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As it was indicated by the respondents, green food was ranked relatively low in importance because low consumer awareness and lack of consumer interests.____


由题干中“green food”及题意可定位至F段。该段讲到,绿色食品并不被看好,接着解释了原因,即消费者缺乏意识和兴趣。故匹配段落为F段。
更多 “填空题As it was indicated by the respondents, green food was ranked relatively low in importance because low consumer awareness and lack of consumer interests.____” 相关考题
考题 4 (a) A company may choose to finance its activities mainly by equity capital, with low borrowings (low gearing) or byrelying on high borrowings with relatively low equity capital (high gearing).Required:Explain why a highly geared company is generally more risky from an investor’s point of view than a companywith low gearing. (3 marks)

考题 YouareusingResourceManagertomanagesystemresources.Whilecreatinganewdatabaseuser,youobservethattheuserisamemberofDEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUPbydefault.Whatwouldbetheimplicationsofthis?() A.TheResourceManagerplandoesnotaffecttheuser.B.Theremustbeaplandirectiveinanyoftheplansofthegrouptocontroltheresources.C.ThemembersofthegroupDEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUPalwayshaveresourcerestrictions.D.ThemembersofDEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUParerestrainedfromaccessingthesystemtables.E.Themembersofthisgroupcanchangetheirgroupwithoutthedatabaseadministrator’sintervention.

考题 Which statement is true about a running session that belongs to the online transaction processing (OLTP) group?() A. It permanently switches to the low_group consumer group if the session exceeds 10,000 I/O requests or 2,500 MB of data transfer.B. It performs the first 10000 I/O requests or 2,500 MB of data transfer in the LOW-GROUP consumer group, and then switches to the original group.C. It switches to the LOW_GROUP consumer group if the session exceeds 10000 I/O requests or 2500 MB of data transfer and returns to the original group after the operation.D. It switches to the LOW_GROUP consumer group if the session exceeds 10000 I/O requests or 2500MB of data transfer for queries, but not for data manipulation language (DML) operations.

考题 Youarecreatingajobclass.Youhaveissuedthefollowingcommandtocreatethejobclass:SQLBEGINDBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB_CLASS(JOB_CLASS_NAME=’LOW_PRIORITY_CLASS’,RESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUP=’LOW_GROUP’,LOGGING_LEVEL=DBMS_SCHEDULER.LOGGING_FULL,LOG_HISTORY=1200,COMMENTS=’LOWJOBPRIORITYCLASS’);END;SQL/Whatwillbetheresultoftheabovecommand?()A.Thecommandwillbeexecutedsuccessfully.B.ThecommandwillfailbecauseRESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUPisaninvalidparameterintheDBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB_CLASSprocedure.C.ThecommandwillfailbecauseLOGGING_LEVELisaninvalidparameterintheDBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB_CLASSprocedure.D.ThecommandwillfailbecauseLOG_HISTORYisaninvalidparameterintheDBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB_CLASSprocedure.E.Thecommandwillfailbecause1200isaninvalidvaluefortheLOG_HISTORYparameterintheDBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB_CLASSprocedure.

考题 In a diesel engine, late fuel injection is indicated by black or gray exhaust smoke with ______.A.low firing pressureB.low exhaust temperatureC.mechanical knock in each cylinderD.fuel knock in each cylinder

考题 Fog is most commonly associated with a(n) ______.A.warm front at nightB.low pressure areaC.anticycloneD.lack of frontal activity

考题 Report: Kilmer Health Care Center in Top 10% According to a report that was recently published in Consumer Quarterly, the Kilmer Health Care Center at University Village is ranked in the top 10 percent of all nursing homes in Ohio. The Kilmer Health Care Center opened four years ago with 48 private rooms. Thirty-six of the rooms are for assisted living, and twelve are for constant care. The Kilmer Health Care Center offers residents an array of services from housekeeping and meal delivery, to transportation and medical services. Consumer Quarterly looked at three main factors to come up with the nursing home rankings. The first was how the facility ranked in their state inspections. The second was the ratio of the number of care givers, (including nurses and nurse's aides), to the number of residents. Finally, they looked at the services the facility offers and compared those to the current and future needs of the residents who live there. Consumer Quarterly hopes the report encourages those facilities ranked in the lower 10% to review and improve their operations. How many rooms in Kilmer Health Care Center are intended for assisted living?A. 12 B. 36 C. 48 D. 66

考题 What does Consumer Quarterly hope the report will do?A. Increase state funding for all facilities B. Encourage low-ranking facilities to improve C. Increase awareness of the facilities that exist D. Encourage more nurses to apply for jobs in the facilities

考题 Fossil fuels are and will be still ______ for at least the next two-three decades at relatively low costs.A.productive B.convenient C.renewable D.available

考题 The population decreased from the 1840s until about 1970,largely because of().Aa low birth rateBa high death rateCa low employment rateDa high emigration rate

考题 The population decreased from the 1840s until about 1970,largely because of().A、a low birth rateB、a high death rateC、a low employment rateD、a high emigration rate

考题 Every resource plan must contain an allocation to which consumer group?()A、 LOW_GROUPB、 SYS_GROUPC、 DEFAULT_GROUPD、 BASE_GROUPE、 OTHER_GROUPS

考题 You have created a resource plan, PROD_DB_PLAN, that uses the RATIO policy. The following consumer groups and their respective plan directives have been assigned to this resource plan: Consumer group HIGH_CG with CPU_P1 as 10.  Consumer group MEDIUM_CG with CPU_P1 as 5.  Consumer group LOW_CG with CPU_P1 as 2.  Consumer group OTHER_GROUPS with CPU_P1 as 1.  Which statement is correct in this scenario?()A、 The CPU allocation would be equal between the HIGH_CG and MEDIUM_CG consumer groups if there are no sessions existing for the LOW_CG and OTHER_GROUPS consumer groups.B、 The members of the HIGH_CG consumer group would get 10% of the CPU.C、 The plan PROD_DB_PLAN can have subplans.D、 The CPU allocation for the consumer groups would be based on the ratio defined for the CPU_P1.

考题 You notice that a job in a chain has not completed on a nonconstrained RAC database. Which of these are valid reasons why that might occur?()  A、 The job priority is 1 and the resource consumer group CPU emphasis allocation is a low percentage.B、 The job affinity is to a service and one node in that service is unavailable.C、 The job affinity is to an instance and that instance is unavailable.D、 There is no service affinity.E、 None of the above.

考题 You are creating a job class. You have issued the following command to create the job class:  SQL BEGIN   DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB_CLASS(        JOB_CLASS_NAME = ’LOW_PRIORITY_CLASS’,        RESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUP = ’LOW_GROUP’,        LOGGING_LEVEL = DBMS_SCHEDULER.LOGGING_FULL,        LOG_HISTORY = 1200,   COMMENTS = ’LOW JOB PRIORITY CLASS’);        END;        SQL /   What will be the result of the above command?()A、 The command will be executed successfully.B、 The command will fail because RESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUP is an invalid parameter in the  DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB_CLASS procedure.C、 The command will fail because LOGGING_LEVEL is an invalid parameter in the DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB_CLASS procedure.D、 The command will fail because LOG_HISTORY is an invalid parameter in the DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB_CLASS procedure.E、 The command will fail because 1200 is an invalid value for the LOG_HISTORY parameter in the  DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB_CLASS procedure.

考题 Which three resource plan parameters are used to enable Automatic Consumer Group Switching to estimate job execution times automatically, and to perform a switch to a low priority consumer group before they are initiated?()A、SWITCH_TIMEB、SWITCH_GROUPC、MAX_SESS_POOLD、SWITCH_ESTIMATE

考题 You issue the following code:    EXEC DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS.GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP        (’SCOTT’ ’GRP1’, TRUE);   What will be the result of executing the above code?()  A、 The switch privilege will be granted to the user, Scott, for changing the consumer group to GRP1.B、 The switch privilege will be granted to the user, Scott, for changing the consumer group from GRP1 to any other group.C、 The code will not execute successfully because there is no GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP procedure in the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package.D、The code will execute successfully but no privilege will be granted to the user, Scott.

考题 In your production database, you have multiple resource plan directives that refer to the consumer group DB_GRP. Which two statements are correct?()A、The parallel degree limit for DB_GRP will be the minimum of all the incoming values.B、The parallel degree limit for DB_GRP will be the maximum of all the incoming values.C、The maximum estimated execution time for DB_GRP would be the most nonrestrictive of all incoming values.D、If a session switched from the DB_GRP consumer group to another consumer group because it exceeded the prescribed switch time, then that session would not execute if the active session pool for the new consumer group was full.E、If a session switched from the DB_GRP consumer group to another consumer group because it exceeded the prescribed switch time, then that session would execute even if the active session pool for the new consumer group was full.

考题 单选题A diesel engine should not be operated at low loads for long periods of time because()A heavy carbon deposits will buildup on the valves and in the exhaustB fuel dilution is increased at low loadC exhaust valves may be damagedD all of the above

考题 填空题As it was indicated by the respondents, green food was ranked relatively low in importance because low consumer awareness and lack of consumer interests.____

考题 多选题In your production database, you have multiple resource plan directives that refer to the customer group DB_GRP. Which two statements are correct? ()AThe parallel degree limit for DB_GRP will be the minimum of all the incoming values.BThe parallel degree limit for DB_GRP will be the maximum of all the incoming values.CThe maximum estimated execution time for DB_GRP would be the most nonrestrictive of all incoming values.DIf a session switched from the DB_GRP consumer group to another consumer group because it exceeded the prescribed switch time, then that session would not execute if the active session pool for the new consumer group was full.EIs a session switched from the DB_GRP consumer group to another consumer group because it exceeded the prescribed switch time, then that session would execute even if the active session pool for the new consumer group was full.

考题 单选题You are creating a job class. You have issued the following command to create the job class:  SQL BEGIN   DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB_CLASS(        JOB_CLASS_NAME = ’LOW_PRIORITY_CLASS’,        RESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUP = ’LOW_GROUP’,        LOGGING_LEVEL = DBMS_SCHEDULER.LOGGING_FULL,        LOG_HISTORY = 1200,   COMMENTS = ’LOW JOB PRIORITY CLASS’);        END;        SQL /   What will be the result of the above command?()A  The command will be executed successfully.B  The command will fail because RESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUP is an invalid parameter in the  DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB_CLASS procedure.C  The command will fail because LOGGING_LEVEL is an invalid parameter in the DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB_CLASS procedure.D  The command will fail because LOG_HISTORY is an invalid parameter in the DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB_CLASS procedure.E  The command will fail because 1200 is an invalid value for the LOG_HISTORY parameter in the  DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB_CLASS procedure.

考题 单选题Late fuel injection timing is indicated by ()A lower than normal cylinder pressure and low exhaust temperatureB lower than normal cylinder pressure and high exhaust temperatureC higher than normal cylinder pressure and low exhaust temperatureD higher than normal cylinder pressure and high exhaust temperature

考题 填空题When there was a direct impact that can be seen on the consumer, the importance of animal welfare could be raised.____

考题 多选题Which three resource plan parameters are used to enable Automatic Consumer Group Switching to estimate job execution times automatically, and to perform a switch to a low priority consumer group before they are initiated?()ASWITCH_TIMEBSWITCH_GROUPCMAX_SESS_POOLDSWITCH_ESTIMATE

考题 单选题Every resource plan must contain an allocation to which consumer group?()A  LOW_GROUPB  SYS_GROUPC  DEFAULT_GROUPD  BASE_GROUPE  OTHER_GROUPS

考题 填空题Animal welfare was a low-rated trust factor partly because consumers were reluctant to pay extra money for “animal friendly” products.____

考题 单选题You issue the following code:    EXEC DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS.GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP        (’SCOTT’ ’GRP1’, TRUE);   What will be the result of executing the above code?()A  The switch privilege will be granted to the user, Scott, for changing the consumer group to GRP1.B  The switch privilege will be granted to the user, Scott, for changing the consumer group from GRP1 to any other group.C  The code will not execute successfully because there is no GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP procedure in the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package.D The code will execute successfully but no privilege will be granted to the user, Scott.