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更多 “单选题_____A civilizationB cultureC writingD book” 相关考题
考题 “Tell the students to stop shouting. We () our essays now.” A.writeB.have been writingC.are writingD.have written

考题 The tutor suggested that I ____some articles on the issue of world peace. A. to writeB. writeC. writingD. have write

考题 He is looking forward( )his thesis. A、to writeB、to writingC、in writingD、on writing

考题 it is important to develop listening skills together with other skills, especially _____________. A. readingB. listeningC. writingD. speaking

考题 The pen ______ smoothly. A was wroteB writesC has writingD is written

考题 Any negative tradition or behavior. that is generally regarded as harmful to social welfare and forbidden within a cultural or social group. A、The definition for tabooB、The definition for cultureC、The definition for customsD、The definition for an individual style

考题 The general manager of the hotel makes a point of explaining ( ) to all new hands.A. hotel's tariffB. hotel's cultureC. hotel's incomeD. business concept

考题 You should practice ________ English.A: to writeB: writeC: writingD: written

考题 She is said ________ a new book about Chinese history.A、to writeB、to have writtenC、writingD、written

考题 I spent two hours ______ my report.A、to writeB、writtenC、writingD、write

考题 假定有“structBOOK{chartitle[40]floatprice}book”,则正确的语句为( )。 A.BOOK&x=&bookB.BOOK&x=bookC.BOOK&x=newBOOKD.BOOK&x=BOOK

考题 假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;} book;”,则正确的语句为()。Astruct BOOK x= book;Bstruct BOOK *x=book;Cstruct BOOK x=calloc(BOOK);Dstruct BOOK *x=BOOK;

考题 假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;}; struct BOOK book;”,则不正确的语句为()。Astruct BOOK *x=malloc(book);Bstruct BOOK x={"C++ Programming",27.0};Cstruct BOOK *x=malloc(sizeof(struct BOOK));Dstruct BOOK *x=book;

考题 下列元素定义中正确的是()。A、book/BookB、BOOK/bookC、book/bookD、Book/bOOK

考题 《书经》(《尚书》)的英文翻译是?( ) A、Book of SongsB、Book of RitesC、Book of ChangeD、Book of Documents

考题 企业营销组合中的4C是指()A、ConsumerB、CultureC、CostD、ConvenieneE、Commnunication

考题 《尚书》在西方被翻译为()。A、Book of SongsB、Book of RitesC、Book of DocumentsD、Book of Change

考题 单选题现有表book,字段:id(int),title(varchar),price(float);其中id字段设为标识,使用insert语句向book表中插入数据,以下语句错误的是()。A insert into book(id,title,price)values(1,’java’,100)B insert into book(title,price)values(’java’,100)C insert into book values(’java’,100)D insert book values(’java’,100)

考题 单选题假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;}; struct BOOK book;”,则不正确的语句为()。A struct BOOK *x=malloc(book);B struct BOOK x={C++ Programming,27.0};C struct BOOK *x=malloc(sizeof(struct BOOK));D struct BOOK *x=book;

考题 单选题假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;} book;”,则正确的语句为()。A struct BOOK x= book;B struct BOOK *x=book;C struct BOOK x=calloc(BOOK);D struct BOOK *x=BOOK;

考题 单选题查询book表中所有书名中包含“计算机”的书籍情况,可用()语句。A SELECT*FROM book WHERE book_nameLIKE‘*计算机*’B SELECT*FROM book WHERE book_nameLIKE‘%计算机%’C SELECT*FROM book WHERE book_name=‘%计算机*’D SELECT*FROM book WHERE book_name=‘*计算机%’

考题 单选题This is ______ , she wrote her name on the first page.A a Sherry’s bookB a book of SherryC a book of Sherry’sD Sherry’s a book

考题 单选题要查询book表中所有书名中以“计算机”开头的书籍的价格,可用()语句。A SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_name=‘计算机*’B SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_nameLIKE‘计算机*’C SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_name=‘计算机%’D SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_nameLIKE‘计算机%’

考题 单选题The reviewer believesA this book will appeal to everyone.B his employees will be interested in this book.C family business owners will like this book.

考题 单选题如果要查询book表中所有书名以“数据库”开头的书籍价格,下列()语句是正确的。A SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_name=“数据库*”B SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_name LIKE“数据库*”C SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_name=“数据库%”D SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_name LIKE“数据库%”

考题 单选题以下选项中正确的语句组是(  )。A char s[]; s=BOOK!;B char*s; s={BOOK!};C char s[10]; s=BOOK!;D char*s; s=BOOK!;

考题 单选题He didn’t buy the book because he was interested in poetry.A He didn’t buy the book because he was not interested in poetry.B He bought the book, but it is not because he was interested in poetry.C He bought the book because he was interested in poetry.D He bought the book because he was not interested in poetry.

考题 单选题假定有“structBOOK{chartitle[40];floatprice;};BOOK*book=newBOOK;”,则正确的语句为()。A strcpy(book-title,”WangTao”)B strcpy(book.title,”WangTao”)C strcpy(*book.title,”WangTao”)D strcpy((*book)-title,”WangTao”)