eggs

考题 Today a neighbor brought us some fresh fish he had caught on his last boat trip. As thanked him,he said,‘They are not from me; they only come through me.’At that moment I noticed the similarity between fish and haiku.Nowadays, if Mom doesn't ever serve fish for dinner at least the kids get a taste ofhaiku at school.For most of us,our first introduction comes from reading translations from Japanese,which is a bit like comparing sushi to frozen fish sticks. Even with the knowledge of theexotic, most poets stick to the meat and potatoes of English literature. It often isn’t until we get older that we accept the simple goodness of fish,adding them to the menu more often.Having acquired a taste for fish and learned how to cook them, one is better able toappreciate the short form. of haiku. Like fishing, haiku writing can be done with minimalequipment. A pin or a pen,and a scrap of paper, is enough,but it is tempting to go all out and buy a rod and reel (even study Zen,visit a monastery or take a trip to Japan).If one goes in for deep sea fishing,a computer and laser printer are soon on the list of 'must haves'.Like fishing, to catch haiku you have to go where they are. Unlike fish, haiku areeverywhere. Still,you have to know the secret places where they hide and how to get there.Wearing old comfortable clothes(usually thought of as a meditative state) we look aroundjust where we are. It does little good to only read of fishing off the coast of Japan whensitting beside the lake by our own front door. It does help to know which fish are edible and which are not. There are two ways of finding this out. We can either eat everything we catch and publish what feels right, or we can read books containing others’experiences while making up our minds about what kind of fish to go for.If we compare spending days on rough seas to fish or strolling on the beach writinghaiku; it is very easy for me to decide where my interest lies. Still I do love a fish dinner and I hope my neighbor enjoys my latest poems.(1). The similarity between fishing and writing haiku the text does NOT mention isA. the freedom to choose what we do with the product of each activityB. the delayed appreciation of both activitiesC. the thrill experienced when engaging in themD. the limited resources required for practising them(2). In paragraph 2,the author refers to sushi_.A. to point out that the American eat frozen fish sticks more oftenB. to contrast it with meat and potatoesC. to give an example of an exotic dishD. as a metaphor for original Japanese texts(3). According to the author, haiku writers have to_·A. read about the process of haiku writingB. be observant of what is around themC. try to have their poems publishedD. get acquainted with Zen philosophy(4). The best title of this text would be_·A. Something fishy about haikuB. The forgotten skill of fishingC. Writing haiku is easyD. The art of writing haiku(5). The author's attitude towards haiku is_.A. positiveB. neutralC. indifferentD. negative

考题 Meat, vegetables, milk and fruit ___ a balance diet. A.includeB.constituteC.consist ofD.are composed of

考题 We need a skilled_____ to take care of our delicate mechanism.AtechnicianBtechnologyCtechniqueDtechnological

考题 43. They have rice, vegetables and meat_______ lunch.A. withB. andC. forD. on

考题 Which of the following is NOT true?__________A.Advertisement makes contribution to our pockets and we may know everything B.We can buy what we want C.Good quality products don't need to be advertised D.Advertisement makes our life colorful

考题 Which of the following is Not True?A. Advertisement makes contribution to our pockets and we may know everything B. We can buy what we want C. Products of good quality don't need to be advertised D. Advertisement makes our life colorful 19. Which of the following is Not True?

考题 We experience a burst of pleasure when we share our thoughts,and this drives us to communlcate.It is a useful feature of our brain,because it ensures that knowledge,experience and ideas do not get buried with the person who first had them,and that as a society we benefit from the products of many minds.Of course,in order for that to happen,merely sharing is not enough.We need to cause a reaction.Each time we share our opinions and knowledge,it is with the intention of having an impact on others.Here's the problem,though:we approach this task from inside our own heads.When attempting to create impact,we reflect on what is persuasive to us,our state of mind.our desires and our goals.But if we want to affect the behaviours and beliefs of the person in front of us,we need to understand what goes on inside their head.

考题 Our new diet pill________the people who want to lose weight.satisfies the need of B.stimulate the demand of C.arouse the interest of D.target the market for

考题 Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body.There are times when?most of us would rather eat sweets and ice-cream than meat and rice.Sweets and ice-cream are not?bad if we eat them at the end of a meal.If we eat them before a meal,they may take away our appe-tite(食欲)~It is important for us to eat our meals at the same time each day.When we feel hungry,it is a sign that our body needs food.When we feel angry or excited,we may not want to eat.A long time ago,in England,some judges used to decide whether a man was telling the truth by giving him some dry bread.If the man could not eat the bread,it showed that he was telling lies.Although this seems very strange and rather foolish,it is indeed a very good way of finding out the fact.A man who is worrying about something has difficulty in eating anything dry.Because he is worrying,he loses his appetite and does not want to eat. We′d better have our meals__________.A.at the same time each day B.when our work is over C.when the meal is still hot D.when every one is at home

考题 Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body.There are times when?most of us would rather eat sweets and ice-cream than meat and rice.Sweets and ice-cream are not?bad if we eat them at the end of a meal.If we eat them before a meal,they may take away our appe-tite(食欲)~It is important for us to eat our meals at the same time each day.When we feel hungry,it is a sign that our body needs food.When we feel angry or excited,we may not want to eat.A long time ago,in England,some judges used to decide whether a man was telling the truth by giving him some dry bread.If the man could not eat the bread,it showed that he was telling lies.Although this seems very strange and rather foolish,it is indeed a very good way of finding out the fact.A man who is worrying about something has difficulty in eating anything dry.Because he is worrying,he loses his appetite and does not want to eat. We must have good eating habits because__________.A.we want to eat more B.we want to enjoy our meals C.we want to be healthy and strong D.we want to grow up quickly

考题 Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body.There are times when?most of us would rather eat sweets and ice-cream than meat and rice.Sweets and ice-cream are not?bad if we eat them at the end of a meal.If we eat them before a meal,they may take away our appe-tite(食欲)~It is important for us to eat our meals at the same time each day.When we feel hungry,it is a sign that our body needs food.When we feel angry or excited,we may not want to eat.A long time ago,in England,some judges used to decide whether a man was telling the truth by giving him some dry bread.If the man could not eat the bread,it showed that he was telling lies.Although this seems very strange and rather foolish,it is indeed a very good way of finding out the fact.A man who is worrying about something has difficulty in eating anything dry.Because he is worrying,he loses his appetite and does not want to eat. A man who is worrying__________.A.has a better appetite B.likes to tell lies C.likes to eat ice-cream D.has a poor appetite

考题 Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body.There are times when?most of us would rather eat sweets and ice-cream than meat and rice.Sweets and ice-cream are not?bad if we eat them at the end of a meal.If we eat them before a meal,they may take away our appe-tite(食欲)~It is important for us to eat our meals at the same time each day.When we feel hungry,it is a sign that our body needs food.When we feel angry or excited,we may not want to eat.A long time ago,in England,some judges used to decide whether a man was telling the truth by giving him some dry bread.If the man could not eat the bread,it showed that he was telling lies.Although this seems very strange and rather foolish,it is indeed a very good way of finding out the fact.A man who is worrying about something has difficulty in eating anything dry.Because he is worrying,he loses his appetite and does not want to eat. It is good to eat sweets and ice-cream__________.A.when we are hungry B.when we want to C.after the meal D.before the meal

考题 We are () urgent need () the goods, so would you please effect shipment of our ordered goods immediately?Ain;ofBin;forCat;forDfor;of

考题 In addition to rice, we need to()our diet with fish, meat and vegetable.AsupplementBreplaceCaddDeat

考题 As we are()urgent need of Art.No.5609,please ship our order with out delay.A、onB、ofC、inD、to

考题 单选题As we are()urgent need of Art.No.5609,please ship our order with out delay.A onB ofC inD to

考题 单选题Fish, meat, fruit and vegetables are carried in().A containersB bagsC refrigerated holdsD cases

考题 单选题Surveys show that ______ less sleep than we think, ______ too much sleep could even harm our health.A not only do we need, but thatB not only we need, but alsoC not only we need, but thatD not only do we need, but also