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In each cylinder cover there are two or three holes for ()

the exhaust valves


the fuel valves


indicator cocks


the fuel pumps


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更多 “单选题In each cylinder cover there are two or three holes for ()A the exhaust valvesB the fuel valvesC indicator cocksD the fuel pumps” 相关考题
考题 Each cylinder is closed at the top by a _____, made of a special heat-resistant steel.A.cylinder linerB.coupling flangeC.cylinder coverD.piston crown

考题 The cylinder cover is not provided with ( )A.fuel valveB.the starting valveC.lubricator

考题 The main factor which determines the output of each cylinder is _____.A.the cylinder weightB.the cylinder boreC.the cylinder lengthD.the cylinder cover

考题 很多船上在每个舱口处都有两个吊杆及两台起货机。()A、Many ships have two derricks at each hatch.B、Many ships have two winches at each hatch.C、Many ships have two derricks and two winches at each hatch.D、Many ships have two derricks and two winches at each hatch cover.

考题 每一个舱盖由两个或更多的盖板组成。()A、Each hatch consists of two panels.B、Each hatch cover consists of two panels.C、Each hatch consists of two or more panels.D、Each hatch cover consists of two or more panels.

考题 述关于枚举类型名的定义中,正确的是()A、enuma={one,two,three};B、enuma{one=9,two=-1,three};C、enuma={"one","two","three"};D、enuma{"one","two","three"}

考题 At a minimum how many NICs must a machine have to host virtual machines?()A、 One NIC will support all virtual machinesB、 One for each virtual machine and one for managementC、 Three for each virtual machineD、 Two for each virtual machine and one for management

考题 单选题In each cylinder cover there are two or three holes for ()A the exhaust valvesB the fuel valvesC indicator cocksD the fuel pumps

考题 单选题A customer has two different applications, each requiring two processors.  They are evaluating the following three alternatives:   1) Two p5-520s each with two processors and 4GB memory   2) One partitioned p5-550 with four processors and 8GB memory   3) One partitioned p5-570 with four processors and 8GB memory   All three solutions will work.  However, when helping the customer decide which solution is best for their environment, the pSeries technical specialist should convey which of the following pieces of information?()A AB BC CD D

考题 单选题Several students were surprised to learn that instructors expect two to three hours of study for each hour _____ in class.A spendingB spentC to spendD to have spent

考题 单选题A practical way of checking for excessive fuel injection in one cylinder of an operating diesel engine is to ()A feel the high pressure fuel lineB check the cylinder exhausts for white smoke frequentlyC check the cylinder exhaust temperatureD isolate each cylinder and inspect the injector

考题 单选题Blow-off of the relief valves of the main cylinders during operation indicates ().A the cylinder cover is crackedB the injector holes is cloggedC the cams are not properly setD fuel pump is leaking

考题 单选题In each cylinder cover is a large central opening for mounting ()A the indicating cockB the starting valveC air inlet valveD the exhaust valve

考题 单选题In order to inspect both piston and cylinder wall thoroughly, the cylinder cover should be taken off and the piston should be ().A craned outB rolled outC lifted outD turned out

考题 单选题Each cover consists of two or ()panels.A twoB oneC moreD much

考题 单选题For Vee-form engines, () is shaped to given two slopping surface on which () are placed at the correct relative angle to each other.A the bottom of the column;the cylinder blocksB the top of the column;the cylinder headsC the top of the column;the cylinder blocksD the bottom of the column;the cylinder heads

考题 单选题The rate of fuel injection in a diesel engine cylinder depends primarily on ().A the size of the holes in the fuel nozzleB timing of the pumpC supply pressure to the pumpD shape of the combustion chamber

考题 单选题The main factor determining the output of each cylinder is the cylinder ().A densityB boreC weightD material

考题 单选题At a minimum how many NICs must a machine have to host virtual machines?()A  One NIC will support all virtual machinesB  One for each virtual machine and one for managementC  Three for each virtual machineD  Two for each virtual machine and one for management

考题 单选题On top of scavenging air box is mounted a strong cast iron frame for each cylinder known as()A cooling jacketB cylinder linerC piston crownD cylinder cover

考题 单选题Each piston stuffing box is provided with two sealing rings and three()A packingsB piston ringsC distributor ringsD scraper rings

考题 单选题On the top of the cylinder is mounted the cylinder cover which is pressed onto () of the cylinder liner by means of nuts and studs.A the camshaftB the flangeC the ridgeD the bulge

考题 单选题What is the minimum standard for making an eye splice in a wire to be used as cargo gear().A Make three tucks with full strands,remove half the wires from each strand,and make two more tucksB Make four tucks in each strand,cut away every other strand,and make two more tucks with each remaining strandC Make four tucks with each full strandD Make six tucks with each strand,removing a few wires from each strand as each additional tuck is made

考题 单选题There is a support ring between the cylinder block and collar of the cylinder liner, thus carrying both the liner and the cylinder coverIt also passes to the cooling bores and to the cover()A cooling waterB cooling oilC refrigerantD lubricate oil

考题 单选题()uses one or two high pressure pumps for all the cylinders with one more standby, while()have a separate high-pressure pump for each cylinder.A A common rail engine;conventional enginesB A conventional engine;common rail enginesC A marine diesel engine;most other enginesD A two-stroke engine;four-stroke engines

考题 单选题You should choose a dentist in ______ the same way as you choose a physician, get the names of two or three dentists from friends and relatives and have a preliminary visit with each.A veryB exactC generallyD much

考题 单选题Each cylinder in a two stroke cycle engine experiences combustion().A once each crankshaft revolutionB twice each crankshaft revolutionC every other crankshaft revolutionD every fourth stroke

考题 单选题In some type of two-stroke engines, besides some small holes for(), starting valve, safety valve, indicator cock, and central opening in each cylinder cover for mounting the()A fuel valves;exhaust valveB exhaust valves;inlet valveC fuel valves;inlet valveD exhaust valves;fuel valve