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no sooner ... than意为“一……就”。因为这双靴子给他带来了烦恼,故用A。
更多 “单选题_____A angerB fearC happinessD pride” 相关考题
考题 In Pride and Prejudice,Mr. Bingley and the eldest girl Jane Bennet fall in love.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 In Pride and Prejudice,Mary is the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Chinese people are pride of their culture.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Her eyes have shone with pride, _______ tears of bitterness and burned from lack of sleep. A. filling withB. to fill withC. having filled withD. filled with

考题 As a literary figure, John Rivers appears in Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Jane Austen’s first publihed novel was ________. A.Sense and SensibilityB.EmmaC.Mansfield ParkD.Pride and Prejudice

考题 I was( )as to how I could help him out without hurting his pride. A. qutie uselessB. rather uncertainC. quite unpreparedD. wonder

考题 Normally, when hearing compliments, a typical Chinese reaction is to show(). A、disagreement and angerB、modesty and humilityC、enjoyment and prideD、pride and gratitude

考题 He takes pride () his daughter, who came first in the race. A.inB.forC.uponD.to

考题 19.A. Take pride inB. Talk aboutC. Help withD. Talk to

考题 Normally, when hearing compliments, a typical Chinese reaction is to show_____.A. disagreement and angerB. pride and gratitudeC. enjoyment and prideD. modesty and humility

考题 If one ___ by pride, one will reject useful advice and friendly assistance.A、overcomesB、is overcomeC、has been overcomeD、overcame

考题 Tom’s parents were very ( ) of him because he won the first ( )in the competition. A、proud/ prizeB、proud/ priceC、pride/ prizeD、pride/ price

考题 Since he had never been in such a situation before, his apprehension was understandable:(). A.eagernessB. fearC.hesitationD.excitement

考题 Bankers were __________ of a world banking crisis. A.fearfulB.fearC.tied

考题 One should take pride in his national culture.()

考题 尿苷的词干是 A、antelB、uridineC、nidazoleD、oxefE、pride

考题 The main feeling these children have when they are at home by themselves is______.A. tirednessB. fearC. lonelinessD. freedom

考题 We can infer from the passage that______.A. the write want his children to be very richB. life in the dirty street is not shamefulC. the writer believes money means happinessD. a good person may not necessarily be rich

考题 You are monitoring VHF Channel 16 when you receive a call to your vessel,TEXAS PRIDE.What is the proper way to answer this call ________.A.This is TEXAS PRIDE.Pick a channelB.This is TEXAS PRIDE on Channel 16.Come backC.This is TEXAS PRIDE,WSR 1234,reply Channel 10D.Please stand by.We're busy right now

考题 Patricia stared at the other girls with resentment.A:anger B:doubt C:love D:surprise

考题 I realized to myhorror that I had forgotten the present.A:limit B: fear C:power D:fool

考题 I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present.A: limit B: fear C: power D: fool

考题 You think you are one of the high and mighty;remember pride goes before a fall.A:very fast B:very long C:very great D:very strong

考题 __________A.hear B.fear C.dear D.wear

考题 She was awarded the highest()for his contribution to world peaceA、priceB、pressC、prizeD、pride

考题 核医学早期显像的直线扫描机诞生于1951年,发明者是()A、AngerB、FermiC、YalowD、DavidKohlE、Cassen

考题 单选题We take great pride in our campus, _____ is one of the most beautiful university settings in the country.A whereB whichC whatD when